Collective behaviour
A group s intelligence depends in part on its members ignorance
集体的 智商 部分取决于成员的无知
HUMAN beings like to think of themselves as the animal kingdom s smartest alecks. It maycome as a surprise to some, therefore, that Iain Couzin of Princeton University believes theyhave something to learn from lesser creatures that move about in a large crowd. As he toldthe AAAS meeting in Washington, DC, groups of animals often make what look like wisedecisions, even when most of the members of those groups are ignorant of what is going on.
人类常常自诩为最聪明的动物。事实真的如此吗?美国普林斯顿大学Iain Couzin认为人类需要向其他生物学习,学习他们的集体行为。正如他在华盛顿美国科学促进会的会议上所说,动物群体往往会做出明智的决定,即便群体中的大多对所发生的事情一无所知。
Coming to that conclusion was not easy. Before lessons can be drawn from critters perchedon the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder, their behaviour must first be understood.One way to do this is to tag them with devices that follow them aroundmotion-capturesensors, radio transmitters or global-positioning-system detectors that can put a precisefigure on their movements.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to tag more than a few individuals in a herd, flock orswarm.Researchers have therefore tended to extrapolate from these few results by usingvarious computer models. Dr Couzin has done quite a bit of this himself. Most recently, hehas modelled the behaviour of shoals of fish. He posited that how they swim will depend oneach individual s competing tendencies to stick close to the others while not actually getting too close to any particular other fish. Itturns out that by fiddling with these tendencies, a virtual shoal can be made to swirlspontaneously in a circle, just like some real species do.
不幸的是,要想标记出一大群动物的行为几乎是不可能的。研究人员因此倾向于通过使用各种计算机模型来推断这些鲜为人知的结论。 Couzin博士身先士卒。最近,他用计算机模仿了鱼群的行为。他设想,鱼群的游动主要取决于每条鱼之间的相互挤碰,而实际上并不会挤碰旁边的其他鱼,只是一种趋势而已。事实证明,鱼群内部像这样彼此间的相互挤碰,不自然的就会是鱼群形成螺旋状。
That is a start. But real shoals do not exist to swim in circles. Their purpose is to help theirmembers eat and avoid being eaten. At any one time, however, only some individuals knowaboutand can thus react tofood and threats. Dr Couzin therefore wanted to find out howsuch temporary leaders influence the behaviour of the rest.
表面如此,但是真正的鱼群是不会螺旋状游动的。他们的真正目的其实是相互帮助觅食和躲避掠食者。然而,任何时候只有鱼群中的少数才会会对食物和威胁作出反应。因此,Couzin博士十分想弄明白这些所谓的 领导 是如何影响鱼群的行为的?
He discovered that leadership is extremely efficient. The larger a shoal is, the smaller isthe proportion of it that needs to know what is actually going on for it to feed and avoidpredation effectively. Indeed, having too many leaders with conflicting opinions results inconfusion. At least, that is true in the model. He is now testing it in reality.
Tracking individual fish in a shoal is hard. Fortunately, advances in pattern-recognitionsoftware mean it is no longer impossible. Systems designed to follow people are now cleverenough not only to track a person in a crowd, but also to tell in which direction his head isturned. Since, from above, the oval shape of a human head is not unlike the oblong body of afish, this software can, with a little tweaking, follow piscine antics, too.
Robo fish
Dr Couzin has been using a program developed by Colin Twomey, a graduate student at hislaboratory, to track individual fish in a tank. The result is not just a model of shoaling fish,but a precise numerical representation of their actual movements and fields of vision. Thatmeans it is possible to investigate whether real-life fishy leaders have the same effect on agroup as their virtual kin.
Couzin博士一直在使用研究生科林图梅开发的一个程序,该程序能追踪鱼缸里的鱼的行为。研究结果不仅能反映整个鱼群的活动,并且能用数字精确地表示出鱼群的确切行动和视野。这意味着它可以研究出是否鱼群中的 领导 对整个鱼群有影响。
Alas, merely observing a shoal does not make it clear which individuals lead and whichfollow. Instead, Dr Couzin has built a biddable robot three-spined stickleback. A preliminarystudy of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle withthe robot and that they follow its leadership cues as predicted. He is now making a robotpredator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders.
If the models are anything to go by, the best outcome for the groupin this case, not beingeatenseems to depend on most members being blissfully unaware of the world outsidethe shoal and simply taking their cue from others. This phenomenon, Dr Couzin argues,applies to all manner of organisms, from individual cells in a tissue to voters in the democratic process. His team has already begun probing the question ofvoting patterns. But is ignorance really political bliss? Dr Couzin s models do not yetcapture what happens when the leaders themselves turn out to be sharks.
如果这些模型能够说明问题,要得出最好的结果没有被吃掉,似乎取决于鱼群中的大多数对周围所发生的情况一无所知,而只是默默地接受其他鱼的暗示。这种现象,Couzin博士认为在所有生物体中都存在,无论是单个细胞生命,还是在民主进程中的选民。博士的研究小组已经着手开始使用这一成果来研究投票形式的问题了,可是,无知真的会带来政治上的福音吗?Couzin博士的模型没能证明,如果鱼群中的 领导 变成鲨鱼会怎样?
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