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(江西)2017届高三英语三轮专项冲刺之专题检测卷15 完形填空1

发布时间:2017-04-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (2017·大庆模拟) 体裁 记叙文话题 购物词数 382I still remember the summer when I was with my aunt at the age of seven. One day, she asked me to go to Miss Bee’s store with a 1 . How could I find anything on the 2 shelves around me?

  I walked up to the counter,  3 up the list, and told the lady behind it I needed those. “So? Go to get them. ”She 4 to a sign on the door. “There’s no one here except you and me and I’m not your servant.  5 yourself a basket and start filling. ”

  The store was a 6 . I searched shelf after shelf and when I finally 7 it, I was exhausted and it was already sundown.

  I visited Miss Bee’s,  8 with my list, twice a week that summer. Sometimes she short-charged me. Other times she overcharged 9 sold me an old newspaper instead of one that was current. Going to the store was more like going into 10 . Every time I told her that she had overcharged, she just looked at me 11 her glasses and fixed the price. The moment I remembered the location of an item, Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made me 12 for it all over again. By summer’s end the shopping trip that had 13 taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes.

  On my last trip to the store, Miss Bee asked: “What did you 14 this summer? ”I pressed my lips together. To my 15 , Miss Bee laughed. “I know what you think of me. But I am 16 to teach every child some life lessons. When you grow up you’ll be glad our paths 17 ! ”Glad I met Miss Bee? I thought it a stupid 18 until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles. “If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself? ”I said. Suddenly, I was back at Miss Bee’s store and realized that she had really taught me 19 . Now it is my turn to share some 20 lessons as Miss Bee did years ago.

  1. A. basketB. purseC. paper-bag D. list

  2. A. broken

  B. fastened

  C. packed

  D. locked

  3. A. holding

  B. showing

  C. throwing

  D. bringing

  4. A. looked

  B. led

  C. pointed

  D. directed

  5. A. Get

  B. Prepare

  C. Purchase

  D. Enjoy

  6. A. circus

  B. puzzle

  C. palace

  D. shelter

  7. A. carried

  B. made

  C. collected

  D. chose

  8. A. supported

  B. convinced

  C. attached

  D. armed

  9. A. so

  B. or

  C. for

  D. but

  10. A. battle

  B. bargain

  C. match

  D. discussion

  11. A. in

  B. across

  C. beyond

  D. over

  12. A. pay

  B. hunt

  C. head

  D. wait

  13. A. at one time

  B. in time

  C. in no time

  D. on time

  14. A. buy

  B. find

  C. lose

  D. learn

  15. A. amusement

  B. disappointment C. amazement

  D. excitement

  16. A. anxious

  B. willing

  C. serious

  D. curious

  17. A. separated

  B. shaped

  C. crossed

  D. returned

  18. A. feeling

  B. reply

  C. mistake

  D. idea

  19. A. something

  B. nothing

  C. anything

  D. everything

  20. A. service

  B. family

  C. life

  D. work



  1. 每次我去那儿, 我都给他买些好看的东西。 (every time)

  2. 他一到这个国家就开始了他的探寻工作。 (the moment)

  3. 我们用洋油的日子一去不复返了。 (when)

  4. 人们穿着19世纪的服装在街上走来走去。 (现在分词短语作方式状语)


  (2017·西安模拟) 体裁 夹叙夹议文 话题 英语学习词数 245Many language learners think their pronunciation is good enough because their teacher doesn’t correct them too often or because other students can 1 them.

  Pronunciation is the area which is 2 the least attention to in language learning. Most teachers 3 just let their students speak and stop them 4 they say something completely wrong. Working on each student’s pronunciation in class is just 5 . Also, the students who are 6 at pronunciation may be afraid that it will embarrass their classmates if they help 7 their mistakes.

  If you believe your pronunciation is good enough to 8 because it is good enough for your teacher and other students, you may be 9 when you actually go to a foreign country. One of my friends was the best student in his 10 class in Poland. When he went to America, he found Americans didn’t understand 11 of what he said.

  Your pronunciation may still be quite 12 that of a native speaker. If this is the 13 , other people will find it 14 to understand what you’re saying and will not be comfortable with you.

   15 , don’t think you can communicate in a foreign language 16 you’ve tested your skills on real native speakers.  17 for native or near-native pronunciation so that people you talk to can communicate with you 18 . In order to achieve this goal, there’s 19 that you will need to start thinking about pronunciation and 20 time on it.

  1. A. mistake B. watch

  C. surround

  D. understand

  2. A. fixed

  B. drawn

  C. paid

  D. called

  3. A. never

  B. ever

  C. even

  D. usually

  4. A. only if

  B. if only

  C. even if

  D. if ever

  5. A. fantastic

  B. impossible

  C. necessary

  D. important

  6. A. poor

  B. well

  C. good

  D. strict

  7. A. find out

  B. work out

  C. try out

  D. point out

  8. A. communicate B. travel

  C. pronounce

  D. exchange

  9. A. happy

  B. disappointed C. surprised

  D. excited

  10. A. Polish

  B. French

  C. German

  D. English

  11. A. none

  B. half

  C. rest

  D. lot

  12. A. near to

  B. different from C. far from

  D. from far

  13. A. same

  B. matter

  C. case

  D. fact

  14. A. easy

  B. beneficial

  C. convenient

  D. hard

  15. A. In conclusion B. In a word

  C. On the contrary

  D. In short

  16. A. when

  B. until

  C. unless

  D. while

  17. A. Stand

  B. Look

  C. Aim

  D. Account

  18. A. smoothly

  B. difficultly

  C. truly

  D. practically

  19. A. no way

  B. no need

  C. no doubt

  D. no wonder

  20. A. take

  B. cost

  C. spend

  D. kill



  1. 请你保持安静好吗?

  (be good enough)

  Would you?

  2. 别担心我会试图逃跑。 (be afraid that. . . )

  I will try to escape.

  3. 他攒了不少钱, 足以舒服地过日子。 (so that)

  He had saved money enough.

  4. 为了及时赶上会议, 他跑得很快。 (in order to)

  he runs very fast.



  【文章大意】作者七岁时的暑假和姑姑在一起。一天姑姑要求作者带着购物单去Miss Bee的商店购物。商店里货架很多, 作者想让Miss Bee拿商品, 但Miss Bee却告诉他自己取个篮子去装。在最后一次购物时, Miss Bee告诉他说她是想教给他一些生活的东西, 直到有一天女儿来问他作业他才意识到Miss Bee的做法是对的。

  1. 【解析】选D。考查词语复现。根据下文I walked up to the counter, up the list, and told the lady behind it I needed those. 可知。

  2. 【解析】选C。考查背景常识。既然去商店购物, 所以货架应该很多, 故用packed。packed塞满的; broken破碎的; fastened固定的; locked锁着的。

  3. 【解析】选A。考查前后照应。由上文One day, she asked me to go to Miss Bee’s store with a. 可知应该是举起购物单。hold up举起; show up出现; throw up放弃, 呕吐; bring up抚养。

  4. 【解析】选C。考查词义辨析。她指了指门上的牌子。point to指向; look to留神; lead to导致; direct to指示去。

  5. 【解析】选A。考查前后照应。根据后半句and start filling可知那位女士想让作者自己拿篮子。

  6. 【解析】选B。考查前后照应。由下文I searched shelf after shelf and when I finallyit, I was exhausted and it was already sundown. 可知作者觉得这个商店是个谜一般的事物。puzzle谜一般的事物; circus马戏团; palace宫殿; shelter避难所。

  7. 【解析】选B。考查固定搭配。作者一个架子一个架子地寻找所要购买的东西, 当他最后成功地买齐后, 筋疲力尽, 太阳已经落山了。make it成功, 为固定搭配。

  8. 【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。那个夏天作者一周两次带着购物单光顾Miss Bee的商店。armed with带着, 其他动词均不能和with搭配。

  9. 【解析】选B。考查语法结构。前后两个动词为选择关系, 故用or; so表示结果; for表示原因; but表示转折。

  10. 【解析】选A。考查前后照应。根据上文Sometimes she short-charged me. Other times she overchargedsold me an old newspaper instead of one that was current. 可知作者认为去她那儿购物更像打仗。

  11. 【解析】选D。考查词义辨析。in在……里; across穿过; beyond超越; over通过。由后面的her glasses可知选D。

  12. 【解析】选B。考查词语复现。根据上文I searched shelf after shelf and when I finallyit, I was exhausted and it was already sundown. 可知。hunt for寻找; pay for为……付款; head for动身前往; wait for等待。

  13. 【解析】选A。考查前后照应。由后面的in 15 minutes可知。at one time一度; in time及时; in no time立刻; on time准时。

  14. 【解析】选D。考查词语复现。由下文I know what you think of me. But I amto teach every child some life lessons. 中的teach可知用learn。

  15. 【解析】选C。考查前后照应。Miss Bee问作者学到了什么, 而作者双唇紧闭。她却笑了, 这应该令人惊讶。amazement惊讶; amusement娱乐; disappointment失望; excitement兴奋。

  16. 【解析】选B。考查词义辨析。willing乐意的; anxious焦急的; serious严肃的; curious好奇的。

  17. 【解析】选C。考查前后照应。由下文Glad I met Miss Bee? 可知。cross相交; separate分开; shape成形; return回来。

  18. 【解析】选D。考查词义辨析。作者认为这是愚蠢的想法。idea想法; feeling感情; reply回答; mistake错误。

  19. 【解析】选A。考查前后照应。根据上文“If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself? ”I said. 可知作者意识到Miss Bee教给他一些重要的事。something重要的事; nothing无关紧要的事; anything任何东西; everything所有的事情。

  20. 【解析】选C。考查词语复现。根据上文But I amto teach every child some life lessons. 可知。


  1. Every time I go there, I will buy him something nice.

  2. The moment he reached the country, he began his search.

  3. The days when we used foreign oil are gone.

  4. People walk around wearing nineteenth-century clothes.


  【文章大意】本文主要谈论和分析了英语学习中发音的一些问题, 并针对这些问题给出了具体的建议与指导。英语学习者应重视发音, 并多与以英语为母语的人进行交流, 这样才能真正学好英语 (发音) 。

  1. 【解析】选D。词语辨析题。很多语言学习者认为他们的发音已经足够好了, 因为老师不经常纠正他们, 或其他同学能够听懂他们所说的话。mistake弄错; watch观看; surround包围; understand理解, 明白。

  2. 【解析】选C。习语搭配题。此句是本段的主题句, 发音是在英语学习中被最少关注的一个方面/领域。pay attention to关注, 符合语境和搭配。fix one’s attention on/upon. . . 留意, 专心于 (其中介词为on/upon) ; draw/call one’s attention to引起某人对……的注意, 不合语境。

  3. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。从下文可知, 多数老师通常会让学生继续说下去, 只有当他们说的完全错了才会让他们停下来。这是多数老师通常的做法, 故用usually。

  4. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。只有当他们说的完全错了才会让他们停下来。only if只有当…… (的时候) ; if only但愿, 要是……多好; even if即使; if ever如果有过的话 (如果发生过的话) 。从语境看, 只有only if合适。

  5. 【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。该句和下句Also, . . . 是对上面那句话的解释。其一是在课堂上纠正每个学生的发音是不可能的 (impossible) 。另外, 发音好的学生可能担心如果指出这些同学的发音错误会让他们难堪。这是从老师和学生的角度分别对上面的情况进行解释。

  6. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。从it will embarrass their classmates if they. . . 来看, 这里是指发音好的同学的担心。be good at在……方面好, 擅长……。

  7. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。判断if they help. . . 中they指代“谁”是做此题的关键。从语境知, 这里的they指代的是the students who are good at pronunciation, 因此, “他们”应该是“指出”同学们的错误, 故用point out (指出) 。find out找出, 查明; work out算出, 解决; try out试验。

  8. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。从下文可判断, 此处说的是“因为对老师和别的学生来说你的发音足够好, 你就相信你的发音足够好而能够进行交流 (communicate) 的话, 当你真正到了国外你也许会感到很吃惊”。本文谈论的主题是“发音”问题, 与此相关应是用语言进行“交流”, 因此不能选择travel (背离了主题) , 下文举例也说明了这一点。

  9. 【解析】选C。词语辨析题。那么当你真正到了国外你也许会感到很吃惊。

  10. 【解析】选D。背景常识题。下文谈到他到了美国, 结合常识可判断, 在波兰时他是“英语”课上 (英语) 最好的学生。

  11. 【解析】选B。词语辨析题。当他到美国时, 他说的话美国人听懂不到一半。none不能用在否定句中; rest常与the连用, 构成the rest, 即使加上the, 此处也不对, 因前面没有提到他说的话的一部分; lot也不能用, 应该为a lot或lots才对。

  12. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。你的发音也许仍然与生来就说英语的人的发音差别很大。far from远离……, 远非……,这里指差别很大 (暗含还能听懂一部分) 。different from与……不同; quite different from与……完全不同, 不符合语境。

  13. 【解析】选C。习语搭配题。if this is the case是常用语, 意为“要是这样, 如果这样的话”。

  14. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。要是这样的话 (指的是你的发音与生来就说英语的人的发音差别很大) , 别人将会发现听懂你说的话“很难” (hard) , 并非“容易”、“有利”或“方便”。

  15. 【解析】选A。词语辨析题。这是作者根据学生的常见问题最后提一点建议, 并非作总结, 故不能选择in a word, in short。in conclusion在此相当于finally。

  16. 【解析】选B。语法结构题。not. . . until. . . 为常见句型, 意为“直到……才……”。

  17. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。从下文的In order to achieve this goal得到暗示。以母语或以接近母语的发音为目标, 这样就会自如地和与你交谈的人交流了。aim for瞄准, 以……为目标。stand for代表; look for寻找; account for解释……的原因。

  18. 【解析】选A。背景常识题。以母语或以接近母语的发音为目标, 目的就是为了能与人自如地交流。smoothly顺畅地, 流利地。

  19. 【解析】选C。语法结构题。There’s no doubt that. . . 毫无疑问……。为了实现上述目标, 毫无疑问你需要开始思考发音问题, 并在上面花些时间。no way决不; no need没有必要; no wonder难怪。

  20. 【解析】选C。习语搭配题。spend. . . on. . . “在……上花费时间”, 符合搭配和语境。kill time也能搭配, 但通常表示“消磨时光”; take time的主语往往是“事物”, 不是“人”。


  1. be good enough to keep silent?

  2. Don’t be afraid that

  3. so that he could live in comfort

  4. In order to catch up with the meeting in time


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