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发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  三、结尾 参考句式: 1.In a word, we must eat healthily and take more exercise to keep fit. 2.In short, if we want to keep fit, we must have a good habit and do more physical exercise. 3.As is said above, the healthier we eat, the fitter we will be. 可用来表示总结的短语: in a word, in short, in conclusion, all in all等。 【范文点评】 How to Be Healthy? ①Today, with the fast pace of life and work, people like eating all kinds of fast food.Besides, the convenient vehicles make people keep away from walking.②Because of these,more and more people are confronted with the threat of sub­health, for example, some can’t sleep well, some are always feeling tired and so on. ③But how can we change these and keep fit? ④First, I think a healthy balanced diet is very important for everyone.Less meat, fatty and fast food, more vegetables and enough fruit are good for our health.⑤Only when we are in a hurry can we have some junk food, but not often.Second,we should take enough exercise because exercise can keep us energetic all the time. ⑥In a word, the better we get into good eating habits and the more we take exercise, the healthier our bodies will be.

  D.come true 解析:选D。句意为:充分利用自然资源的愿望最终会实现的。come into being形成;come into effect生效;come into power上台;come true变成现实。 即境活用 10hold up  举起;使耽搁,推迟,阻延 (回归课本P8)She became quite famous when she invented a new way of holding up suspension bridges during the building process. 当她发明了一种新方法去支撑建设中的吊桥时她变得非常出名。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(朗文P729)The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. 新公路的建造由于天气不好而耽搁下来了。 ②(朗文P729)The criminals held up the train/the bank and took all the money. 罪犯抢劫了火车(银行),拿走了所有的钱财。 ③(朗文P728)They built banks of earth to hold back the rising flood waters. 他们筑堤阻挡上涨的洪水。 ④(朗文P729)She managed to hold onto her job when several of her colleagues lost theirs. 当她的几名同事已经丢了饭碗时,她仍设法保住了自己的职位。 10.(2011年杭州模拟)What a pity!I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was________in the traffic jam. A.broken up 

  B.kept away C.held up

  D.kept up 解析:选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:真可惜!因为拥挤的交通阻碍了我的车,我在机场没接到老板。break up破裂;keep away远离;hold up延迟;keep up 保持。 即境活用 11count on/upon  依靠,指望,信赖 (回归课本P8)Her father thought he was admirable because he built bridges you can really count on. 她的父亲认为他受到人们的羡慕是因为他修建了你真正可以依赖的桥。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①The cow was the only thing they could count on for money. 他们全靠那头牛赚钱。 ②(朗文P496)We are all counting on winning this contract. 我们都指望争取到这份合同。 11.We are short of money,so every coin ________ now. A.counts 

  B.values C.worths

  D.prices 解析:选A。count算数、有价值、有重要性;value珍惜。“Every coin counts.”意为:每一分都很重要。 即境活用 12figure out  理解,弄明白,想出;计算出 (回归课本P8)So they figured out a way to change it. 所以他们想出一个方法去改变它。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①I can’t figure out what he’s trying to say. 我弄不懂他想说什么。 ②(牛津P750)I hadn’t figured on getting home so late. 我没有估计到这么晚才回到家。 ③(网络)If you figure up the total,I’ll pay you. 你算出账目总额我就付钱给你。 12.Sam couldn’t ________how to print out the document until the teacher showed it to him. A.go through B.figure out C.come up

  D.get over 解析:选B。句意:直到老师告诉萨姆,他才知道怎么印刷这个文件。figure out“知道,弄明白,想出”。 即境活用 1【教材原句】 It was the first time Helen had understood such a complex word...(P11) 这是海伦第一次理解这样复杂的词…… 句型巧析 【句法分析】 It(This/That)is/was the first/ second...time(次数)/year/day that sb.have/has/had done sth.表示“是某人第……次/年/天做某事”。当主句用一般现在时时,that从句中的谓语用现在完成时;当主句用一般过去时时,that从句中的谓语用过去完成时,并且在口语和非正式文体中that还可以省略。 ①It is the first time that he has been praised by his teachers. 这是他第一次受到老师们的表扬。 ②That was the second time that he had been punished because he drove after drinking. 那是他第二次由于酒后驾驶受罚。 13.________I wrote a little poem,I confidently placed it right on my father’s plate on the dining room table. A.The first time 

  B.At first C.It was the first time

  D.For the first time 解析:选A。通过分析句子结构可知,空缺处必须是一个连词连接从句,只有A项合适。句意:我第一次写了一首小诗时,我就很有信心地把它放在餐桌上我爸爸的盘子里了。 即境活用 2【教材原句】 Now

  that Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could.(P11) 既然海伦理解了语言之谜,她非常渴望学习更多的词语,并且尽可能多地使用它们。 【句法分析】 now that“既然,由于”,是连词词组,可以引导原因状语从句,口语中that常可省略。 (1)其他引导原因状语从句的连词: because因为(语气较重,常用于回答提问) since因为,既然,由于(可与now that互换) as因为,由于(语气较弱) for因为(并列连词,引导一个分句,不能置于句首,表示进一步补充说明) (2)表示原因的其他短语: due to由于,因为 because of因为(在句中作状语或表语) on account of由于,因为 owing to由于,因为 thanks to由于,多亏(在句中作表语或状语) ①(朗文P1027)Now(that)John’s arrived,we can begin. 既然约翰来了,我们就可以开始了。 ②(朗文P110)“Why can’t I go?”“Because you’re too young.” “为什么我不能去?”“因为你太年轻了。” ③(朗文P1423)Since you can’t answer the question,perhaps we’d better ask someone else. 既然你不能回答这个问题,我们也许该问问别人。 ④(朗文P68)As she has no car,she can’t get there easily. 她因为没有汽车,去那里很不容易。

  14.______ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. A.SinceB.Unless C.As

  D.Although 解析:选D。从四个选项的意思和引导的从句的前后关系来看,只有although符合本题。 即境活用 知能强化训练 写作技能培训 议论文 【体裁导航】 写议论文要注意三个问题: 1.议论文要有论点、论据和论证三个环节(即三个要素),并在论证的过程中,让阅卷老师充分感受到你的英语水平。 2.议论文的时态比较灵活,应根据具体内容使用正确的时态。 3.英语的议论文受篇幅限制,短文开头就应提出论点。 杂议短评类的议论文,就是指通过语言或文字,对某一现象进行议论,或对所读的材料进行评析,并通过议论,从而提出自己独到见解的分析文章。也就是我们平常所说的“小论文”。 杂议和短评本身并无实质性的区别,只是其范畴有时可能存在一定的差异而已。例如,某年的上海高考英语题,就曾要求对孩子被溺爱的现象进行杂议或短评。近几年北京的开放作文,也多属杂议或短评类的一种书面表达形式。 【写作示例】 健康是福。但是随着人们生活水平的提高,生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人喜欢吃形形色色的简单快捷的包装食品;交通工具的改进也使得人们越来越缺少必需的体力运动。所以出现了很多的“亚健康(sub­health)”人群。请你以“How to Be Healthy?”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文,就此事发表一下你的看法。 【写作要领】 一、审题要点: 1.体裁:议论文; 2.时态:一般现在时; 3.人称:第一人称。 二、内容要点: 1.描述出目前存在的问题:食物方面:吃快餐;运动方面:缺乏体力运动; 2.这些问题造成的后果:亚健康(描述一些症状); 3.提出自己的建议:多吃健康的食品,多运动等。 【金点模板】 一、开头 参考句式: 1.Nowadays, because of the fast pace of life, more and more people like eating fast food. 2.Today, people are busy with their work, so they always eat some fast food. 3.In order to save time, many people like eating fast food. 4.Because of the fast pace of life, people have to eat more fast food and have no time to take exercise. 二、主体 参考句式: 1.How can we keep fit? 2.What is the good way to keep fit? 3.We must pay attention to our health. 4.First we should ...and then we should ... 5.The most important thing is ... 6.It is good for us to... 为使各项内容衔接自然,可以适当添加过渡词语。如: firstly, secondly, thirdly ... on one hand ...on the other hand ... when, while, as ... but, however ... because, so, as a result ... ①(牛津P927)I hope nothing has happened to them. ②The party took

  place on last Sunday. ③(朗文P1576)It never seems to occur to my children to contact me. 3.(2011年余杭模拟)It suddenly ________ to me that we could use the computer to do the job. A.struck B.occurred C.happened

  D.saw 解析:选B。It occurred to sb.that...某人突然想起……;It strikes sb.使某人想起;而happen,see无此用法。 即境活用 4 gather v.聚集 (回归课本P6)As you walk,you will pass people gathered together for protection in their last hours of life. 当你走过的时候,你会经过一些在最后的日子里为寻求保护而聚集到一起的人们。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①He was busy gathering information about birds. 他在忙于搜集有关鸟类的资料。 ②The whole family gathered together at Ray’s home. 全家人聚集在雷的家中。 ③Similarly,the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering. 相似的,低头垂尾表明了在动物聚会上甘当第二的意愿。 4.翻译出画线部分在句子中的含义 (1)The kids were gathered

  together in one room. () 答案:聚在一起 (2)I waited while he gathered

  up his papers.() 答案:整理,归拢 (3)The family often go to the countryside to gather wild flowers.() 答案:采集 即境活用 (4)It was late August and the harvest had been safely gathered in.() 答案:收割 (5)The truck gathered speed.() 答案:加速 (6)She was still trying to gather her thoughts together when the door opened.() 答案:集中精神 5burst vi.& vt. (使)爆裂/胀破;打开;突然(进入某一状态) (回归课本P7)The building exploded because a gas pipe had burst. 由于煤气管道爆裂,那座建筑物爆炸了。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(2010年高考湖南卷)Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. 辛迪重重地关上门并且眼泪夺眶而出。 ②Her door burst open,and Mrs.Smith burst in. 她的门突然开了,史密斯太太冲了进来。 ③After ten days of rain the river burst its banks. 下了十天雨后河堤决口了。 ④We all burst out laughing at the expression on her face. 看到她脸上的表情,我们都大笑起来。 5.Don’t put too many apples in that bag,or it will ________. A.fail 

   B.explode C.crack

  D.burst 解析:选D。burst意为“爆裂,胀开”,如:burst one’s clothes撑破衣服;fail意为“没有;失败”;explode意为“爆炸;爆破”,指用炸药;crack意为“裂开;断裂;破裂”。 即境活用 6discourage vt. 使泄气,使灰心;使丧失信心;使打消做……的念头;反对,劝阻(某种行动) (回归课本P132)...she was also discouraged because she missed her home in northern England... ……她也同样感到灰心,因为她想念在北爱尔兰的家…… 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(朗文P420)If you fail your driving test the first time,don’t let it discourage you/don’t be discouraged. 如果你考驾驶执照第一次没有通过,别因此而泄气。 ②(朗文P420)We discourage smoking in this school. 反对在校内吸烟。 ③(朗文P420)The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade. 恶劣的天气阻挠了人们去参加游行。 6.用discourage的适当形式填空 (1)To my ________,I failed in the driving test again. 答案:discouragement (2)I feel ________ at the worldwide financial crisis,especially the ________ situation in America. 答案:discouraged;discouraging 即境活用 7expand v. 扩大,增加,膨胀;扩展(业务);详述,详细阐明 (回归课本P11)As Helen’s knowledge and vocabulary expanded,she asked more and more questions. 随着海伦知识的扩充和词汇的增加,她问了越来越多的问题。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(2010年高考湖北卷)...the goal of reading is to gain knowledge and expand one’s view. ……读书的目的是获取知识和开阔眼界。 ②Could you expand on that point,please? 请你把这一点详细说明一下好吗? 易混 辨析 expand,extend,spread (1)expand(使)(尺寸、数字或数量等)扩大,增加(活动量),扩大(活动范围)。 (2)extend延伸,延长(建筑或道路、时间等),扩大(控制、影响力等),伸展(手臂、腿等)。 (3)spread把(物)铺开、张开,(疾病、感情、问题或火等)蔓延,(消息、思想等)流传,传播,扩展(使能覆盖大的面积),张开(手臂、双腿等)。 高效记忆 ①(牛津P698)We’ve expanded the business by opening two more stores. ②(牛津P1948)The bird spread its wings. ③(牛津P706)Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car by several years. 7.—What’s the situation of the forest fire? —The firefighters are trying to put it out.It ________ over the mountain for two days. A.was spreading

  B.has spread C.has been spread

  D.has been spreading 解析:选D。spread表示“蔓延”时为不及物动词,不能用被动语态,而且根据句意可以知道这一动作一直在持续,到目前还没有完成,所以用现在完成进行时。 即境活用 8on one’s side 侧身 (回归课本P6)Another man,lying on his side, looks as if he is trying to get up. 躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好像在试图站立起来。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①Write your name on the side of the box. 把你的名字写在盒子的侧面。 ②There is a scratch on the side of my car. 我的汽车侧面有一道划痕。 8.完成句子 (1)He was lying ________ ________ ________

  (侧卧). 答案:on his side (2)Now lay the jar ________ ________ ________ (侧面). 答案:on the side 即境活用 9come into view 出现;映入眼帘 (回归课本P132)Suddenly,the spaceship slowed down and immediately the system came into view... 突然,太空船放慢速度,星系马上出现在眼前…… 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①As we turned the corner,the town came into view. 我们一拐过弯就看见那城镇了。 ②The new law comes into effect next month. 新的法律下个月生效。 ③After Obama came into power,more Americans have confidence in government. 奥巴马上台执政后,更多美国人对政府有了信心。 【温馨提示】 这种类型的短语无被动语态。 Unit 16 Stories 故事

  写作技能培训 Unit

  16 基础知识自采 重点难点研析 知能强化训练 基础知识自采 核心词汇 1.The broken bike was found a____________by the river side. 2.We have taken effective measures to p____________our natural resources. 3.It never____________(想到)to me that he might be in trouble. 4.We had ____________(严格的;细致的) orders to come home by nine o’clock. 5.He has sent me most ____________(贵重的) gifts. 6.He is thinking of____________(扩大)his business. 7.It was a ____________(错综复杂的) problem. 8.It was ____________(显然的)that he was in no condition to travel. 9.She had some f____________idea that I was poisoning her. 10.Urban inhabitants have to live with the____________(特有的)noises of cities. 11.We ____________(同情)with our classmate whose mother was very ill. 12.The ____________(重要的)proposals they put forward at the meeting were thought of little____________(重要的)by some people. 13.It is____________(不正常的)for a man to walk in his sleep. 14.The swimming club is____________to nobody,which is open to families in the neighborhood without ____________.(restrict) 15.I find his rudeness____________(令人不能容忍的). 1.abandoned 2.preserve 3.occurred

  4.precise 5.precious 6.expanding 7.complex

  8.apparent 9.fantastic 10.characteristic 11.sympathized 12.significant;significance 13.abnormal 14.restricted;restriction 15.unbearable 高频短语 1.________________出现 2.________________

  撞倒某人 3.________________

  堵住 4.________________

  从某种程度上说 5.________________

  侧身 6.________________

  断绝关系,分成小部分 7.________________

  以……命名 8.________________

  偶然遇见 9.________________

  支撑起 10.________________

  依靠 11.________________

  理解 12.________________

  以……结束,以……告终 13.________________

  容忍,忍受 14.________________

  特别,尤其 15.________________

  既然,由于 16.________________

  查阅;提到;涉及;提交 17.________________

  另一方面 1.come into view 2.knock sb.over 3.block out 4.in a way 5.on one’s side 6.split up 7.name...after 8.come across 9.hold up 10.count on  11.figure out 12.end up 13.put up with 14.in particular 15.now that 16.refer to 17.on the other hand 重点句式 1.Pliny described a cloud____________the mountain,___________the sun and_________ everything____________,____________whole villages and towns. 普利尼描述道,一团云自山巅而降,遮天蔽日,将所经之处的一切,包括一座座村庄和城镇统统吞没。 2.This particularly sad event________________ Pliny who had lost an uncle in the eruption. 这场灾难给普利尼留下深刻的印象,他的一位叔叔在灾难中丧生。 3._____________,Pompeii is like a “time capsule” ___________a frozen moment in history. 从某种程度上说,庞培古城就像一个把历史上一个僵住的时刻保存下来的时间舱。

  4.However,________________buildings and objects,________________the forms of the people ___________ the disaster ___________

  have made the city a monument to human history. 然而,远远不只是这个城市的建筑物和物体,更主要的是突然遭遇大灾难的人们的样子使得这个城市成为人类历史的纪念馆。 5.Another man,________________,looks ________________he is trying to get up. 躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好像在试图站立起来。 6.________________Helen understood the key to language,she________________learn more and use it____________________. 既然海伦理解了语言之谜,她非常渴望学习更多的词语并且尽可能多地使用它们。 7.________________how to fix them,she stopped to think carefully. 不确定如何去补救,她停下来认真思考。 8.______________Helen_______________such a complex word—a word for something she couldn’t touch.  这是海伦第一次理解这样复杂的词——是她用触摸的方式不能感知的。 1.coming down;blocking out;burying;in its path;including 2.left a deep impression on 3.In a way;preserving

  4.much more than;it is;who were caught in;that 5.lying on his side;as if 6.Now that;was very eager to ;as much as she could 7.Uncertain about 8.It was the first time;had understood 重点难点研析 词汇精研 1abandon vt. 抛弃,遗弃,离弃;放弃;中止 (回归课本P132)It looked abandoned. 它看起来像被遗弃了。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(2010年高考北京卷)People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal.人们找各种理由遗弃动物。 ②(朗文P1)He abandoned his wife and children. 他遗弃了妻子和儿女。 ③(朗文P1)The bad weather forced them to abandon their search. 恶劣的天气迫使他们中止了搜寻工作。 【温馨提示】 该词易和abundant混淆。abundant adj.大量的,充裕的。使用时一定要注意拼写。 1.完成句子 (1)As is often the case,there are a few husbands who will ________ ________ ________(抛弃妻子)after they become rich. 答案:abandon their wives (2)The disappointed old man________ ________ ________ ________(陷入绝望). 答案:abandoned himself to despair 即境活用 2witness 

  vt.& vi. 亲见,目击;作证;为……作证

  n. 见证人,目击者 (回归课本P6)...a Roman writer called Pliny wrote about a terrible volcanic eruption that he had witnessed as a young man. ……一个叫普利尼的罗马作家写了一次他年轻时目击的一场恐怖的火山喷发。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(2010年高考福建卷)Businesses are witnessing a difficult time,which has in turn produced influence on consumers’ desire to go green. 企业见证了困难时期,这反过来也影响着消费者使用绿色产品的欲望。 ②The successful launch of Shenzhou Ⅶ is a powerful witness to our country’s increasing prosperity. “神舟”七号的成功发射是我们伟大祖国日益强盛的有力见证。 2.翻译句子 (1)我们所有人都见证了社会的飞速发展。 _______________________________________ 答案:All of us witnessed the fast­developing society. 即境活用 (2)你真的亲眼目睹了十字路口那场车祸吗? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 答案:Did you really witness the accident at the crossroad? (3)没有人是这个谋杀案的证人。 __________________________________________ 答案:There was no witness of this murder case. 3 occur vi. 发生;出现;想出 (回归课本P6)The eruption had occurred on

  August 24th,79 AD. 这次喷发发生在公元79年的8月24日。 归纳拓展

  sth.occurs某事发生/出现 sth.occurs to sb.某人突然想到某事 it occurs/occurred to sb.to do sth.某人突然想到要做某事 it occurs/occurred to sb.that... ……的念头/想法出现在某人的头脑里 例句探源 ①(网络)It never occurred to him that he would make such a great success in teaching career. 他从来没有想到他会在教学事业中获得如此巨大的成功。 ②A good idea occurred to me. 我想起一个好主意。 易混辨析 occur,happen,take place (1)occur表示“发生”时,是相当正式的用语,且很少用于口语,用于指具体事物时可与happen互换(但happen后接不定式时,不能与occur互换)。 (2)happen为普通用词,用来表示事情和过程的发生,用happen to sb.表示(非计划中的)某事发生在某人身上。 (3)take place常指有计划或有安排的事情发生。


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