Introduction:Who is the Lord Jesus Maybe you have heard what others have said about Him, but what do YOU really think about JesusBody:Even after following the Lord Jesus closely for three years, still some of His disciples werent sure about the Lord Jesus. One day Jesus asked them, Whom do people say that I am? They answered, Some say You are John the Baptist; and others say You are Elijah or Jeremiah, or one of the other prophets. Boys and girls, you will remember from our last lesson that Elijah had gone to Heaven in a whirlwind. Now the Lord Jesus was on earth about 900 years later, but people thought perhaps Jesus was Elijah come back to life. Of course Jesus was NOT Elijah or any of the other prophets.
主耶稣是谁呢?或许你听别人提起过他。但是你心里究竟认为他是谁呢?耶稣的门徒们在跟随耶稣三年以后, 有一些还是不确定主耶稣是谁。有一天耶稣问他们人说我人子是谁?他们回答说, 有人说是施洗的约翰, 有人说是以利亚, 又有人说是耶利米, 或是先知里的一位。小朋友们, 你记得上一课我们讲到以利亚坐著旋风上了天堂。主耶稣来到这个世上的时候, 那已经是900年以后了。但是, 那些人仍然以为主耶稣就是以利亚重新回到这个世上。当然, 主耶稣不是以利亚, 也不是任何一个先知。
Then Jesus asked His disciples, Whom do you say that I am? That was a harder question for most of the disciples to answer! But Matthew 17:16 tells us Peter boldly answered, You are the Christ, the son of the living God. Was Peter right?Yes! Jesus told them that the Father in heaven had revealed that answer to Peter, for Jesus is indeed the Son of God!
然后耶稣问他的门徒们:你们说我是谁?对于门徒来说, 这是一个困难的问题。但是马太福音17:16告诉我们, 彼得大胆地说:你是基督, 是永生神的儿子。 彼得回答对了吗?对了!耶稣告诉他们, 是天上的父将这个答案启示给彼得的, 因为耶稣基督就是神的儿子。
Main Truth:If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, you also know He is the perfect Son of God. Gods Word says that we are to honor and obey Gods Son as our Lord, which means our Master. In Matthew 28:18 Jesus says, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth... Do you as Gods child truly honor and obey the Lord Jesus, Gods Son?Do you tell others about Him?If you know the Lord Jesus, dont be ashamed to tell others Jesus is the Son of God!
如果你已经接受耶稣基督做你的救主, 你就知道他是神完美无瑕的儿子。神的话告诉我们, 我们要称神的儿子为我们的主。在马太福音28:18, 耶稣说:天上地下所有的权柄, 都赐给我了。 作为神的孩子, 你是不是真的把神的儿子耶稣作为你的主呢?你向别人传讲耶稣吗?如果你认识主耶稣, 就要勇敢地告诉别人耶稣是神的儿子。
Peter was not ashamed to confess that Jesus is the Son of the living God! About six to eight days after this, Jesus took His 3 closest followers, Peter, James and John, up into a high mountain. Jesus went apart from them to pray. Peter, James and John also began to pray, but Luke 9:32 tells us, But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: As the disciples slept, an amazing thing happened! Suddenly the face of the Lord Jesus began to shine as the sun and his clothes became very white and radiating with brilliant shining light! What was happening?Even though Jesus was still here on earth, Jesus was being changed into His heavenly glory! Revelation 21:23 tells us that there will be no need of a sun or moon in the city of Heaven because Jesus in His glory will shine with such great brightness!
彼得大胆地承认耶稣就是永生神的儿子。大约6到8天以后, 耶稣带著他最亲近的三个门徒, 彼得, 雅各和约翰, 上了一座高山。主耶稣离开他们去祷告, 彼得, 雅各和约翰也开始祷告。路加福音9:32告诉我们, 正在这时, 耶稣的面貌改变了, 他的脸明亮如太阳, 衣服洁白放光。发生了什么事?正当主耶稣仍然在地上的时候, 他显出了他属天的荣耀。启示录21:23告诉我们, 在天堂里, 不需要日光和月光, 因为耶稣的荣耀是如此的明亮。
That day on the mountain as Jesus began to change, suddenly there appeared with Him two men, Moses and Elijah. How could this be possible?Moses had been dead for about 1400 years, and you will remember that Elijah had been taken to Heaven in a whirlwind, and that had been 900 years ago! But where had Moses and Elijah been all this time?In Heaven with the Lord Jesus. Heaven is Gods wonderful forever home where no one ever dies, or grows older. God Who created everything, including you, also made Heaven. He made it not only for His home, but He loves you and wants it to be your forever Home also! Because God is perfectly pure and holy, there can be no sin to spoil Heaven.
主耶稣在山上形像改变的时候, 突然, 摩西和以利亚显现在他的身边。这怎么可能呢?摩西在大约1400年前已经死了, 而以利亚大约在900年前被旋风带到天堂去了。他们在这段时间里是呆在什么地方呢?他们在天堂与主耶稣在一起。天堂是神创造的一个美好的家, 在那里没有人会变老或死亡, 神创造了万物, 包括你和我, 也包括天堂。他不光把天堂做成他自己的家, 他也爱你, 希望天堂也成为你永远的家。因为神是完全圣洁无暇的, 所以在天堂里不能有罪的存在
It is a perfectly beautiful place, full of love and joy and safety. Moses and Elijah had been enjoying heaven all these years, but God had sent them down to earth to talk to our Lord Jesus. What do you suppose they were talking about?Perhaps about the wonderful miracle of when God opened up the Red Sea and Moses led the people of Israel across on dry land?No. Maybe they talked about when Elijah went to Heaven in the whirlwind?No. Luke 9:31 says they spoke of Jesus death which he should accomplish at Jerusalem. They were talking about the most important event of all time:When the Lord Jesus would die on the cross and take our punishment for sin.
那是一个完美的地方, 满了爱, 喜乐和平安。摩西和以利亚在那些年里一直享受著天堂的快乐。而现在神差遣他们到世上来与主耶稣交谈。你觉得他们在谈什么呢?是不是有关神使红海断开, 成为干地, 让摩西带领以色列人走过去呢?不是!是不是他们谈到以利亚是怎么坐著旋风去天堂的呢?也不是!路加福音9:31说:他们在荣光里显现, 谈论耶稣去世的事, 就是他在耶路撒冷将要成的事。他们一直在谈论这件最重要的事, 就是有关主耶稣怎么样为我们的罪受到刑罚, 并死在十字架上。
Gospel:It was the very reason Jesus had left Moses and Elijah and all the other believers in Heaven and come to earth. Jesus name meant for he shall save his people from their sins. Sin is the biggest problem in the world. You remember that sin is breaking Gods laws, whether its thinking, saying or doing wrong.
为了这个原因, 主耶稣离开了天堂, 离开了摩西, 以利亚和其他的圣徒来到地上。耶稣名字的意思就是他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来。 罪是这个世界上最大的问题。罪就是指违反了神的法律, 包括我们的思想, 语言, 和行为上不讨神喜悦的地方。
God says we have all sinned, and that the soul that sins, it shall die. Ezekiel 18:4. God is speaking of a forever death, being separated from Him and His wonderful Heaven. Every person in the world is born in a helpless condition, with a sin nature that causes us to be lost from God. Can you understand why you need a Savior from sin more than you need anything else?God saw our need, and in His great love He sent His own beloved Son to meet that greatest need.
神说, 我们都犯了罪。以西结18:4说:犯罪的他必死亡。 神这里指到的死是永远的死亡, 是与神和他那美妙的天堂永远的隔绝。这个世上的人都有与生具来的罪性, 使我们与神隔绝。你明不明白为什么你最需要的是这位救主, 而不是其它任何的事务。神知道我们的需要, 因著他爱我们的大爱, 他差遣他的独生爱子来满足我们这个最大的需要。
Moses and Elijah had come down from Heaven to talk to Jesus about how He was going to meet that need. To save us from our sin meant Jesus would have to die, and He knew that. Because of His great love for us, He was willing to be hated and cursed and spit upon, and then beaten and nailed to a wooden cross. Even before any of His disciples knew, Jesus knew He was going to die for us. In John 15:13 Jesus told why He was willing to die for us:Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
摩西和以利亚就是和主耶稣在谈论他怎么样来满足我们的这个需要, 把我们从罪中拯救出来, 意味著主耶稣自己要去死, 主耶稣也知道。但是因为他向著我们的大爱, 他情愿被人恨恶, 诅咒, 吐唾沫, 被打, 并钉在十字架上。主耶稣告诉我们他会为我们的罪而死。在约翰福音15:13主说:人为朋友舍命, 人的爱心没有比这个大的。
As Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah about his coming death, suddenly Peter, James and John woke. Luke 9:32 says, ...and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him. Can you imagine their surprise?! The Bible says Peter, James and John were also very afraid. Peter, not really knowing what he should say, spoke:Master, it is good for us to be here:and let us make three tabernacles ; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. But while he was speaking, a cloud came over them, and they heard a voice coming out of that cloud, This is my beloved Son:hear him. Who was that speaking?It was God, and He was rebuking Peter! God wants us to worship the Lord Jesus only, not Moses or Elijah or any one else.
正在耶稣与摩西和以利亚谈论他的死的时候, 突然间彼得, 雅各和约翰醒了。路加福音9:32说:彼得和他的同伴既清醒了, 就看见耶稣的荣光, 并同他站著的那两个人。 你可以想象他们会有多惊讶吗?圣经说彼得雅各和约翰同时也很害怕。彼得简直不知道要说什么, 他就说:主, 我们在这里真好, 可以搭三座棚, 一座为你, 一座为摩西, 一座为以利亚。 正当他说这话的时候, 有一朵云彩来遮盖他们, 他们听到声音从云里说, 这是我的爱子, 我所拣选的, 你们要听他。这是谁在说话?是神!并且他在责备彼得, 神要我们单单敬拜主耶稣, 而不是摩西, 以利亚, 或其他任何人。
Main Truth:Today many people worship and pray to Mary, or Saint John or Peter or others. Is God pleased with that?There is only One Who is the Son of God, only One Who loved us and gave His life for us, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Gods Word says, ...God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11.
今天有许多人敬拜玛利亚, 或圣约翰, 圣彼得, 或其他的人。神会不会喜悦这些呢?不会的!因为只有神的儿子, 我们的主耶稣才配得我们的敬拜和赞美, 因为只有他爱我们, 而且把他的生命舍弃来拯救我们。神的话在腓利比书2:9-11说:所以神将他升为至高, 又赐给他那超乎万名之上的名, 叫一切在天上的, 地上的, 和地底下的, 因耶稣的名, 无不屈膝, 无不口称耶稣基督为主, 使荣耀归与父神。
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, dont be ashamed to confess, or to tell others that He is the Son of God, and that He is your Lord. As a child of God serve and obey your Lord every day, and tell others about Him! Think about how our Lord Jesus loved and served us, and remember He saved you to serve Him and tell others about Him! When we get to Heaven and see all the wonderful things He has prepared for us, it will be worth anything we have to suffer here on earth. As we enjoy Heaven forever, surely we will be so glad we were not ashamed to tell others of the Lord Jesus while we were on earth!
如果你已经相信主耶稣把你从罪中拯救出来, 你要勇敢地去告诉别人主耶稣是神的儿子, 是你的救主。作为神的孩子, 我们要事奉主, 遵行主的话, 并要向别人来传讲耶稣。想想主耶稣是怎么样的来爱我们, 服侍我们。请记住主耶稣拯救你的目的是让你来服侍他, 并向别人来传福音。当我们有一天看到天堂的美妙的时候, 我们在地上所受的一切苦都是值得的。当我们在天堂里的时候, 我们一定会为著我们在地上曾经勇敢地向别人传福音而喜乐。
Peter, James and John had the privilege of seeing a little bit of Heavens glory on the mountain that day! And God had reminded them to keep their eyes on Jesus only, to listen to Him! When God lifted that cloud from the three disciples, they looked around and Moses and Elijah were gone. Then Jesus led them back down the mountain to join the other disciples. Jesus told them not to share what they had seen on the mountain that day until after He had risen from the dead. The disciples did not understand what Jesus meant about rising from the dead, but you and I know. It would be just a short time later that Jesus would go to the cross to die for our sin, and three days after He would rise from the dead.
那一天, 彼得雅各和约翰, 能够看到一点点天堂的荣耀, 神就提醒他们应当单单仰望耶稣, 听他的话。当云移开的时候, 他们发现摩西和以利亚都不在了。然后主耶稣带他们下山。主耶稣告诉他们在他死而复活以前, 不要把这件事告诉别人。门徒们不明白主耶稣说的死而复活是什么意思。但是你和我都知道。很快, 主耶稣将会为我们的罪死在十字架上。三天以后, 他会从死里复活。
Now the Lord Jesus is in Heaven at the right hand of God the Father. Can we say our Bible memory verse for today, John 3:35?The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.
现在, 主耶稣已经在天堂里, 在父神的右边。让我们来一起念今天的圣经经节:约翰福音3:35父爱子, 已将万有交在他手里。
Invitation:If you have never believed in the Lord Jesus, can you see you need to do that right now?John 3:36 says, He that believes on the Son has everlasting life; and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him. The anger or punishment of sin must be on you, unless you tell the Lord Jesus you are believing on Him and ask Him to save you. If you want to tell the Lord Jesus you are believing on Him today, go now to How to be a Child of God and follow the steps!
如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 你有没有看见你真的是需要他。约翰福音3:36说, 信子的人有永生, 不信子的人得不著永生, 神的震怒常在他身上。 如果你不对主耶稣说你愿意相信他, 并叫他来拯救你, 因为你的罪, 神的震怒就会在你身上。如果你今天就愿意相信主耶稣, 请现在去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 并照着去做。
Challenge:If you have already believed on the Lord Jesus, are you obeying and telling others about Him?Never be ashamed to tell others that Jesus is the Son of God and that He is your Lord. But telling others about Jesus means that you really need to be believing and obeying Gods Word daily! Jesus said, Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say? Ask God to help you obey and tell others. Ask Him to show you two people to whom you should speak about the Lord Jesus this week!
如果你已经相信主耶稣, 你是否听主耶稣的话, 并向别人传福音呢?不要觉得向别人传福音是一件羞愧的事情。如果你想对别人传福音, 你自己必须每天信靠神的话。耶稣说:为什么你们称我为主, 却不照着我的话去行呢?你可以祷告神让他来帮助你顺服神的话, 帮助你传福音。你可以祷告神在这个星期就让你有机会去给两个人传福音, 你也可以把这个儿童节目介绍给他们。
Why not tell them about this program?In closing let me ask you:Where is the prophet Elijah today?He is still enjoying heaven, after about three thousand years! And he will be there forever! If you know the Lord Jesus you will get to meet Elijah someday! Right now you can be sure he would urge you to serve the Lord Jesus faithfully and tell others about Him, for your reward in Heaven will surely be great, and it will be forever!
最后, 我要问你, 现在先知以利亚在哪里?他还是在天堂里。虽然3000年已经过去了, 他会永远住在那里。如果你相信主耶稣, 有一天, 你就会见到以利亚。你现在可以做的就是忠心地服侍主, 传福音, 这样你在天堂里的赏赐将会是大的,并且会存到永远。
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