Are volunteers doing more harm than good?
Every year, hundreds of thousands of college students in the UK choose to take a gap year or a short-term volunteering trip abroad. They dig wells in Africa, build schools in Thailand and save elephants in India.
It sounds like a win-win situation in which students broaden their experience by helping others, while locals benefit from their financial support, knowledge and skills.
But in recent years, gap year volunteering has come under fire for becoming just a fashion trend.
come under fire (from)
A video that went viral on YouTube in 2010 best captures the mindset of some gap year volunteers. It’s a three-minute comedy sketch called Gap Yah, in which a young, British, upper-middle class man tells his friend on the phone about his gap year in Tanzania, Peru and Myanmar. All of his experiences result in him “chundering everywhah (slang for being sick or vomiting) due to drinking heavily every day.
2010年在美国视频网站YouTube上疯传的一段视频很好地捕捉到了一些“ 间隔年 义工的心态。这是一个名为Gap Yah的3分钟喜剧小品,记录的是一个年轻的英国中上层阶级男士打电话向朋友倾诉自己在坦桑尼亚、秘鲁和缅甸的“间隔年。所有的这些经历都令他感到阵阵作呕,因为他每天都喝得酩酊大醉。
mindset 英 ['maɪn(d)set] 美 ['maɪndsɛt]
Matt Lacey, the video’s creator, told The Guardian that “It’s a satire on the great number of people who seem to be leaving these shores to vomit all over the developing world.
shore 英 [ʃɔː] 美 [ʃɔr]
n.[常作复数] 国家
But many volunteers have the best of intentions when they embark on their gap year. Their biggest problem, according to American Daniela Papi, founder of a non-profit organization that specializes in organizing gap year tours, is that they suffer from a superiority complex. Recently, Papi wrote a piece for the BBC sharing her view on gap year volunteering.
According to her, many Westerners believe that because they come from a wealthy country, they have the right to bestow their generosity and kindness on people in developing countries. But often they know little about the local people and their culture, and lack the necessary skills to help them.
bestow 英 [bɪ'stəʊ] 美 [bɪ'sto]
vt. 把......赠与, 授予,放置,留宿
“It’s like we think we are all Clark Kent [Superman’s disguise as an office clerk], Papi says. “At home we work hard to be useful in our jobs, but then we enter a magical phone booth and we take off to a far away country and somehow our Superman suit, or our volunteer T-shirt, gives us all of the power and knowledge we need to save the world.
disguise 英 [dɪs'gaɪz] 美 [dɪs'ɡaɪz]
n. / vt. 伪装,假装,掩饰,隐瞒
Volunteering is not about volunteers fulfilling their dream of being a hero, Papi says. “The travelers are not just missing out on learning the lessons that lead to more sustainable changes in themselves and in the world, but they are also often negatively impacting the people they are meant to be‘serving’.
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