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中考 V-ing 形式考点分析

发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  中考 V-ing 形式考点分析




    英语中有些动词后要用V-ing形式作宾语,在初中阶段学过的常见的动词有:enjoy, finish, mind, keep(on), practise, consider, suggest, miss等。这些动词后面只能接V-ing形式作宾语,而不能接不定式作宾语。例如:

    I enjoy learning about new things. 我喜欢了解新事物。

    Would you mind calling back some time tomorrow? 请你明天给我回电话好吗?

    I have finished writing the composition. 我已经写完了作文。

    I am sorry I missed seeing you while you were in Beijing. 很遗憾在北京时我没有见到你。

    They decided to keep trying. 他们决定继续试验。


    1.-It's too hot. Would you mind_________the door?

    -_________. Please do it. (2003重庆)

    A. to open; OK

    B. opening; Certainly not

    C. opening; Of course

    D. to open; Good idea

    2. Miss Zhang likes the students_________books in the reading room, and she herself enjoys_________books. (2003山东)

    A. to read; to readB. read; reading

    C. reading; readingD. to read; reading

    3. Lily finished_________the book yesterday. (2003 北京)

    A. readB. reading C. to read D. reads

    4. No matter how hard it is, we'll keep_________until we make it. (2003辽宁)

    A. failedB. failingC. triedD. trying

    5. -How can I improve my spoken English?

     -You have to practise_________as much as possible. (2003扬州)

    A. speakB. speaking

    C. spokenD. to speak



    She is afraid of going out alone at night. 她害怕晚上单独外出。

    The children are fond of reading storybooks. 儿童喜欢看故事书。

    I am proud of having a friend like you. 我为有你这样的朋友感到骄傲。

    Are you interested in going to the show? 你有兴趣去看演出吗?

    He succeeded in solving the problem. 他终于把问题解决了。


    1. Lucy is interested in_________.


    A. listen to musicB. listening music

    C. flying kitesD. read books

    2. -Thank you for_________the ruler from the floor for me.

     -That's all right. (2002 湖州)

    A. playing forB. playing with

    C. pointing toD. picking up


    在某些感官动词如see, watch, notice, hear, feel, find等和某些使役动词如keep, leave等后可用V-ing形式作宾语补足语。例如:

    I saw them forcing the door open with a hammer. 我看见他们用锤子强行把门砸开。

    I heard her singing in the room when I passed by. 我经过时听见她在房间里唱歌。

    I'm sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

    We felt the house shaking. 我们感到房子在摇晃。

    Maybe you'll find him waiting for you at the gate. 也许你会发现他在门口等你。


    1. The young lady watched her daughter_________ a yoyo yesterday afternoon. (2003重庆)

    A. to play withB. playing with

    C. to playD. plays

    2. A policeman saw two thieves_________a girl's mobile phone on a bus and he caught them at once. (2003陕西)

    A. to stealB. stealing

    C. stoleD. stolen


    V-ing形式常常用于下列固定搭配中:be busy (in) doing sth. (忙于做某事),spend some time (in) doing sth. (花费时间做某事),stop / prevent sb. from doing sth. (阻止某人做某事),feel like doing sth.(意欲做某事),can't help doing sth.(禁不住做某事),have fun doing sth.(很高兴做某事),have difficulty (in) doing sth. (做某事有困难)等。例如:

    She couldn't help crying when she heard the news. 她听到这个消息时忍不住哭了起来。

    I don't feel like eating anything at the moment. 现在我不想吃东西。

    We are busy preparing for the final exam. 我们正忙于准备期末考试。

    Nobody can stop us from going there. 谁也不能阻止我们去那里。


    1. We must do something to stop people from_________. (2003陕西)

    A. to throw litter about

    B. to throw litter into

    C. throwing litter about

    D. throwing litter into

    2. -What are you busy_________these days?

    -Nothing much. (2003厦门)

    A. doB. doingC. to doD. done

    3. It was very late. She stopped the children from_________TV. (2003 潍坊)

    A. watchesB. to watch

    C. watchedD. watching

    4. He has caught a bad cold, and he doesn't feel like_________. (2002 泰州)

    A. to eatB. eatingC. eatsD. ate

    5. Now more and more people are busy_________ about the Internet. (2002 漳州)

    A. learnB. to learn

    C. learningD. learned


    (一)stop, go on后接V-ing形式与不定式时的区别

    在stop, go on后可接V-ing形式,也可接动词不定式,但意义差别很大。stop doing sth.表示停止做某事,V-ing形式作stop的宾语;stop to do sth.表示停下来去做另一件事,不定式是stop的目的状语。go on doing sth.表示继续做同一件事,go on to do sth.表示接着做另一件事。例如:

    The doctor told him to stop smoking. 医生要他戒烟。

    He stopped to smoke a cigarette. 他停下来抽烟。

    He went on studying and finally received his doctor's degree. 他继续学习,最后取得了博士学位。

    After reading the text, he went on to do his homework. 读完课文后,他接着做作业。


    1. If you don't feel well, you may just_________. (2003河北)

    A. stopped readingB. stop reading

    C. stopped to readD. stop to read

    2. Stop_________so much noise!My father is sleeping. (2003烟台)

    A. to makeB. making

    C. to hearD. hearing

    3. -Let's have a rest, shall we?

    -Not now. I don't want to stop_________the letter yet. (2003 黄冈)

    A. writeB. to write

    C. writingD. and write

    4. Mr. Brown asked us to stop_________, and we stopped ______ to him at once. (2002 苏州)

    A. talking; to listenB. to talk; to listen

    C. talking; listeningD. talk; listen


    在see, watch, notice, hear, feel等动词后,既可用V-ing形式作宾语补足语,也可用不定式作宾语补足语,但在用法上有区别。用V-ing作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行,即动作处于发生的过程中,还没有结束;用不定式作宾语补足语,表示动作发生了,即动作全过程结束了。例如:

    I saw the girl getting on the bus. 我看见那个女孩在上公共汽车。

    I saw the girl get on the bus and left. 我看见那个女孩上了公共汽车走了。

    Do you hear her singing an English song? 她在唱一首英语歌曲,你听见了吗?

    I heard her sing an English song. 我听到她唱了一首英语歌曲。


    1. -Tom, have you seen your brother?

     -Oh. I saw him_________basketball on the playground on my way home.(2003威海)

    A. playB. playsC. playing D. played

    2. When I was walking in the street, I saw a plane_________over my head.(2002福州)

    A. fliesB. flyingC. flew D. to fly



    1. Would you mind_________me how_________ English words? (2003昆明)

    A. tell; to remember B. telling; remember

    C. telling; to remember D. tell; remember

    2. He finished_________the book yesterday evening. (2003 哈尔滨)

    A. seeingB. watching

    C. readingD. looking

    3. Stop_________so much noise! Father is working at the desk.(2002北京东城区)

    A. to makeB. making

    C. to hearD. hearing

    4. At last the child stopped_________and listened to the music.(2002重庆)

    A. to cryB. cryingC. cry

    5. It kept_________for 3 days.(2002重庆)

    A. on rainingB. to rainC. rained

    6. I am feeling cold. Would you mind_________the window?(2002黑龙江)

    A. openB. closeC. opening D. closing

    7. Every day I spend two hours_________my homework.(2002黑龙江)

    A. finishing to doB. finishing doing

    C. to finish to doD. to finish doing

    8. You must be very tired. Why not_________a rest?(2002厦门)

    A. to stop to haveB. to stop having

    C. stop to haveD. stop having

    9. -Are you enjoying_________in Ningbo?

    -Yes, we are. Very much. (2002 宁波)

    A. to liveB. livingC. livesD. lived

    10. Last term Mary spent a lot of time_________me with my lessons. (2002 兰州)

    A. helpB. helpsC. to help D. helping


    1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. D


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