一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。新一期热词榜出炉了。
1. 新'百元纸币'遇验钞尴尬
2. 中国股票首入'国际指数'
3. 双十一后迎来'快递高峰'
4. 百余篇中国论文遭'撤稿'
5. 大城市'空巢老人'达七成
6. 多地重度霾似'空气末日'
7. '琅琊榜'受外国网友追捧
8. 欧'信托基金'解难民危机
1. 百元纸币
100-yuan banknote
The People's Bank of China started to put a new version of 100-yuan banknote into circulation on Thursday.
Banknote尤指央行发行的纸币,纸币还可以用note或bill表示。2017年版第五套(the fifth set)人民币100元纸币在保持2005年版的规格、正背面主图案、主色调、"中国人民银行"行名、国徽(national emblem)、盲文和汉语拼音行名、民族文字等不变的前提下,对部分图案做了适当调整,新版纸币在防伪性能和机读性能上有所提升(the new bank notes are harder to counterfeit and easier for machines to read)。新版纸币增加了光变安全线和光彩光变数字(optical-variable security thread and value numeral)等防伪特征(security features),公众很容易辨别真伪(easily identify fake equivalents)。旧版百元纸币仍继续流通(stay in circulation),并逐步被淘汰(gradually be phased out)。
不过新版百元纸币也遭遇了尴尬,部分验钞机(currency detector)和ATM机(automatic teller machine)还不能识别。为确保新版百元纸币顺利发行,此前央行曾发布公告,要求组织社会商用现金接受设备生产企业(manufacturers of cash receiving equipment)参加设备升级测试报名,其中包括验钞机、ATM机、自动售货机(vending machine)等。
面额 denomination
假币 counterfeit money
造币厂 mint
货币政策 monetary policy
2. 新兴市场指数
emerging markets index
MSCI will add Alibaba and Baidu Inc to its emerging markets index on Dec 1.
200多家中资公司在美国交易所上市,多数通过发行美国存托凭证(American Depositary Receipt,ADR)进行交易。MSCI把在美国上市的中概股(US-listed Chinese shares)纳入其"中国A股指数(China A Indexes)"和"明晟中国指数",这将是中国股票首次进入国际指数(global index)。
新增的成份股(component stocks)包括14支中概股,除阿里巴巴和百度外,还有京东、网易、新东方、去哪儿、优酷土豆等。阿里巴巴市值(market value)接近2000亿美元,是将被纳入指数的最大在美上市中资企业。阿里巴巴和百度的加入,将提高科技企业(technology firms)在MSCI明晟新兴市场指数中的比重。
分析师估计,未来六个月,这次指数调整将引发总计最多达700亿美元的资金流入这些股票(trigger fund flows worth up to $70b into these stocks)。
MSCI全球指数,是摩根士丹利资本国际公司(Morgan Stanley Capital International)所编制的证券指数。MSCI指数所组成的股票,大都是股市中的大型股票,隐含着业绩与财务稳定。
深成指 Shenzhen Component Index
上证综指 Shanghai Composite Index
A股市场 A-share market
证券交易所 bourse
3. 快递高峰
delivery rush
Express companies have rolled out state-of-the-art technology to cope with delivery rush in the busiest time of the year, as millions of package line up for deliveries after the Singles Day buying binge.
双十一购物狂欢节("Double 11" carnival)相当于美国的Cyber Monday(感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日的网购促销活动)或者Black Friday(感恩节之后的星期五,也是拉开圣诞购物季的日子),自2009年开始已经成为网购用户每年一次的抢购狂欢(shopping spree)。Express companies(快递公司)也迎来一场大考。今年,高科技助力快递企业轻松应战双十一快递高峰(delivery rush)。
在打响促销活动前,11月10日,阿里巴巴举办了一场双十一晚会(Singles Day shopping gala)。这场群星荟萃的晚会历时3个半小时。今年这场购物狂欢盛宴(shopping bonanza)亦如预期,电商(e-commerce operators)和企业们成功掀起一股舆论和购物高潮,在11日零时准时爆发。
商品交易总额 gross merchandise volume
跨境交易 cross-border transactions
春晚式的晚会 Spring Festival Gala-style evening party
网购消费者 online consumers
摇一摇 shake their smartphones
全球商业现象 global commercial phenomenon
剁手族 hands-chopping people
4. 论文撤稿
removal of papers
As more than 100 Chinese research papers were removed from well-known global publications for misconduct, investigators have exposed a grey industry chain of ghost writers and forged peer reviews. The publishers said the removal of the articles was based on findings that the peer review was forged by a third party.
国际科技论文(international scientific theses)被视为一国科研实力的象征(a reflection of a nation's scientific prowess)。然而,今年3月,英国现代生物出版社撤销43篇论文,其中41篇来自中国。8月,德国施普林格出版集团撤回旗下10本学术期刊上发表的64篇论文,绝大部分来自中国。10月,拥有《柳叶刀》《细胞》等知名学术期刊的出版巨头爱思唯尔撤销旗下5种杂志中的9篇论文,全部来自中国。
同行评议(peer review)是学术刊物普遍采取的论文评审制度。一般由出版方邀请论文所涉领域的专家(invite experts of the same field)评价论文质量(assess a paper's quality),提出评审修改意见。它很大程度上决定了文章是否刊发。调查发现第三方机构提供虚假的评审专家信息。比如用自己注册的邮箱地址冒充专家邮箱(forge experts' email address),评审时论文实际上是返回到投稿者手里。投稿人冒充评审人将正面评价发至出版方(send positive opinions to the publisher),从而达到操纵评审(manipulate the appraisal)的目的。
调查显示,这些第三方机构多以"语言公司"的面目(disguised as language-service companies)在网络上出现。他们宣称为科研人员的英文论文进行语言润色(promote themselves as polishers of English papers for researchers),实际上却提供代笔服务(actually provide a ghost writing service)。这些机构还会给"具有国际论文潜力"的论文作者发邮件,寻找潜在客户(gain potential customers)。
野鸡大学 diploma mill
学历造假 fabricate academic credentials
剽窃 plagiarism
考试作弊 cheat in an exam
伪造同行评审 forge peer reviews
5. 空巢老人
empty nesters
Now about half of the country's households have empty-nesters, and the figure is about 70% in large and medium-sized cities.
空巢老人(empty nesters)一般是指子女长大离家后的中老年人(parents whose children have grown up and left home),也可以称为"left behind" seniors。全国老龄委预测,从2017到2035年,我国将进入急速老龄化阶段(become rapidly aging),老年人口(elderly population)将从2.12亿增加到4.18亿,占比升至29%。
从旧时的四世同堂(four generations living under one roof)到如今的核心家庭(nuclear family/smaller families with just the young couple and a kid),中国社会的家庭模式经历了巨大变迁。每当假期结束,子女又要离家时,空巢老人会感到很难过(have a hard time/feel depressed),感到万分孤独(in solitude and isolation),甚至出现分离焦虑(separation anxiety)。这是空巢老人特有的节后综合征(post-holiday blues)。
老年人 senior citizen
养老院 nursing home
社区养老服务 community nursing service
老年人活动中心 recreation center for the elderly
退休之痒 retirement itch
人口老龄化 aging population
6. 空气末日
Airpocalypse, again. Thick smog will persist for the next five days in major cities in northeastern China that have seen extremely high air pollution readings since Nov 6。
8日,沈阳的PM2.5浓度(the concentration of PM2.5)达到了1107微克/立方米(micrograms per cubic mete)。而我国的PM2.5国家安全标准(national safety level)是75微克/立方米。
为了应对严重污染的空气,不少家庭开始使用空气净化器(air purifier),出门时也会选择佩戴空气过滤口罩(air filtration face masks)。各地政府也采取措施限制公车(government vehicles)上路。
雾霾险 smog insurance
阅兵蓝 Parade Blue
环境污染 environmental pollution
大气污染治理 air pollution control
净化空气 purify the air
首要污染源 major pollution source
7. 琅琊榜
Nirvana in Fire
"Nirvana in Fire" is making waves in China and abroad.
因为剧情是以平反冤案、扶持明君、开创盛世的大历史为主线,再穿插国仇家恨,所以美国的粉丝们将该剧媲美大仲马(Alexandre Dumas)代表作,称之为中国版《基督山伯爵》(China's "The Count of Monte Cristo")。片名也由最初显得默默无闻的《The Rankings of Langya》改为气势磅礴的《Nirvana in Fire》(名词nirvana意为"涅槃")。
专注于日剧、韩剧和大陆剧的日本影评人Heisui在剧评博客网站"My Drama Tea"中也写下了追看《琅琊榜》的博文,文中还引用了很多经典英文台词:
>People can only be betrayed by friends; enemies would never have the chance to.
>In this world, there's no carefree person. If you have desires and feelings, you won't be carefree.
虚构的朝代 a fictionalized dynasty
同名网络小说 namesake online novel
8. 信托基金
trust fund
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker launched Thursday an emergency trust fund for providing stability and addressing root causes of irregular migration and displaced persons in Africa.
欧盟与非洲国家领导人近日在马耳他首都瓦莱塔举行了关于难民问题的欧非首脑峰会。据悉,欧盟将从其预算(the EU budget)和欧洲发展基金(the European Development Fund/EDF)中拿出18亿欧元划入这一基金,同时寻求欧盟成员国为该基金注资(contributions from EU Member States)。目前,成员国同意注资的总额已达8120万欧元。
紧急信托基金将广泛覆盖非洲赴欧移民主要路线上的国家(a wide range of countries across Africa that encompass the major African migration routes to Europe),包括萨赫勒地区、乍得湖地区和非洲之角(the Horn of Africa area)等地区国家。该基金资助的项目包括,促进年轻人和女性就业,其重点是职业培训(with a focus on vocational training)和设立微小企业(the creation of micro and small enterprises);促进遭遣返难民重新融入社会;改善移民管理制度(improve migration management);预防和打击激进和极端主义(prevent and counter radicalization and extremism)。
难民危机 refugee crisis
庇护申请 asylum application
非法移民 illegal immigrant
边境 border
流亡 exile
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