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2016届高考英语一轮复习课时规范训练:Module6《Animals in Danger》

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module6 Animals in Danger




  Long nights of winter can leave even the most positive people feeling cranky (古怪的).But for about 5% of Americans,it's more serious: seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that most occurs in the winter. Symptoms include loss of energy,eating more and difficulty in concentrating.

  The cause of SAD is unknown,but darker days probably play a role. Reduced levels of natural sunlight can disrupt your body's internal clock,which can lead to depression.It also causes a drop in serotonin (血清素),a feel-good brain chemical. Severe cases may need antidepressant treatment.You can't prevent the disorder from developing,but you can ease the symptoms.

  Consider light therapy

  Exposure to bright light that mimics (模仿) natural light is thought to affect mood-related brain chemicals and ease symptoms. It involves sitting in front of a special light box or wearing a cap-like lighted visor(盔甲),for about 30 minutes a day.Another therapy uses a “dawn simulator” that is turned on early in the morning and gradually increases in brightness,allowing your body to wake up naturally. Light therapy can have minor side effects,such as eye strain and headaches,and it isn't recommended for people with skin sensitivity.

  Go outside

  Yes,even if it's cold and cloudy.Natural light is still good for you,and it can relieve your symptoms,especially if you head outdoors within two hours of waking up.At home,open the blinds and drapes to let in the light.

  Eat right and exercise

  Two health basics can help here,too.A well-balanced diet can improve energy levels,and regular physical activity works to boost your mood and ease stress and anxiety which can aggravate SAD symptoms.

  Spend time with friends

  Make an effort to see people you like,even when you're down.Staying connected to your social circle and participating in your regular activities can offer great support during the winter months.

  1.Which of the following about SAD is NOT TRUE?

  A.It most occurs in the winter.

  B.It may result in the absence of concentration.

  C.What causes it remains to be discovered.

  D.It results from too much exposure to the sun.


  2.Light therapy________.

  A.requires the patient to be exposed to the sun for about 30 minutes a day

  B.can have no side effects

  C.doesn't suit those with skin sensitivity

  D.can prevent seasonal affective disorder from developing

  解析选C。推理判断题。由第三段中的“and it isn't recommended for people with skin sensitivity”可知答案为C。

  3.What does the underlined word“aggravate”mean in the passage?

  A.To get rid of something.

  B.To make something worse.

  C.To make something better.

  D.To get something changed.

  解析选B。词义猜测题。判断时要找出该动词的逻辑主语,画线词前面的which指代前面的“stress and anxiety”,它们是消极因素,因此应选B。

  4.What can be the best title for the passage?

  A.What is seasonal affective disorder?

  B.Beat the winter blues

  C.Common winter health problems

  D.A major medical discovery

  解析选B。标题概括题。本文主要介绍了应对季节性情感抑郁症的几种方法,故B项最能概括本文主旨。the blues“忧郁,沮丧”。


  Last week I saw Allan,a person I went to high school with.Allan has severe Cerebral Palsy.He is disabled.He is in a wheelchair.Thankfully his mind is sharp.

  It had been about thirty years since I saw him last.Nothing had changed.He was still the same.Still as clear as then.That same big vibrant smile on his face.And it seemed somewhat fitting as he was being lifted into a vehicle when I saw him.

  When I’m on the highway cycling or other sports I perform,I think of people like Allan.And how lucky we are to have our health.

  We have to use our bodies.They will fail when we don't use them.

  Exercise improves your mood.Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out.You’ll also look better and feel better when you exercise regularly,which can boost your confidence and improve your self esteem.

  Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression.Exercise combats chronic diseases.Regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage high blood pressure.

  It is stated that when one exercises there is a sixty percent decrease in getting breast cancer.Why wouldn’t one exercise?

  I just hate seeing people cheat themselves of it.

  God creates this beautiful body full of muscle and one doesn’t use it.


  It goes hand in hand.People aren’t happy in their lives,yet they really do nothing to correct this.They think that they should do something more with their life.

  Well,when does this happen? When does this occur?

  We make that decision.We get just this one life.

  If waiting for it to happen,then one is in for a long,dark wait.Unlike Allan we can exercise in many ways in which he may be limited.We should never take that for granted.

  Today is that day.That flash of light.

  5.What is the purpose of the first two paragraphs?

  A.To praise Allan’s persistence.

  B.To prove us the necessity of making use of bodies.

  C.To state that we are luckier than Allan.

  D.To illustrate nothing is impossible in life.


  6.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.Physical activity can make people happier and more relaxed.

  B.Physical activity can strengthen people’s confidence.

  C.Physical activity can help you prevent all types of cancer.

  D.People aren’t making full use of their bodies.


  7.What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence “What a sin!”?

  A.The idea that God creates human is wrong.

  B.It’s regretful for us not to make use of our body.

  C.People can’t live without regular exercise.

  D.It’s shameful for us to cheat in exams.

  解析选B。推理判断题。根据该句前面的句子“God creates this beautiful body full of muscle and one doesn’t use it.”可知,上帝创造了人类的躯体,但我们没有充分利用,这是令人遗憾的事情。

  8.What’s the best title for the passage?

  A.Change Your Darkness into Light

  B.Emotions and Regular Physical Activities

  C.Effective Ways of Walking out of Darkness

  D.Regular Activity Contributes to Reducing Diseases

  解析选A。主旨大意题。文章大部分篇幅介绍了锻炼身体的益处,再根据最后一段可以确定A项Change Your Darkness into Light更能生动地说明文章的主题,寓意深刻。



  What would you do if your pet cat died just before Christmas?Many cat lovers would go out and buy __1__cat.But one American woman was unable to bear such life without her much loved pet cat Nicky that had stayed__2__her for 17 years;and when she knew he was__3__(die),she had him cloned.She said that her new cat,nine-week-old little Nicky,is identical__4__the old one.Most cats are terrified of water,but little Nicky is different: He loves__5__.

  Little Nicky was cloned by an American company called GSC,but the new cat cost his owner $50,000.Many people have said they felt__6__(disgust) at the amount of money spent in cloning a cat.They said that she should have__7__(choose) one of the many cats without a home.Little Nicky was expensive.And like all cloned animals,he may have more health problems than__8__animal which was born in the usual way.

  GSC said they had to try 80 times__9__they succeeded in producing a cloned cat.The company is now using new__10__(technical) and soon they hope to produce cloned dogs as well as cats.




  答案:1.another 2.with 3.dying 4.to/with 5.it/water 6.disgusted 7.chosen 8.an 9.before 10.technology








  On Saturday morning I rode to school library as usual.I was riding very slowly in the snowy street while I suddenly saw a young man in his twenties running after a woman's bike.I was confusing about what he wanted to do,so I followed him.I noticed he slowly got closely to the woman's bag on her back.She was a thief!The woman doesn't seem to notice it at all!After I could take action,two other man had run to him and caught him.It was turned out that the thief had been noticed by the people who was exercising by the roadside.

  答案:On Saturday morning I rode to

  school library as usual.I was riding very slowly in the snowy street

  I suddenly saw a young man in his twenties running after a woman's bike.I was

  about what he wanted to do,so I followed him.I noticed he slowly got

  to the woman's bag on her back. was a thief!The woman

  seem to notice it at all! I could take action,two other

  had run to him and caught him.It was turned out that the thief had been noticed by the people who

  exercising by the roadside.






  【连句成篇】 (将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)








  答案:We can find in the diagram where active volcanoes lie.When they erupt,they cause panic and have potential to burn to the ground everything in its path.Actually,ashes in the air make it impossible for flights to work.


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