2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 Banks and fraud 银行与骗子 Hacking back 黑客归来 Bankers go undercover to catch bad guys 银行业者为抓坏蛋化身卧底 Funny, you don t look like a banker 搞笑,你看起来并不像银行业者 FIVE years ago MI5,Britain s security service, sent a document to British firms, givingwarning that Chinese spies could be seeking to exploit vulnerabilities such as sexualrelationships among Western businesspeople. Moneymen are obvious targets for honeytraps, but they can set them tooas they are increasingly doing to catch cyber-fraudsters. 5年前,英国的安全部门军情五处向英国的公司发送了一个预警文件:中国间谍可能正寻找西方商人可利用的弱点,如性关系。显而易见,美人计是冲着经融家来的,但银行家们也可以使用反间计,正如他们为了抓住网络间谍所做的那样。 A midsized American bank has taken a leaf out of Ian Fleming s book with a project, knowninternally as Honey Banker, to smoke out fraudulent payments. It has created a coterieof non-existent bankers, with fake e-mail addresses and biographies, whose details appear onbogus web pages not linked to the rest of the bank s website. If a transfer request comesin to one of these aliases, it is likely to be from a fraudster. The bank blocks the sender sinternet address, pending further investigation. 美国一家中型银行仿照Ian Fleming书中的一个计划,行内称为蜂蜜银行家,类似为取蜂蜜而用烟将蜜蜂熏赶出蜂巢那样查出欺诈性付款。这一计划创造了一个不存在的银行家的小群体,他们使用虚假的邮箱地址和生平事迹,他们的详细资料刊登在虚假的网页上,且这些网页没有链接到其他的银行网站。如果有人将转会申请提交给其中一个化名银行家,他就有可能是个骗子。银行就会封锁申请者的网络地址,以等待进一步调查。 Though not yet widespread, this sort of counter-intelligence tactic is becoming morecommon as banks look for creative ways to ensnare the online scammers, says AaronGlover, a fraud expert at SunTrust, another American bank. Some banks have hiredprofessional spies, as HSBC did when it employed a former head of MI5. 就职于另一家美国银行SunTrust的防骗专家Aaron Glover说,这种反间谍策略尽管还未被广泛使用,但随着银行寻找创造性的方法来诱捕网络骗子,这种策略正变得越来越普遍。正如汇丰银行以前聘请军情五处的前负责人那样,一些银行已经聘请了专业的间谍。 The amount a fraudster can steal depends on the number of mule accountsset up by paidor cajoled accomplicesthat he has to divert funds into. This number is constrained byaccount-opening restrictions, including requirements that accounts have to be opened inperson. East European crime rings will pay mules to fly toAmerica, where they can set upaccounts as non-resident aliens. Other fraudsters will persuade gullible Americans to openaccounts in their own name and hand over the details, after convincing them that they havebeen picked as secret shoppers to rate bank service. Even so, scammers have a finitesupply of mule accounts, says Mr Glover. The more of them that can be identified andshut off using undercover operations, the less room [criminals] have to operate. 诈骗者能够窃取的数量取决于洗钱账户的数目,这些账户由收买的或诱骗的共犯开设的,而诈骗者必定会将资金转入这些账户。账户数目受到开户条件的限制,包括必须由本人人亲自去开户。东欧的犯罪团伙花钱雇佣洗钱者飞往美国,并使用偷来的身份证以非定居的外国人身份开设账户。其他诈骗者将劝说易被骗的美国人去以他们自己的名义开户,在说服他们之后,他们就被选为用来评价银行服务的神秘顾客。 Glover先生说,即使如此,诈骗者拥有限量供应的洗钱账户。卧底行动若能辨识并关闭越多的洗钱账户,那么诈骗者所能运作的犯罪空间就越少。 Banks are also using similar strategies to infiltrate the dark recesses of the internet in whichcriminals buy and sell stolen financial data. A fraud investigator at a large American banksays that since the massive theft of credit-card data last year from Target, a retailer, hisbank has become a more active participant in carder forums, where card numbers arehawked for between $20 and $100 apiece, often in batches of 1m or more. Two recent saleswere dubbed Tortuga and Eagle Claw. 银行也使用类似的策略渗透到互联网的黑暗角落,罪犯在这里购买和出售偷来的财务数据。一个美国大型银行的欺诈调查员说,自从去年从一个名为Target的零售商店那里发生大量盗用信用卡数据的事件后,他所在的银行变得更加活跃的参与 持卡人论坛 ,在这里人们叫卖信用卡号从每个20美元到100美元不等,通常一次性交易一百万串卡号或更多。最近的两次交易代号为龟岛和鹰爪。 Some banks scour the forums in the hope of gathering intelligence on which of their cardshave been compromised, so they can cancel them before they are sold onas opposed towaiting for suspect transactions to appear on statements. A few banks are even believed tohave bid in black-market bazaars to buy the details of cards they suspected they issuedthemselves, but could not identify for certain because details were concealed untilpurchase, in order to learn more about where and when data breaches occurred. 一些银行搜索着论坛,希望收集到关于他们的卡已经被盗用的情报,这样一来就可以在这些卡在黑市上交易之前注销它们,而不是一味的等待出现可疑交易的报告。有人认为,一些银行为了更多的了解数据泄露是何时何地发生的,甚至在黑市上竞购那些疑似本行发行的卡的详细信息,但他们不能完全确定,因为这些详细信息在竞购到手之前都是保密的,。 This subterfuge partly reflects the need to be more proactive in the face of rampantcyber-fraud. But there is a regulatory motive, too.America s Financial Crimes EnforcementNetwork, the arm of the Treasury tasked with fighting illicit finance, has been broadening itsdefinition of money laundering, bankers say. This raises the prospect of large fines forinadequate anti-money-laundering controls for banks that aren t deemed to be doingenough to combat these scourges. Some bankers may feel they have as much to fear fromthe agencies that regulate them as from the criminals who infiltrate them. 这一策略一定程度上反映了更积极的面对猖獗的网络诈骗的必要性。但也有治理的目标。银行家说,财政部负责打击非法金融的武器,既美国金融犯罪调查合作局,已经放宽了洗钱的定义。这使得银行可能被认为在应对反洗钱控制方面做的不足而面临高额罚款。一些银行家可能会觉得,管理银行的机构与入侵银行的罪犯一样令人担忧。 词语解释 1.seek to 设法;企图,试图 Yet some expect him to seek to remove termlimits. 可是,部分人士期望他设法废除任期限制。 Some westerners still believe this is what the westshould seek to do now in egypt. 某些西方人士仍认为,阻挠这种愿望正是西方目前应该设法在埃及做的事情。 2.smoke out 用烟熏出;使某处充满烟 He was determined to smoke out the leaders of the gang. 他决心要把匪首从躲藏处赶出来。 They got smoke out of the world trade center. 他们看见世贸中心冒出浓烟。 3.link to 与连接, 联系 Why not express those thoughts coherently and all together on a blog or facebook or googleplus post, and link to that from twitter? 为什么不一口气在博客或者Facebook或者Google Plus的帖子里阐明自己的观点,再在Twitter上发布相关链接呢? I have to say that I am really enjoying my direct link to the cloud, which was inserted in thesoft tissue behind my eye last winter. 我得说,我相当享受与云端的直接链接,去年冬天,它们植入了我双眼下面的软组织中。 4.depend on 依赖;相信;信赖 You can depend on this newspaper. 你可以依赖这家报纸。 They depend on the confidence of lenders. 它们的命运取决于贷款机构的信心。
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