职场美语:人手不够 be short of hands-查字典英语网
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职场美语:人手不够 be short of hands

发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

职场英语流行美语对话:be short of hands 缺乏人手,人手不够

short作表语时指"某物不够,缺乏某物"的意思,常与介词of搭配使用,既短语be short of something.

A: You look worried about something. What's the matter? 你好像很着急,怎么了?

B: My computer isn't working and I have got an important contract to type. 我的电脑坏了,可我还有一份重要合同要打出来。

A: Why don't you call the computer company? 你为什么不给计算机公司打个电话?

B: I did, but they said the company was short of hands and couldn't send any man today. 我打了,可他们说人手不够,今天不能派人来。

A: What should I do? 我该怎么办呢?



the hidden hand 看不见的势力,幕后操纵者

the last hand 最后几笔,定稿前的润色

his hand is in. 他在不断地练习

his hand is out. 他不行

my hands are tied. 我的权力极其有限

write a good hand 写得一笔好字

ask for a girl's hand 向女子求婚

a clean hand wants no washing. 〔谚语〕手上不沾污〔指罪恶、坏事等〕,不必多洗刷

cool hand 冒失鬼

a crack [good, great] hand 行家,熟手

a dead hand 【法律】没有让渡权的所有主

extra hands 临时工

a free hand 放手处理的权力 (allow sb. a free hand in his work 让某人放手工作)

a fresh [green] hand 生手

a good [poor] hand at 巧[拙]于

a hand's turn 小事 (not do a hand's turn 易如反掌的事都不做)

a nap hand 一手好牌;有利的地位

a numb hand 笨人

all hands to the pump(s) 大家都来帮忙

an old hand 内行,过来人

at first hand 直接 (knowledge at first hand 第一手知识)

bathe [dip] one's hands in blood 双手沾满鲜血,成为杀人犯

bear [lend] a hand (in) 参加

bear [lend] a hand (with) 帮助, 出一把力

be even hands with sb. 〔苏格兰语〕 向某人报复,同某人算账

be out of sb.'s hands 某人不能控制[处理、负责]

bite the hand that feeds one 忘恩负义,恩将仇报


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