To cut a long story short 教你怎么“长话短说”-查字典英语网
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To cut a long story short 教你怎么“长话短说”

发布时间:2019-10-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

To cut a long story short 教你怎么“长话短说”

内容简介 Rob 在给菲菲讲述一件事情的时候故意“cut a long story short 把故事砍了一半”,这是为什么呢?本集《》通过 Rob 和菲菲的对话给大家介绍一个实用的表达,教你学会怎么“简而言之,长话短说”。


Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Rob.

大家好,我是冯菲菲。在每集《》节目中,我们会给大家介绍一个在字典里找不到,但英国人日常生活中会用到的表达。Rob 怎么看着状态这么不好呢?Rob, if you don't mind me saying, you look a bit rough.


Rough? Well you would be, if you'd had the night I've just had.

Oh yes? What happened?


Well, I went out for dinner with Neil, and then we went to the pub and then I lost my wallet and… to cut a long story short, I got home at two o'clock this morning.

Oh dear. But why 'cut the long story short'? 我还真的想听听昨晚你到底都干了些什么?


No, you don't want to hear the whole story. It would take too long and we haven't got time. And anyway, it's not that interesting. That's why I'm just telling you the most important parts of the story.

Right, OK. 短语 to cut a long story short“把一个长故事砍短”的意思就是“简而言之,长话短说,挑重点的说”。这个表达在日常对话中使用的频率很高。Hmm, that's a shame Rob, because I'm sure you had lots more to tell me.


Really? Well, we've got to keep this programme short so shall we move on and hear some examples of this phrase in action?


So I spoke to the boss and to cut a long story short, I'm getting a promotion!

There was a technical problem with our plane which they couldn't fix so to cut a long story short, we had to wait for another flight and we arrived a day late.

I met Geeta last year and to cut a long story short, we are getting married tomorrow!

好了,本集节目中教给大家的表达就是“to cut a long story short 长话短说”。So Rob, you're telling me you went out with Neil, lost your wallet and got home very, very late?


Yes, that's about it. Not very exciting, but the details are boring, that's why my long story is short. Why do you keep asking?

Well actually Rob, it sounds like you are telling a tall story. 一个让人难以相信的故事 a tall story。我怀疑你是自己编的吧?


Oh really, why do you say that?

Well I spoke to Neil this morning and he said you didn't go for dinner last night. You went straight to the pub, then another and another pub. And you left your wallet there so you had no money to get home and had to walk.


Ah well… that's the long story. Did you really want all the details?

Oh yes. Never cut a long story short if it's a good one!


If you say so, . Bye-bye.



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