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发布时间:2015-07-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

3.Mark's Wife Priscilla Chan Is Even MorePrivate than He Is


The irony of the couple at the heart of the biggestsource of personal information in the world beingextremely private is amusing, and even Zuckerbergand his wife, Priscilla Chan, can see that. Chanrecently gave one of her first and only interviews onThe Today Show where she revealed a number ofthings about herself and her husband. Chan was agrade school teacher and is now a medical schoolgraduate and hopes to become a pediatrician. She lives a very humble life considering she hasbeen attached to one of the wealthiest and most controversial figures in tech for the last 13years. Chan's parents left their home country in a refugee boat seeking a better life forthemselves and their future children, and she is the first in her family to graduate from college.Education is very important to her and she and Mark have announced that they are donated$120 million to improve Bay Area public schools. Priscilla admits that the couple want to havekids, but their busy lives mean that they will be putting it off for a while. Besides, they alreadyhave a child named Beast, a Hungarian sheepdog who has 1.8 million followers on Facebook andpossibly even more hair. Priscilla jokes that Beast is Zuckerberg's number two priority afterFacebook. She finds it strange that the public has so much curiosity about her because she isjust the daughter of an immigrant family training to be a doctor, and that is how the people inher life treat her. She laments that it is sad that the public do not see her husband as sheknows him, and Priscilla describes Mark as funny, thoughtful, sensitive and caring.

这对夫妻想要在个人信息最易泄露的城市中心保有极度的个人隐私简直是荒谬、讽刺,而他们也意识到这一点了。陈最近上了《今日之秀》(The Today Show),这是她第一次也是唯一一次接受访谈。在节目里,她透露了关于她自己和马克的很多事情。陈以前是一位小学教师,现在呢,是医学院的研究生,并希望能成为儿科医师。考虑到过去的13年里她已经跟世界上最富有且最受关注的人紧紧地联系在一起了,她的生活堪称简朴。陈的父母当时是搭着一艘难民船离开了自己的国家,想要为自己,为将来的孩子寻求更好的生活。陈也是家里面第一个大学生。教育对她来说很重要,所以她和马克已经捐献了一亿两千万美元来改建旧金山湾区的公共学校。普利西亚也承认了他们其实是想要孩子的,但是他们太忙了,所以只能将生宝宝的计划延后。此外,她表示他们已经有一个"小孩"了,是一只名叫比斯特(Beast)的匈牙利牧羊犬。它在脸书上已经有一千八百万的粉丝了,并且可能还将不断上涨。普利西亚开玩笑说,比斯特是扎克伯格除了脸书之外最关心的东西了。她发现大众对她过分好奇了,这让她觉得很奇怪,因为她也不过是来自一个移民家庭,努力培训,梦想成为一名医生的普通人。她周围的人也就是这样看待她的。她感慨说大家并没有像她那样了解她的丈夫扎克伯格,她眼中的扎克伯格是一个有趣、有思想力、有点敏感又很有爱心的男人。




2.Facebook Is Buying up Innovation Left and Right





Facebook does not just want to be a social networking site, instead Zuckerberg dreams of aone stop shop for all online communication and development. Zuckerberg recently boughtWhatsapp, a major player in online mobile messaging, for $19 billion. If you have ever wonderedhow Facebook can suggest who to tag in your uploaded photos, that's because they alsopurchased facial recognition software Face.com for somewhere between $55 and $100 million.In the same year, Facebook bought the photo sharing Instagram for $1 billion. While thepurchase was scoffed at because Instagram wasn't profitable, Zuckerberg reiterated hismission of providing an even better sharing experience. Facebook has also purchased locationsharing services, advertising software, and other social media feeds including ConnectU.ConnectU is the platform created by the Winklevoss brothers and Facebook purchased itaccording to a court settlement for cash and a share in Facebook stock.

脸书不仅仅想成为一个社交网站,相反,扎克伯格梦想把它打造成一个适合所有人网上交流、发展的一站式商店。扎克伯格最近斥资190亿美元收购了Whatsapp——一款主要用于智能手机之间通讯的应用软件。你想知道脸书是怎么实现圈人标记上传照片的功能的吗?这是因为他们大概花了五千五百万到一亿美元收购了人脸识别软件——Face.com。同年,脸书以10亿美元收购了照片分享软件——Instagram。这一收购决策遭到了众人的嘲笑,因为Instagram并不盈利,但扎克伯格却一再重复强调他的使命是提供一个更好的经验交流平台。脸书还收购了位置分享服务、广告软件以及其他社交媒体订阅,包括 ConnectU。ConnectU 是温克里弗斯兄弟(Winklevoss brothers)创建的一个平台,脸书用法定结算资金及脸书的一部分股份换得了ConnectU。

Facebook also bought the virtual reality firm Oculus VR for $2 billion dollars. Zuckerberg hasn'tannounced a specific plan for this massive purchase and so the public will just have to usetheir imagination for now.

脸书还耗资20亿美元收购了虚拟现实公司Oculus VR。扎克伯格并没有公布详细的大批量收购计划,因此欲知详情,就只能靠猜喽。

1.Zuckerberg Does Not Want to Simply Change the Internet- He Wants to Bring It tothe Whole World





Zuckerberg built the prototype for Facebook.com in only one week, but he is going to take histime in changing the world. Zuckerberg wants to bring Internet access to the other two-thirdsof the world's population because only 2.7 billion people have access right now. Zuckerberginsists that the whole world should get in on the Internet because we're missing out on thecreativity and ingenuity of almost two thirds of the world's population. Facebook is workingwith NASA on a new "Connectivity Lab" on Zuckerberg's latest mission which involves drones,satellites and even laser beams. Zuckerberg hasn't released a timeline yet for his massiveproject, but he has said that over the last year, 3 million people now have access to theInternet that didn't before in the countries of Paraguay and the Philippines. This venture,entitled Internet.org, is working with manufacturer's of mobile internet device and technologycompanies to achieve the massive goal of bringing the Internet to the entire world'spopulation. Zuckerberg has even issued a call to arms to Google, with whom they competefor advertising space, saying that everyone should be participating in this coalition because abigger Internet is better for everyone.

扎克伯格一周内建立了脸书的原型,但是他将花更多的时间来改变世界。扎克伯格想让世界上其他2/3的人口也接触互联网,因为现在互联网的使用人数只有27亿。扎克伯格坚持认为整个世界都应该参与进互联网的世界,因为我们错过了世界上大约2/3的人口的创造力。在扎克伯格的最新工作日程中,脸书会与美国国家航空航天局(NASA)合作,在新的"互联实验室"(Connectivity Lab)中对无人侦察机、卫星甚至激光束进行相关的研究。扎克伯格并没有公布这个庞大的项目的运行时间,但是他透露说,去年巴拉圭(Paraguay)和菲律宾(Philippines)已有300万人开始接触互联网了。这个名为Internet.org的联合机构与移动互联网企业携手合作,预计实现一项重大目标:向全人类推广普及互联网。扎克伯格甚至向谷歌"宣战",与他们争夺广告空间,声称每个人都应加入这个联盟,因为互联网范围越广,对每个人就更有利。

Internet.org has recently come under fire for supposedly violating the idea of net neutrality.Zuckerberg says that programs like his can co-exist with net neutrality and that having someconnectivity is better than having no connectivity at all. Net neutrality has been a hot buttonissue in the last few years. It is a movement against internet providers like Comcast, who wantto charge more data to visit certain websites. This practice is seen as discriminatory andZuckerberg will have to face it sooner or later or face the wrath of the 5 billion new people hehas worked so hard to connect to the Internet.


Mark Zuckerberg is one of a number of young CEOs in Silicon Valley, but he is also one of thewealthiest and most controversial. He runs a company that provides a product that 1 billionpeople want to use, and that many people want to work at. His employees praise his egalitarianoffice structure but some lament the lack of organization in the young company. Facebookconstantly surprises with new innovations and opened the gate for an entirely new use of theInternet. The man behind it is a private man but is described by those around him as a manwith a big heart. Zuckerberg says that he created Facebook to be useful, not to be cool but itappears that he may have accomplished both.



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