Australians should stop holding their breath if they're anticipating an inbound deal like China's Cnooc's US$15.1 billion bid for Canadian oil major Nexen since the country's opposition leader Tony Abbott describes Chinese investment as 'complicated'.
自从澳大利亚反对党领袖艾伯特(Tony Abbott)将来自中国的投资形容为“复杂以后,如果澳大利亚人还在期待一宗像中国海洋石油有限公司(Cnooc Ltd., 简称:中海油)斥资151亿美元收购加拿大主要油企Nexen那样的交易的话,那么他们应该不必再屏息以待了。
Dow Jones Newswires's Enda Curran reports Tuesday that Mr. Abbott said he opposes foreign governmentㄙs taking a controlling stake in an Australian business:
据道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)的Enda Curran周二报道,艾伯特说,他反对外国政府在澳大利亚的一家企业中占据控股地位:
The fact Mr. Abbott's Liberal-National coalition enjoys a firm lead in opinion polls, underscores that if elected as Prime Minister his government would scrutinize investment from China, much of which comes from State-owned entities.
艾伯特领导的自由党-国家党联盟(Liberal-National coalition)在民调中牢牢领先的事实凸显出这样一种情形:如果艾伯特当选澳大利亚总理,他领导的政府将严格审查来自中国的投资。中国对澳大利亚的投资多数来自中国国有企业。
'Chinese investment is complicated by the prevalence of state-owned enterprises,' Mr. Abbott said in a speech in Beijing. 'It would rarely be in Australiaㄙs national interest to allow a foreign government or its agencies to control an Australian business,' he said.
'To maintain public support for foreign investment, Australians need to understand that it is clearly in our national interest; just as investors need to be confident that Australia remains a good place to invest thatㄙs not subject to sovereign risk,' Mr. Abbott added.
But Chinese corporates have been betting big on Australian resources companies. Last month, Yancoal Australia, the local unit of Yanzhou Coal Mining Co., became the biggest Chinese company ever listed Down Under. It had just merged with Gloucester Coal, having made a A$3.5 billion purchase of Felix Resources in 2010.
但中资企业已经在澳大利亚的资源类企业上押下重注。上个月,兖州煤业股份有限公司(Yanzhou Coal Mining Co.)在澳大利亚的子公司兖煤澳大利亚有限公司(Yancoal Australia)成为澳大利亚最大的中资上市公司。兖煤澳大利亚刚刚完成同Gloucester Coal的合并,并且曾在2010年斥资35亿澳元收购了澳洲矿业公司Felix Resources。
China's Sichuan Hanlong Group's A$1.7 billion takeover of Sundance Resources is awaiting approval from China's National Development and Reform Commission, or NDRC.
而中国四川汉龙集团(Sichuan Hanlong Group)斥资17亿澳元收购澳洲Sundance Resources的交易正等待中国国家发展和改革委员会(简称:发改委)的审批。
If Labor remains in power, it's not smooth sailing either. Reigning deputy prime minister and treasurer Wayne Swan in 2010 blocked China Minmetals Non-Ferrous Metals Co.'s A$2.6 billion bid for OZ Minerals on the grounds its Prominent Hill mine was in a military zone. That same year China Nonferrous Metals Mining Co. walked away from an offer for Lynas Corp. Ltd. after FIRB indicated it would only accept a bid for less than 50% of the company.
如果澳大利亚工党仍然掌权,中资企业投资澳大利亚也不见得就会一帆风顺。澳大利亚副总理兼国库部长斯万(Wayne Swan)在2010年曾阻止中国五矿有色金属股份有限公司(China Minmetals Non-Ferrous Metals Co., 简称:五矿有色)以26亿澳元收购澳洲矿业公司OZ Minerals,理由是OZ Minerals旗下的Prominent Hill矿山位于一个军事区内。同年,五矿有色回绝了收购澳大利亚矿业公司Lynas Corp. Ltd.的提议,因为澳大利亚外商投资审核委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board, 简称:FIRB)此前表示,它只能接受收购方竞购Lynas Corp.不到50%的股份。
Mr. Swan was also the messenger when the Australian government blocked Singapore Exchange's A$8.4 billion offer for stock market operator ASX. 'It's a no-brainer that this deal is not in Australia's national interest,' Mr. Swan told reporters at the time.
当澳大利亚政府阻止新加坡交易所(Singapore Exchange)斥资84亿澳元收购澳洲股市运营商ASX时,斯万曾充当传话人。斯万当时告诉记者,不用想就知道这宗交易不符合澳大利亚的国家利益。
In the 2010-2011 fiscal year, China was the third largest source of inbound investment into Australia during the 2010-2011 fiscal year, behind the U.K. and U.S., the two biggest foreign buyers, according to Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board. Some A$15.0 billion in approved investments came from China compared with A$27.6 billion from the U.S., also according to FIRB.
In the 2011 calendar year, Chinese inbound M&A reached a record US$9.9 billion, according to Dealogic. If Mr. Abbott and Mr. Swan remain steadfast in their stance, such records are unlikely to to be broken.
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