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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  4.bleed vi. & vt.bled(过去式)→bled(过去分词)

  5.choke vi. & vt.()噎住;(使)窒息 9.swell vi. & vt.()膨胀;隆起→swollen adj.肿胀的 10.squeeze vt. & vi.12.pour vt.

  & vi.15.treat vt. & vi. n.款待;招待→treatment n.治疗;疗法;对待;待遇 16.apply vt. vi.申请;请求;使用;有效→applicant n.申请人→application n.申请(书) 2.swell v(使)膨胀;增长 (swelled, swollen) n.swollen adj.肿胀的 swell(sth.) into/to sth.(使某物)膨胀,,,swell(sth.) with pride/anger etc.洋洋得意/怒气冲冲等

  [即学即练2](1)Her face ______ (______) with toothache./Her face

  ____________ (______) with toothache. 她的脸因牙痛而肿了起来。(2)A small business ____________ a big company. 小商店发展成大公司。(3)Her heart __________________ as she watched her son receiving his award. 看着儿子领奖时,。Swelled up//was swollen up//swelled into//swelled with pride

  3.squeeze vt. & vi. squeeze out榨出;挤出 squeeze...out of/from...把……从……中榨出来 squeeze into/through...挤进……

  [即学即练3](1)Must you _________ the toothpaste tube in the middle?你非得从中间挤牙膏吗? (2)Try to ________ a bit more ____________ the tube. 尽量从管里再挤出一点儿。(3)Five of us ____________ the back seat of the car. 我们中有5个人挤进了汽车的后座。

  Squeeze//squeeze out of//squeezed into

  4.treat vt.

  n.款待;招待 treat...as/like把……当做 treat sb./oneself(to sth.)请客吃…… be one’s treat由/该某人请客

  [即学即练4](1)They ______ me ______ one of the family, which was very kind of them. 他们把我作为一个家庭成员来对待,。(2)He is seriously ill, and __________________in hospital now.他病得很重,。(3)We’ll ______ you ______ dinner.我们请你吃饭。(4)__________________. What would you like to eat? 我请客,

  Treated as//is being treated//treat to//It’s my treat

  5.apply vt.vi.申请;请求;使用;有效 apply to适用于 apply...to...把……应用到 apply to sb. for...向某人申请…… apply oneself to(doing) sth.专注于;专心做某事

  [即学即练5](1)What you said doesn’t ____________ me.你所说的并不适合我。(2)You can’t ______ this rule ______ every case. 这个规则并不能适用于所有的状况。(3)She ____________ a job ______ an English teacher. 她应征英语教师的工作。(4)We had to ____________ the government ______ financial help.我们只好向政府申请财务援助。

  apply toapply to//applied for as//apply to for

  (5)He __________________ learning English. 他专心学英语。

  applied himself to

  6.fall illfall asleep 睡着,fall behind (竞赛等)落在(对方)后面;输给别人 fall apart 土崩瓦解;(关系)崩裂,fall down 从……落下;倒下;跌倒;(建筑物等)倒塌; (计划等)失败 fall off 下降;跌落 fall over 跌倒

  [即学即练6](1)Caught in a heavy rain, he ____________ and died.淋了大雨,。(2)Work hard, or we will ____________. 努力学习,。(3)He ____________ his bike while riding. 他骑车时从自行车上摔了下来。

  fell illfall behind//fell off

  8.put one‘s hands onlay/get one’s hands on 找到,得到 at hand 在手边;即将来到 by hand 用手做,from hand to hand 从一人手中传到另一人手中 hand in hand 手拉手,in hand 在手里;在掌握中,join hands 携手,on the one hand..., on the other hand... 一方面……,out of hand 无法控制

  [即学即练8](1)I‘ll bring some tapes if I can ________________________ them. 如果找得到的话,。(2)________________________, I want to sell the house, but ________________________ I can’t bear the thought of moving.,。(3)Don‘t worry—all the arrangements are ____________. 别担心,。

  lay my hands onOn the one hand//on the other hand//in hand

  (4)He believes that the great day is ____________. 他相信这个伟大的日子就要来到了。

  at hand

  9.make a difference(重要)作用 make no difference(to sb./sth.) 对某人/物没有作用或影响,/物不重要/不要紧 make some difference(to sb./sth.) 对某人/物有些作用或影响 tell the difference分辨,,

  [即学即练9](1)It _______________________ which way he goes. 他走哪条路会有很大不同。(2)Whether he will come _________________. 他是否来无关紧要。(3)The twins are so alike. It’s difficult to __________________.这对双胞胎长得太像了,。

  makes a great differencemakes no difference//tell the difference

  易 错 点 拨


  1. injury/wound/hurt/damage/harm (1)injury指平时的大、小创伤或伤害,。(2)wound指战斗中刀或枪的创伤、。(3)hurt尤指精神上或感情上的伤害,。(4)damage指损失、(不表示伤痛),。(5)harm指精神和肉体上的极大损害,。

  [1] (1)Too much drinking will do you great ______/do great ______ to you.过量饮酒有害。(2)He got an ______ in the accident.他在事故中受伤。(3)Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most ______.在加利福尼亚大地震中,。


  (4)The soldier had a ______ in his chest. 这位战士胸部受伤。(5)My sympathy eased his ______. 我的同情减轻了他的痛苦。hurt


  5.adopt vt.采用;采纳;收养 6.possess vt.拥有;具有;支配→possession n.拥有

  9.predict vt.prediction n.预言→predictor n.预言者 13.appeal vi. vt.将……上诉 n.呼吁;恳求 1.aim n&v. 瞄准;对准;目标 miss one‘s aim 未击中目标 have a high aim in life 胸怀大志 achieve one’s aim 达到目的 take aim at 向……瞄准 without aim 漫无目的 with the aim of doing sth. 意在做某事 aim at/for sth. 致力于,,

  aim to do sth. 旨在干……;以……为目标be aimed at 对象是;针对 [即学即练1](1)She went to London ______ ______ ______ ______ finding a job. 她去伦敦是为了找工作。(2)Bob‘s one ______ ______ ______ is to earn a lot of money. 鲍勃唯一的一个人生目标就是挣很多的钱。


  (3)They‘re ________ ______ training everybody by the end of the year. 他们力求做到在年底前人人得到培训。(4)These measures are ______ ______ preventing violent crime.这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。


  2.adopt vt.adopt an approach/strategy/policy 采用某方法/战略/政策 an adopted son养子

  [即学即练2](1)The couple couldn’t have children of their own so they __________ ______ ________ ______ ______. 这对夫妇没有自己的孩子,。


  (2)Circumstances will force us finally to _________ ______ _________.形势将最终迫使我们采取这项方针。(3)Our school has _________ ______ ______ __________ __________. 我们学校已经采用了新的教学方法。(4)We’d like to _________ ______ ______. 我们愿意采纳你的看法。


  提示:adopt/adapt 这两个单词仅有一个字母之差,要注意它们含义的区别。 adopt采用,采纳;收养;正式通过 adapt改编;使适应

  3.possess vt. 拥有,占有 possession n. 拥有,占有,所有,[pl.]财产 come into one‘s possession 被某人占有;落入某人之手

  take/get/gain possession of 拿到……;占有;占领 in possession of 拥有;持有 in the possession of sb./in one's possession 为某人所有 be possessed of 具有(某品质)

  [即学即练3](1)That top secret document has ______ ______ ______ ____________. 那份绝密文件已被她拿到。(2)Our forces ______ ____________ ______ the hill. 我们的部队占领了那座小山。(3)He is ______ lawful ______ _____________ a shotgun. 他合法地持有猎枪。


  (4)The rare stamp is ______ ______ ___________ ______ an unknown collector. 那张珍贵的邮票为一位不知名的收藏家所拥有。(5)He lost ______ ______ ___________ in the fire. 在那场火灾中他失去全部财产。


  4.attempt vt.&vi. n.努力;尝试;企图 attempted adj. 未遂的 attempt to do sth. 试图做某事(=try/seek to do) make an/no attempt to do sth./at doing sth. 企图/没 有企图做某事

  in an attempt to do/at doing sth. 为了做某事 at the first attempt 首次尝试 an attempted murder/suicide 谋杀/自杀未遂

  [即学即练4](1)He ______ ______ ______ to climb the mountain but failed.他企图要爬上这座山,。(2)I ___________ ______ ______ but was stopped. 我想走但被拦住了。(3)I passed my driving test ______ ______ ______ ________.我考汽车驾驶执照时一次就通过了。


  (4)He was accused of __________ __________. 他被控告谋杀未遂。


  5.appeal vi.vt.将……上诉 appeal to对……有吸引力;呼吁;上诉;引起……的兴趣 appeal to sb. for sth.请求某人某事 appeal for sth.呼吁某事;请求给予某物 appeal to/for sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事 make an appeal for sb. to do sth.呼吁某人做某事

  [即学即练5](1)Her sense of humour _________ ______ ______ enormously.她的幽默感强烈地吸引住了他。(2)She _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ against her sentence.她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。


  (3)The government is ________ ______ the public ______ help for those who lost their homes in the flood. =______ ______ ______ ______ ______ by the government for help for those who lost their homes in the flood. 政府正在呼吁公众对在水灾中丧失家园的人给予援助。


  1. attempt/try/manage (1)attempt正式用语,常指一次的而不是继续的尝试,往往暗示这种尝试达不到目的,常包含“冒险”意义。 (2)try通俗用语,指为成功做某事而付出努力或花费一定代价,后接不定式表示“试图做某事”,后接动名词表“试着做某事”。

  (3)manage“成功地做成某事”,。[应用1] (1)All the students ____________ to pass the exam. (2)The prisoner ___________ an escape, but failed. (3)We should ______ our best to catch up with others.


  2. predict/forecast/foresee (1)predict强调把预见的事情说出来。(2)foresee指预告,。(3)forecast主要指预报天气,。

  [2] (1)Earthquakes can’t be prevented, but they can be ____________.地震不能预防,。(2)It is ___________ that it will rain tomorrow. 据预报明天有雨。(3)No one can ___________what the outcome of the election will be.没有人能预测选举结果。



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