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2017届新课标高考一轮复习英语人教版 浙江专版课件:part1 必修1 unit2(1)

发布时间:2017-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  gift / present

  gift 一般指贵重礼物或捐赠之物,也可指“天赋”, 可以是具体的也可指抽象的。构成短语:have a gift for


  present 往往指具体的,亲戚朋友间所送之物。

  The foundation made a gift of a million dollars to the


  Each child brought a present to the teacher on Teachers'


  ⑥present n., adj.&vt. 活用


  I'll (1) present all the students (2) present with my

  works as (3) presents for the graduating ceremony.


  Having a (4) ______for music, he received a piano

  as his birthday (5) ______. 答案

  (1) 赠予



  (4) gift

  (5)gift ⑥present n., adj.&vt. ⑦such (1)such的位置 There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  世上没有免费午餐之类的好事儿。 There are three such mistakes in your composition.

  你的作文中有3个这样的错误。 注意:such与 all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several, one 等词连用时,应位于它们的后面。

  ⑦such 温馨提示

  ① 在“no such + 单数可数名词”这一结构中,千万别受汉语的影响而多加不定冠词或one,例如:我们班没有这样的一个学生。

  There is no such a student in our class. (×)

  There is no such one student in our class. (×)

  There is no such student in our class. (√)

  ⑦such 温馨提示

  ② 注意many 与such的问题:英语中不存在“such many+可数名词复数”或“such much+不可数名词”结构,但存在“a so many +可数名词复数”或“so much+不可数名词” 以及“many such+ 可数名词复数”,例如:

  so many students 这么多的学生

  so much water 这么多的水

  many such students 许多这样的学生 ⑦such

  (2)“such + 名词 + that”与“such + 名词+as或其他”。 试填下面的空: ①It was such an attractive school_____ we visited years ago.

  ②It was such an attractive school______ we visited it years ago.

  ③It is such an attractive school______ we worked years ago.

  A. that

  B. as

  C. which

  D. where B A D ⑦such

  【分析】这类的考题,实际上考查的是定语从句与结果状语从句的区别问题。句①我们可以把such an attractive school代入到从句作visited的宾语,所以答案是B; 句②我们不能把such an attractive school代入到从句中,所以是结果状语从句,因此答案是A; 句③我们可以在such an attractive school前加介词in代入到从句中作地点状语,是定语从句,所以答案是D。 ⑦such (3) 倒装问题

  ① Such is…

  Such is Shen Hao, a diligent, warm­hearted and selfless man.



  这一句式主要用于描述人的文章的句尾处,使文章简洁明了,不拖泥带水而又对文章起到画龙点睛之效。 ⑦such (3) 倒装问题

  ② “such + 名词 + 助动词+谓语 +that”的结果状语从句

  Such loud noises did they make that they were heard out in the street.

  ⑧recognize vt. 根据语境猜词义 (1) I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. (2) Can you recognize this tune?

  (3) They recognized they need to take the problem seriously.

  (4) He is recognized as the best teacher because of his broad knowledge. 根据语义找匹配

  A. 公认为  B. 认出  C. 听出  D. 承认

  B C D A ⑧recognize vt. 链接 recognizable adj. 可辨认出的

  recognition n. 认出;辨认;认可 短语 recognize sb./sth. by/ from… 根据……认出某人 recognize sb. as / to be

  认为……是…… beyond one's recognition


  ⑧recognize vt. 句型 It's recognized that…人们公认为…… 活用

  完成句子 (1) The moment I picked up the phone, I _________ (听出来他是谁).


  recognized him ⑧recognize vt. 活用

  完成句子 (2) He has changed so much that I ______________ (几乎认不出来他了). (3) __________(人们一直认为) that environment pollution has become one of the most serious problems that people face.


  (2) can hardly recognize him 

  (3) It is recognized ⑧recognize vt. — Hello, can you recognize me? — Sorry, I can't see you at all. How can I know who you are? 在这个对话中,他们之间为什么会产生这一误会呢? ⑧recognize vt. 答案

  他们误会的根源在于:对方误解了recognize是“认出”,而实际上,这是打电话的一个情景,对方的recognize 的意思是“听出我是谁”的意思。原来英语中还有小品啊! * * * (1) ① voyage n.


  The voyage from England to India used to take six months.


  短语 make a voyage/make voyages to

  远航去……  ① voyage n. 辨析 voyage/journey/trip/tour/travel voyage 主要指“乘船做海上旅行”,也可指“空中旅行”。 journey 旅行、旅程、路程,一般来说着重指长距离的陆上旅行。 trip 往往着重指“短途旅行”或“有特别目的的旅行”,在口语中可与journey互换。

  ① voyage n. 辨析 voyage/journey/trip/tour/travel tour 指以旅游、视察、购物等为目的的旅行,常含有“最后要回到出发地”的意思。 travel 主要指“国内旅行或长途旅行”,泛指“旅行”时,是不可数名词,若要表示某人在某一时间内,从一地到另一地作长途旅行,也可用复数。(通常有物主代词修饰)。 ① voyage n. 活用

  用voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour填空 (1)We went on a ______ to the mountains.

  (2)The novel is based on his ______ in India.

  (3)The ship sank on his first _______, which was quite disappointing.

  trip travels voyage ① voyage n. 活用

  用voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour填空 (4)The Prince will visit France on the last leg of his European ______.

  (5)Did you have a good ________? (6)The book describes a spiritual _______ from despair to happiness.

  tour journey journey ① voyage n. 活用


  (7)It was reported that their ship broke down on the way and only a few men survived the ________.

  A. travel

  B. voyage

  C. tour

  D. trip

  B 解析

  由ship推断出是海上旅行,因此用voyage。 根据语境猜词义

  (1) The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the fire.

  (2) He has studied in the USA and has a good command of spoken English.

  (3) Kathleen walked in, tall, slim, confident and in total command of herself.

  (4) The commander commanded that everyone die rather than give in.

  ② command n. & vt. 根据语义找匹配 A.命令

  B. 控制 C. 精通

  D. 指挥 答案

  (1) D (2) C (3) B (4) A ② command n. & vt. 链接 command n.

  控制;指挥;掌握;精通 v. 赢得,

  博得;眺望 commandant n.

  司令官;指挥官 commander n.

  长官 ② command n. & vt. 短语 under sb's command 在……的指挥下 be in command of sth. 控制 take command of 指挥 have a good command of 掌握;精通 at one's command 娴熟地;运用自如 be in command of oneself 神态自若的 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 ② command n. & vt. 句型 command that + sb. +(should)+ do sth. 活用

  单项填空 (1) In my opinion, I can be fit for the position as an

  English secretary because I have an excellent ____

  of English.



  a good command of 表示“精通”,其他名词都不 能构成短语,所以答案是A。

  ② command n. & vt. A (2) The teacher commanded that all the students ____ the classroom before he returned.

  A. mustn't leave

  B. didn't left

  C. not leave

  D. wouldn't leave 解析

  考查虚拟语气。动词command后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其形式为should do sth. 其中的should可以省去但动词原形不得改变,所以答案为C。

  ② command n. & vt. C ③ native 根据语境猜词义 (1) I arrived that evening at my native town.

  (2) If necessary, translate a representative sentence into the student's native language.

  (3) One of the animals native to India is the tiger.

  (4) His native musical ability impressed his teachers.

  (5) He is a native of New York.

  (6) The natives were friendly to the explorers.

  ③ native 根据语义找匹配 A.

  (某地)出生的人或物 n.  B. 出生的(国家、地方等)adj.  C. 土生土长的,当地产的 adj.  D. 土著居民 n.  E. 天然的,天生的,应有的 adj.  F. 本族的(语言),生来就能说的 adj. 答案

  (1)B (2)F (3)C (4)E (5)A (6)D (1)B (2)F (3)C (4)E (5)A (6)D ③ native 短语 be native to


  native speakers


  ③ native 活用

  汉译英 (1) 这种奇异的植物原产于意大利。

  ____________________________________ (2)她的英语口语很纯正,你会认为她生来就说英语。

  _______________________________________ _________________________

  This kind of strange plant is native to Italy. Her English accent is so good that you would think she was a native speaker. 根据语境猜词义 (1) The tour includes a visit to the Science Museum.

  (2) The team is looking strong, especially now they have included Yao Ming.

  ④ include vt.

  根据语义找匹配 A.包括;包含  B. 使……成为整体的一部分

  A B 链接 including prep. 包括,包含

  included adj. 包括,包含 inclusive adj. (价钱或费用) 包括一切的 辨析 contain/ include/ hold contain 强调其中的内容或成分 include 强调整体的一部分 hold 能容纳 ④ include vt.


  考查动词词义辨析。include 使……成为一部分;contain包含,含有; add增加;charge收费。根据语境:我们包括了你刚才摔碎的杯子的费用,所以答案是B


  单项填空 (1) — How come a simple meal like this costs so much?

  — We have ______in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now.

  A. added

  B. included

  C. contained

  D. charged ④ include vt.

  B 你会辨别including和included吗?

  (1) Ten students will pay a visit to the Science Museum, Tom and John __________.

  (2) Ten students will pay a visit to the Science Museum, __________Tom and John. included  ④ include vt.

  including 根据语境感悟其用法 (1)He fulfilled his task at the request of the leader.

  (2)We will make a request for help if necessary.

  (3) His request is that the work (should) be finished as soon as possible.

  (4) You are requested not to smoke in public.

  (5) The guide requested that the visitors not park the car at the gate.

  ⑤ request n. & vt.

  要求,请求 短语 make (a) request for…

  请求……;要求…… at sb. 's request=at the request of sb.

  按某人的要求 by request (of)

  按照需要;依照请求;应邀 on request

  一经要求 request sb. to do sth.

  请求某人做某事 request that sb. (should) do sth.

  请求…… request sth. from/of sb.

  向某人请求某物 ⑤ request n. & vt.

  要求,请求 句型 It is requested that… 根据要求…… 活用

  完成句子 (1) He was there ______(按经理的要求).

  ⑤ request n. & vt.

  要求,请求 答案

  at the request of his manager


  完成句子 (2) She requested that no one ______(被告知她的决定).

  (3) You are _____(被要求不要吸烟) in the restaurant.

  ⑤ request n. & vt.

  要求,请求 答案

  (2) (should) be told of her decision

  (3) requested not to smoke 温馨提示

  但凡有“要求”语义的词所带的所有从句都 要使用虚拟语气“(should) do sth.”形式,should 可 以省略,但动词原形不得改变。英语中有6个动词 表示“要求”。它们是demand / require/ request/

  appeal/ ask/ urge。 ⑤ request n. & vt.

  要求,请求 根据语境猜词义 (1) There were 200 people present at the meeting.

  (2)What can get him for a birthday present?

  (3) You‘ve got to forget the past and start living in the present.

  (4) Are you presenting your paper at the conference? (5) It is essential that we present a more modern image. ⑥present n., adj.&vt. 根据语义找匹配





  E. 到场,出席  答案

  (1) E  (2) D (3) B  (4) A  (5) C   ⑥present n., adj.&vt. 链接 presence n. 在场;出席

  presentation n.展示会;发布会;颁奖仪式 presently adv. 目前;眼下 ⑥present n., adj.&vt. 短语 at present = at the present time

  目前 for the present

  暂时 be present at

  出席;参加 make a present of sth. to sb. = make sb. a present of


  向某人赠送某物 present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb.



  ⑥present n., adj.&vt. * * *


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