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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Osama bin Laden


  Osama bin Laden, the worlds most wanted terrorist,died on May 2nd, aged 54


  May 5th 2011 | from the print edition

  WHEN he gave interviews to foreign journalists,which he did rarely, Osama bin Laden had a way oflooking down at his hands. This, and his soft,slightly raspy voice, and his gentle eyesas well as the fact that he allowed no instantaneoustranslationhelped conceal what he was saying: that it was the duty of all Muslims to killunbelievers, especially Americans, and that when he had seen the bodies of the infidels flyinglike dust motes on September 11th 2001, his heart had filled with joy.


  His mien was that of the sage, not the killer. He seldom shed blood himself, though histreasured Kalashnikov, which he carried everywhere, was said to have been wrested in singlecombat from a Russian soldier in Afghanistan. As a rule he observed from afar as his boysblew up the American base at Khobar in Saudi Arabia, or the USS Cole in Yemen or the American embassies in Kenyaand Tanzania, where in 1998 more than 200 died. Terrorism could be commendable orreprehensible, he smoothly agreed, but this was blessed terror, in defence of Islam. At firsthe denied any part in the 9/11 attacks, but at last pride got the better of him: yes, it was hewho had guided his 19 brothers towards their easy targets.


  How he really saw himself was as a constructionengineer. Construction had made the bin Ladenfamily fortune, $5 billion at least, from which he hadinherited $25m-30m. In the 1980s he boughtexcavators, dump trucks and bulldozers, sometimesdriving them himself, digging trenches for themujahideen to fight along in Afghanistan against the Soviet invaders, blasting tunnels in themountains for their arms dumps and field hospitals, until in 1989 the unbeliever-enemywithdrew in shame and disgrace.


  He made roads in Sudan, too, when he was exiled there in the 1990s, including a new highwayfrom Khartoum to Port Sudan. But he was mostly building his terror network, starting withthe guesthouses and weapons he provided in Afghanistan through his maktab al-khidamat, then creating al-Qaeda, the base. Much of this was done with AbdullahAzzam, his religious mentor; later, the terror-work was directed by Ayman al-Zawahiri andothers; but it was he who first recorded, in hundreds of individual files, the details of each eagerrecruit, the date of arrival, what he had done for the cause. Keenly, he followed the mediacoverage of the atrocities he inspired, playing the worlds press like a violin when he chose. Hebuilt the brand and turned it into a global franchise; his face advertised it, even as hedisappeared. If just two fighters held up a piece of cloth with al-Qaeda on it, he said proudly,American generals would run to the place in swarms.


  His mind and approach were those of a businessman. The same caution that characterised hisfugitive existence in Afghanistan and Pakistanavoiding phones, the internet, even watches,anything that might be used to track him, slipping from cave to safe house to compoundfeatured in his investments, which were profitable and practical. No political ideology guidedhim, though he might lie for hours at night thinking, or read for most of the day. The polite,pious rich boy, who had left university without a degree, became neither an intellectual nor avisionary.




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