Alternative law firms Bargain briefs
律师事务所可他选 概说律所议价
Technology offers 50 ways to leave your lawyer
CONVENTIONAL law firms charge vast hourly fees and then hand the work to underlingswhile the partners play golf at clubs their clients are too poor to join. At least, that is how itseems to many clients, whose irritation at being overcharged turned to fury during therecession.
Some clients are switching to unconventional law firms, which claim to offer equally goodlawyering for much less money. Take Clearspire. The firm s 20 or so lawyers work mostlyfrom home, collaborating on a multi-million-dollar technology platform that mimics a virtualoffice. A lawyer checking in on a colleague automatically sees a picture of her on the phonewhen she is, in fact, on the phone. Clients use the platform too, commenting on and evenchanging their own documents as they are being drawn up. Conventional lawyers are far lessopen.
From the start, Clearspire offers cost estimates for each phase of a legal job. Employees whounderestimate how long it will take cannot simply jack up the billthey must take the hitthemselves. But if a lawyer finishes his work faster than promised, he gets a third of thesavings. The client also gets a third, as does Clearspire. This gives everyone a stake inmaking the process more efficient and predictable.
Bryce Arrowood, the founder, notes that law firms reward partners who bring in business, andnot necessarily the most brilliant lawyers. Yet clients priorities are exactly the reverse. SoClearspire has an unusual dual structure. American law firms cannot have non-lawyerssharing fees with lawyers. So Clearspire must be two entities: a law firm, with salaried employee-lawyers ratherthan partners, and a second company that focuses on bringing in business and supporting thelawyers.
布赖斯. 艾尔伍德,这位Clearspire的创建者指出,律师事务所奖励那些招揽生意的合伙人,而这些人不一定就是最出色的律师,但是客户们的首选可不是这些人。所以Clearspire有一个双重的运作结构,因为美国的律所不能分享律师们的非律师业务的收费,因此Clearspire必须为两个公司:一个为律师事务所,与领工资的雇佣律师们而不是合伙人打交道,另一个工资则旨在招揽生意并给律师工资。
The discount for clients is sweet. George Kappaz is a private-equity boss who recently gavea complex job to Clearspire . He estimates that it cost a quarter of what he would have paid the big firms he usedbefore, and Clearspire s work was just as good. Mr Kappaz predicts that the Clearspire model, or something like it, willrevolutionise the legal business.
非传统的律所给客户带来了甜头。乔治.卡帕兹是一个私有股份公司的老板,它最近委托Clearspire一个复杂的业务。他估计这个业务的花费,可能只为以往他用的那个大律所的花费的1/4.并且 Clearspire干的一样的好。卡帕兹预测说Clearspire的这种模式,或是类似它的运营模式,会在律师界引起大革命。
Perhaps so, but for Clearspire it is early days. Can it make money? A company like11-year-old Axiom proves that clients have an appetite for alternative models. Axiomeither seconds some of its hundreds of lawyers to a company, takes on a whole chunk of aclient firm s legal work , or performs discovery . Rather than charging by the hour for each lawyer, it asks for asingle flat fee, or charges for a team by the week or the month. Expenses are kept low byhaving headquarters in SoHo, a chic bohemian bit of New York, and by stashing manylawyers in even cheaper places such as Houston and Hyderabad.
也许是这样的,但是对于Clearspire 来说此言尚早。Clearspire会盈利么?Axion这一运营了11年的公司证明了客户喜欢不同的律所模式。Axion要么从几百名律师中调派一些去客户公司,处理大量的客户公司的法律业务,要么做 证据开示 。 比起按律师按小时收费,公司简单地收取统一价。或者按周/月收取一组律师的费用。通过把总部设在索霍区/休南区这个雅致又富有波西米亚风格的纽约一角,还有通过把律师们储备在像休斯顿和海德拉巴这样消费更低的地方,律所的开销就能保持低廉了。
The recession was good to Axiom. After it sent its consultants, recruited from the likes ofMcKinsey and Accenture, to clients to help them trim their legal spending, the clients gaveAxiom more work. Revenue grew from $55m in 2008 to $80m in 2010. This year the firmexpects to rake in $120m. Companies were always under pressure to cut their legal bills,says Mark Harris, Axiom s boss. But fake pressure before became real pressure duringthe downturn.
对于Axiom,经济危机是件好事。Axiom将从Mckinsey和Accenture那里挖来的咨询师派到客户那里之后,他们帮忙客户们削减了法律开支,这些客户则为Axiom带来了更多的客户。公司的利润从08年的5500万美元增长到了 10年的8000万美元。今年Axiom预计能将12000万美元敛入囊中。公司总在削减法律账单的压力下,Axiom的老板马克.哈里斯如是说,但以前的 伪压力 在经济危机中变成了 真压力 。
Axiom and Clearspire serve some of America s biggest companies. Other entrepreneurs areaiming at small-business clients. These would normally take a chance on finding the right solepractitioner or small firm. But on LawPivot, a year-old social-networking website forlawyers and those who need them, potential clients post questions ,and lawyers provide free, brief answers. The lawyers make nothing, but use the service todrum up custom. Clients can test a lawyer s skill before opening their wallets.
Axiom和 Clearspirewei 为美国的一些大公司服务。其他的律所则瞄准了小型企业客户上,他们一般会试着找个体户或是小公司。但是在Lawpivot,这个为律师和需要律师的人运营了一年的社交网站上,潜在客户们提出问题,之后律师们提供免费的简洁的回答。律师没在做别的,不过是用这一服务去争取顾客。这样客户们在掏腰包之前就可以测试律师的水平了。
LawPivot is a social-networking site, not a law firmit will make its money initially bycharging lawyers to upgrade their profiles .Google Ventures is a backer, and Apple s former top lawyer for mergers and acquisitions is aco-founder. This kind of heft will bring it up against LegalZoom, the biggest seller of onlineforms and easy, repeatable legal services for small businesses and individuals. LegalZoomnow wants to put more of its contract lawyers to work directly for clients at a flat rate.
LawPivotshiyige 是一个社交网站,并不是律师事务所它靠起始阶段向律师们收取信息更新费赚钱。不过有谷歌风投作为赞助商,还有苹果公司的前任合并收购高级律师做为共同创建人。这种强强组合将会使LawPivot能与LegalZoom一较高下。LegalZoom是最大的以在线形式为小型企业和个人提供简易并可重复的法律服务公司。如今,Legalzoom想要使其更多的签约律师去按统一收费率直接为客户服务。
It is more than a decade since the internet made book-buying cheaper and moreconvenient. If technology now helps cut gargantuan legal bills in America and elsewhere,it will be better late than never.
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