2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 Religious investigation services 宗教审查服务 The Lord s outsourced work 上帝的外包工作 The Vatican introduces price controls on thesaint-verifying business 罗马教廷在圣徒核查领域引入价格控制机制 IF YOU came across an essay titled The Cost of Sainthood you might assume it was a homilyon the self-sacrificing life of some heroic person. 如果你偶然看到一篇文章题为《圣徒的代价》,你可能以为这是一篇关于某个英雄人物自我牺牲的道德说教。 But it turns out that sainthood has a cost in a more literal senseand it has been rising. 但是事实上,作为圣徒还有一个实际意义上的花费,而且这个花费在不断增加。 When Cardinal John O Connor ofNewYorkstarted a campaign for the canonisation of Dorothy Day, an activist who toiled amongthe city s poor, some said this was a bad use of church funds. 多罗西戴是一名挣扎在纽约贫苦人群中的激进主义分子。纽约主教约翰欧康纳为其的圣徒册封仪式发起活动,而有人说这一行为滥用了教派基金。 He retorted that the expense was not excessive: an initiative to canonise a Haitian-bornNew Yorker called Pierre Toussaint, already well advanced, had cost less than $4,000 主教反驳道,此项花费并非多度:为一名出生在海地的纽约人皮埃尔图森特发起的册封倡议已经花费超过4000美元,而这一活动进展非常顺利。 But that was in the late 1990s. These days a successful canonisation campaign launchedinAmericatypically costs around $250,000, and can go far higher, says the Catholic NewsService, an agency editorially independent of the church. 独立于教会的编辑代理机构《天主教资讯通讯社》称,但是那是在二十世纪九十年代末期。现在在美国,一项成功的圣徒册封活动大致需要花费25万美元甚至更高。 The procedures for having somebody recognised as a saint are elaborate andbureaucratic. 让某人受封成为圣徒的程序复杂精细而又庄严肃穆。 They require an exchange of documents and expertise over many years between theperson s home region and theVatican. 需要主教奔赴候选人的家乡,调查相关文献,并将资料送到教会,获得相关专家的意见。 All sorts of experts may be called in, including doctors, who are asked to comment on thetwo miraculous cures which are a prerequisite for full sainthood. 这一过程将历时多年。各类专家将会被召集,其中也包括医生,他们将会对两种疑难杂症的治愈过程进行评价,因为这是完全成为圣徒的首要条件之一。 And a key role is played by an expert, often a Rome-based canon lawyer, known as apostulator, who mediates between the candidate s fan base and theVatican, and helpsprepare a case for sainthood. 另外,专家也将发挥重要作用。这个专家通常是一个来自于罗马的寺院律师,被叫做列圣申请官。 To the dismay of Dan Brown fans, the role of devil s advocate, who argued against aprospective sainthood, was abolished in 1983. 他将会在候选人的支持者基地和罗马教会之间进行调停,并协助候选人的受封仪式。令丹布朗的追随者沮丧的是,扮演与候选圣徒唱反调的魔鬼辩护人的角色在1983年被取缔。 The whole business will come under scrutiny this year, with two recentish popesJohn XXIIIand John Paul IIdue to be proclaimed saints in April. 今年,圣徒册封仪式将会在准教皇约翰二十三世和约翰保罗二世两位的仔细审查下进行。 This helps explain why, in a speech to postulators this month, Cardinal Angelo Amato, whooversees the Vatican s sainthood department, disclosed that it had introduced a referencetariffin effect, price regulationfor the costs incurred in promoting a possible saint. 这两位将会在今年四月正式宣誓上任。这也就是为什么本月掌管罗马教廷圣徒机构的主教安格鲁阿玛托在致列圣申请官的讲话中提到的,他们将会针对提名一个圣徒候选人所产生的相关费用引进一项举荐关税。 这项关税实际上是一种价格规章。 The department will also continue to ensure that candidates from poor countries, whosebackers are less able to pay for elaborate verification services, get a fair hearing. 这个机构也会继续确保来自贫穷国家的人们有机会成为候选人。这些人们的支持者无力支付详尽审查服务的费用或举行一个公平的听证会。 Even that policy has its detractors. 但这个政策仍然有反对的声音。 Bill Briggs, author of a book on canonisation, has argued that the investigation systemintroduced by John Paul II, since it is less adversarial than before, was a marketing coup: itfacilitated a wave of new saints in emerging markets, helping to recruit new souls toCatholicism. 比尔布里格斯写了一本关于圣徒册封仪式的著作。在书中,他驳斥由教皇约翰保罗二世引入的候选人调查制度是一个营销诡计,因为该制度不像以往那样具有反抗意识。它催生了新兴市场里一批新圣徒的诞生,为天主教注入了新鲜的血液。 But sainthood is never just a matter of money. 但是成为圣徒决不是只关乎金钱。 Some see the canonisation of two popesa Polish conservative and an Italian reformerasa way to reconcile traditionalists and radicals. 有人认为两位教皇的册封,是传统主义者和激进分子相互妥协的一种方式。 And Meaghan O Keefe of the University of California,Davissees the promotion of DorothyDay as a move by male bishops to neutralise the country s left-leaning nuns. 加州大学戴维斯分校的米根欧基夫认为男性主教对多罗西戴的提名,旨在寻求国家重心的平均分配,而不是过度倾向于关注修道院。 Politics comes into the picture, as well as Mammon. 政治问题以及财富收入也成为成为需要考虑的相关因素。 词语解释 1.turn out 关灯;结果是 Businesses could turn out impressivebuzz-monitoring applications. 而公司也可以用它制作出监视热门话题的应用。 So makers would be able to turn out new modelsquicker and at lower cost. 这样汽车制造商可以在更短的时间内以较低的成本设计出新车型。 2.prepare for 为作准备 It is only prudent to prepare for the consequences. 为由此带来的后果做准备是谨慎之举。 Now is the time to prepare for the worst. 现在就应该为最坏的状况做准备。 3.due to 由于;因为 Much of the shift is due to economic growth. 这种变化的大部分都是由于经济的增长。 Police say it s due to better policing. 警察说这是因为加强了治安。 4.continue to 继续 One-off projects will continue to attract capital. 一次性的项目会继续吸引资本。 U.s. natural-gas producers continue to increase supply. 美国天然气供应商的供给持续增加。
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