2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 How the world sees America 世界如何看待美国? Still on a hill 依然在巅峰 The NSA s snooping has done less damage thanpreviously thought 美国国家安全局的窥探造成的破坏比预想的要小 VOTERS, journalists and just about everyone payingattention to politics all tend to overestimate the power of the president. When BarackObama won the White House in 2008, many Americans were dazzled by his promises ofchange at home and a more judicious mix of strength and humility abroad. Indeed, it washoped that Mr Obama would rescue America s image after eight years of George Bush sbrand of cowboy-booted diplomacy. Since then, America s worries about how the worldsees the president, and by extension the country, have divided between those who think heis aloof and reluctant to use military force, which makes America look weak, and thosewho think his administration intervenes too much, making the country seem callous. 选民、记者以及关注政治的民众貌似都高估了总统的权力。当奥巴马总统2008年竞选成功入主白宫时,众多的美国民众被其国内改革和判断准确的实力与谦虚并重的国外政策弄得眼花缭乱。确实,在经历了布什总统8年的牛仔外交之后,人们希望奥巴马能够拯救美国的国家形象。自此以后,美国民众对世界如何看待美国总统及其怎样让国家富强的担忧已经分为两大阵营。一些人认为他不愿意使用军事力量,这让美国看起来十分懦弱,另一些民众则认为他干涉过多,让这个国家看起来很不近人情。 This seems to have passed the rest of the world by, according to a Pew Research Centreworld poll, published on July 14th. Foreigners do not much like being snooped on, and mostcountries disapprove of America s use of drones. Yet most places outside the Middle East stillview America favourably. Nor does America s disenchantment with its president, whose jobapproval numbers hover around 40%, seem to be echoed elsewhere. Taking Pew s numberson whether countries expect Mr Obama to do the right thing in world affairs and comparingthem with state-by-state presidential approval numbers from Gallup, it turns out that the44th president is more popular in China than in all but three of the 50 states: Maryland,Massachusetts and Hawaii. 根据皮尤调查研究中心7月14日发布的国际民意思调查报告,这种观点似乎不为外界所知。外国人不是很喜欢被窥视,许多国家都反对美国使用无人机。然而在中东以外的许多地区人们依然很喜欢美国。美国民众并没有对其总统失去信心、不抱幻想。总统的工作得到40%的民众的支持,这也在其他方面得到回应。 Mr Obama s popularity in China could come in handy. The most alarming finding in the studyis that 62% of those polled in China worry that its border disputes will lead to armedconflict. Some 67% of Americans say the same thing. The president s approval ratings diddrop considerably in the two countries most affronted by the NSA: Brazil and Germany. Yetthese opinions should be placed in context. Brazilians have long harboured suspicions ofAmerica. The country s president, Dilma Rousseff, was once tortured for her opposition to amilitary government that most people on the Brazilian left believe was supported byAmerica; the government that did the torturing fretted that Yankees might come and grabthe Amazon. 奥巴马在中国的欢迎程度极易可得。最令人警醒的结果是调查中,接受调查的中国人里约62%的人担心边界争端将会导致武装冲突。约67%的美国人也表达了同样的看法。总统的支持率在被美国国家安全局公然侮辱的两个国家骤降。然而这些观点必须放在特定的语境中审视。长期以来,巴西人就对美国持怀疑态度。巴西总统迪尔玛卢瑟福曾经因为她反对军事政府而遭折磨,而绝大多数的巴西左派人士认为这一军事政府是美国支持的。实施折磨的政府担心美国人可能会入侵并攫取亚马孙地区。 Meanwhile Germany s internal history with snooping has left the country wary of allgovernment surveillance. And even Germans view America more favourably now than theydid when Mr Bush was in charge. The one place where Obama s America is much lesspopular than Mr Bush s is Russia, a fact likely to be passed over when Republicans discusshow Mr Obama s weakness has emboldened Vladimir Putin. 与此同时,德国窥探的内部历史使这个国家堤防所有形式的政府监视。现在,甚至连德国,相较于布什主政时期,对美国的态度更为友善。唯一一个让奥巴马通知下的美国不如布什时代受欢迎的国家是俄罗斯,这是共和党人讨论奥巴马的羸弱怎样给普金壮胆很可能会忽视的一个环节。 Unfortunately what Pew s numbers also suggest is that being well regarded does not count formuch. Mr Obama s presence in the White House has improved America s image abroad, butthat has not helped to bring trade pacts, peace in the Middle East, a worldwide deal to cutcarbon-dioxide emissions or any of the other things Mr Obama s boosters once thought hecould achieve. Like most presidents, Mr Obama has so far had a foreign policy that consistsof making unpleasant and unsatisfactory choices when faced with crises, rather thanreshaping the world. 然而不幸的是,皮尤调查中心的数据同时还表明被友好地对待并不能说明太多问题。奥巴马入主白宫确实提升了美国在国外的国家形象,但是这并没有帮助带来贸易协定、中东地区的和平、全球范围的二氧化碳减排协议抑或是其他奥巴马总统的支持者曾经认为他所能带来的变化。正如许多其他的总统一样,目前为止,奥巴马总统在面对危机的时候,他所倡导的外交政策是做一些令人不愉快不满意的选择而非重整整个世界的秩序。 词语解释 1.reluctant to 勉强的 And so you and the others can become reluctant todo so and instead just play along. 所以你和其他人就会变得勉为其难,而不是仅仅在一起玩下去。 One solution would be to duplicate the list inXML, but we re reluctant to do so because the listchanges frequently. 一个解决方案是以 XML 格式复制该列表,但我们不太愿意这样做,因为该列表经常更改。 2.military force 军事力量 We are deploying military force in association with our allies in order to achieve clear butlimited goals. 为了完成清晰而又有限的目标,我们正在与我们的欧洲同盟一道部署军事力量。 This week the Pentagon said that computer sabotage coming from another country canconstitute an act of war, to which it may respond using traditional military force. 这个星期五角大楼称来自其它国家的计算机破坏行为将构成战争行为,对此美国将会使用传统军事力量作为回应。 3.according to 根据,按照;取决于 They do everything according to Hoyle. 他们一切都按照规定办理。 According to the Christian religion,Jesus Christ resurrected from death. 根据基督教的说法,耶稣基督曾死而复生。 4.seem to 似乎,好象 Some people seem to be always lucky. 有些人似乎从来都是幸运的。 I seem to see someone going into my house. 我好像看见有人走进了我的家。
2011年实用口语练习:In the bookstore 在书店里
2011年实用口语练习:At the post office 在邮局
实用口语:就餐 Dining
2011年实用口语练习:歉意如何说出口 1
口语情景对话:走遍美国精选 当仁不让 ACT 3 - 2
口语情景对话:走遍美国精选 偷得浮生半日闲ACT 1 - 2
口语情景对话:走遍美国精选 感恩节ACT 1 - 1
2011年实用口语练习:Join a club 社团活动
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