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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正在如火如荼的进行中,考研专家建议可以按考研题型分别进行重点复习,是考研英语中分值最高的,在线小编特地整理了2015理解模拟试题供大家模拟练习,希望大家认真做题,错题着重看解析及译文,经过练习阅读理解能力必能有所提高。   四十五、游戏开发领域重男轻女   Denise Fulton spent much of her childhood playing computer games. And the fascination continued into her adult years. So it is not surprising that today Ms. Fulton, 34, is an executive producer in a video game company in Austin, Tex., where she is overseeing the next installment in the popular Deus Ex series. The surprising part is how rare Ms. Fulton is. Behind the computer screen, as in front of it, video games are a mans world.   Informal estimates put the percentage of women in the industry at around 10 percent, and even then, most tend to be in jobs in customer service, marketing and quality assurance. Relatively few women work as game designers and producers, and even fewer are programmers. Its not so much that women look at the industry and discard the idea, said Sheri Graner Ray, a senior game designer at Sony Online Entertainment. Its that the game industry just never even comes up on their radar.   The reason has to do with a truism about the computer game industry. Those who work in the industry tend to enter their jobs as avid gamers. And playing video games, especially those loaded with graphic violence, has been a male pursuit. According to the NPD Group, a market research firm based in New York, some 81 percent of video-game players are male. Its a chicken-or-egg thing, said Ms. Fulton, who sees a lot of rsums in her job, almost all from men. If more women were playing games, they might get interested in games as a medium and might choose to pursue that as a career. But its still stigmatized as boy thing.   Now, though, manufacturers are starting to think about making games that are more appealing to women, like the Sims, a role-playing game that is viewed as one of the most popular games among women. Women do not play games because the games that are out there are designed for men, said Elizabeth Sweedyk, an assistant professor of computer science at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif.   Manufacturers understand there is a huge untapped portion of the market. Theyve realized they have to appeal to women, said David Riley, senior manager at NPD. And as more games are marketed to, and played by, girls and women, more women eventually may end up choosing a career in the industry.   For Ms. Fulton, one of the things that appealed to her about designing the new Deus Ex game is that players are given the option of a less violent version. As a producer, she said, she is drawn to work on games that draw a wider audience. I definitely want to continue to work on titles that are more than the standard, violence-based, shoot-and-kill play style, she said.   But the reality of her job at Ion Storm, she added, demands that she maximize the potential success of the titles she works on. I can encourage the development of features that might have a broader appeal, but ultimately need to fulfill the expectations of publisher and market, she said.   1.According to the passage, Denise Fulton is.   [A] a game lover, producer and programmer   [B] making and marketing her own game   [C] supportive of designing games only for women   [D] an opponent of violence in video games   2.What can we infer from the passage?   [A] Women are thought to be better in communicating and creating relationships.   [B] There is strong discrimination against female workers in the game industry.   [C] Women occupy about 10% of occupations as game programmers, designers and producers.   [D] The percentage of women participants in the game industry is declining.   3.In the authors eyes, .   [A] the gaming industry was very male-oriented   [B] men are more avid for adventures than woman   [C] there is lack of role models for women in the game industry   [D] only women in the gaming industry is trying to change it   4.Ms. Fulton is likely to agree with the following EXCEPT.   [A] nonviolent video games will attract a wider range of customers   [B] women are less interested in playing games and choosing it as a career   [C] women are more intelligent than men in game designing.   [D] the success of video games depends on customers and publishers   5.The main reason for few women entering game industry is probably that.   [A] women are disgusted with aggression and open competition   [B] playing games is stigmatized as a male-only pursuit   [C] most video games are designed for men and appeal to no women   [D] the massive potential of games market has not been tapped   答案:1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C   核心词汇或超纲词汇   fascination迷惑力,魅力;fascinate迷住,吸引,使感兴趣   oversee俯瞰,监视,检查,视察   avid渴望的,热心的,贪婪的   stigmatize打烙印,作上记号;诬蔑,指责;stigma烙印;耻辱;暇疵   untapped未使用的,未去塞的,未被利用的;tap开发,利用   title头衔;名称,标题;冠军take the 1500 meters ~获得1500米冠军;权利,资格;[常用复]字幕   全文翻译   丹尼斯?富尔顿童年的大部分时光是在玩电脑游戏中度过的,而且这种迷恋一直持续到她成年后。因此,如今34岁的丹尼斯?富尔顿任职德克萨斯州奥斯汀一家电视游戏公司的执行制作人就不足为奇了,她在该公司监督流行游戏Deus Ex系列下一部分的制作。令人吃惊的是:富尔顿女士出现在游戏领域是多么稀罕的事情。做幕后工作和在电脑前一样,电视游戏都是男性的世界。   非正式的估计显示,涉足工业领域的女性大约占10%,即便这样,大多数的工作都倾向于客户服务、销售和质量保证方面。相当少的女性成为游戏的设计者和制作者。做程序师的女性就更少了。索尼在线娱乐的高级设计师Sheri Graner Ray说:不是因为女性在考虑之后放弃进入这个行业的想法,而是因为游戏行业从没有进入到她们的雷达搜索领域中。   这一原因在电脑游戏行业是不言而喻的道理。在这一行业工作的人往往是作为殷切的游戏爱好者从事这种工作的。玩电视游戏,尤其是那些充斥着暴力画面的游戏,一直都是男性的追求。据驻纽约的市场调查公司NPD组织发现,约81%的电视游戏玩家为男性。富尔顿女士说:这是一个鸡生蛋蛋生鸡的事情。她看到自己这种工作的求职简历几乎都来自男性。如果有更多的女性玩游戏,她们可能会将其视为媒介而产生兴趣,也可能选择它作为事业来追求。但是它仍然被标榜为男孩子的专利。   然而目前,制造商开始考虑制造像Sims这样更能吸引女性的游戏,Sims是被认为在女性中最为流行的角色扮演游戏之一。加州克莱尔蒙特哈维玛德学院的计算机科学副教授伊丽莎白?斯维迪克说:女性不玩游戏是因为现有的游戏都是为男性设计的。   制造商了解未开发的市场仍有很大比例。NPD的高级经理大卫?莱利说他们已经认识到必须吸引女性。随着更多的游戏以女孩和妇女为市场销售的对象,将会有越来越多的女性最终选择这一行业作为职业。   对富尔顿来说,设计新的Deus Ex游戏吸引她的地方是可以给游戏玩家提供一个选择不那么暴力的版本的机会。作为制作者的她说,设计能吸引更广泛的用户的游戏工作吸引到了她。富尔顿说:我当然想要继续为设计那些不仅仅是通常的、暴力的、射杀风格的游戏标题而努力。   然而,她也提到,在Ion Storm的工作现实要求她最大限度地实现所制作的游戏的成功。我可以突出那些具有更广泛的吸引力的特点,但是最终需要的是符合发行商和市场的期待。她说。



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