在大家都担心全球变暖的时候,有些地区在近两年却经历了极度的严寒或干旱天气。这个时候,用全球变暖(global warming)似乎已不足以说明问题,有人说用global weirding(全球异常)来描述更加准确。
It could be colder, it could be drier, it could be wetter, it could be warmer. If you can’t exactly point to the climate changes as evidence of global warming, perhaps you can call it global weirding.
Global weirding refers to the worldwide increase in the rate and extent of extreme or unpredictable weather conditions.
全球异常(global weirding)指全球范围内极端或无法预知天气状况发生的几率在增加。
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