《命运规划局》(The Adjustment Bureau)是2011年3月首映的美国影片,由著名影星Matt Damon和Emily Blunt领衔主演。部分中国影迷有幸通过今年6月的上海国际电影节,在大屏幕上欣赏到了这部作品。
影片改编自科幻小说家Philip K. Dick的短篇故事Adjustment Team,主要探讨了我们究竟能否掌握自己的命运这个颇为棘手的话题。
David Norris是一名政坛的明日之星。他在参选纽约州参议员期间,意外结识了美丽的芭蕾舞女演员Elise Sellas。两人很快陷入热恋。就在两人你侬我侬之际,David突然被一群穿黑西装、戴墨镜的神秘人士绑走。
[David is in the mens bathroom practicing his speech when he hears a noise]
David Norris: Hello?
[Elise comes out from one of the booths]
David Norris: Its the mens.
Elise Sellas: Yep. Sorry about that. I didnt mean to eavesdrop, I just didnt know what to do. I heard you come in and say hello, and I probably should have said hi, but then I thought that would be weird, cause its the mens. Um... and then you started talking to yourself and... and it was obviously very personal, so I was kinda stuck in no mans land. And uh... then it all got to be too much, so I came out.
David Norris: Wh... What are you doing in here?
Elise Sellas: Just... Im hiding from security.
David Norris: Why?
Elise Sellas: I crashed a wedding upstairs.
David Norris: People still do that?
Elise Sellas: It was a dare.
偷听在中文里是个及物动词,可以直接说偷听谁和谁的对话,但对应的英语单词eavesdrop却不是这样。它只能作不及物动词,后面不跟宾语(比如Elise说的I didnt mean to eavesdrop)。如果非要说偷听谁或偷听什么内容,可以用eavesdrop on somebody/something,比如:Dont trust Amy too much. I saw her eavesdropping on you quite a few times.(别太信任Amy。我看到过好几次她偷听你说话。)You know what privacy means, right? So please stop eavesdropping on your sons conversation with his friends.(你知道隐私是什么意思,对吧?所以,拜托你别再偷听你儿子和他朋友之间的对话了。)
no mans land按字面理解是没有人烟的土地,不难猜测它的引申义为两头不到岸、进退两难的地方。Elise说自己stuck in no mans land,意思就是出去跟David打招呼也不是,躲在里面继续偷听也不是,陷入进退两难的境地。再举一例:Self-esteem can be a tricky thing, especially for minorities such as homosexuals, or people with disabilities. They often get stuck in no mans land between self-acceptance and self-hatred.(自尊有时是个挺棘手的东西,尤其对一些非主流人士而言,比如同性恋者,或者残疾人士。不少人往往在自我接受和自我痛恨之间苦苦挣扎,进退两难。)
crash a/the wedding是一个典型的西方概念,指未经邀请而擅自闯入婚礼的行为,通常是为了在婚宴上骗吃骗喝(当然也有一些是纯粹为了捣乱)。2005年有一部大卖的爱情喜剧就叫Wedding Crashers(《婚礼傲客》)。近些年来,crash wedding的习俗在美国已经不那么流行,所以David好奇地问了一句:现在还有人这么做?
Elise说因为自己输掉了游戏,所以愿赌服输,做了自己通常不会做的事。她说的dare就是著名的Truth or Dare游戏,也就是真心话大冒险。规则很简单,参加者要么选择真心话,老实回答一个尴尬的问题,要么选择大冒险,按要求做一件出糗的事。她显然选了大冒险,而那件出糗的事就是去擅闯陌生人的婚礼。
Elise Sellas: Because of you. Im not some hopeless romantic. Ive never allowed myself to be that way. But once I felt, even for a moment, what I felt with you, you ruined me. I didnt want to settle for less.
David Norris: I know the feeling.
Elise Sellas: It scares the shit out of me.
David Norris: Im not gonna hurt you.
Elise Sellas: You dont need to say that.
David Norris: Im not gonna hurt you. This is the first time in... in twenty five years that I dont feel like Im by myself.
Elise Sellas: Ooph! Thats an awful lot of responsibility for me. I dont know if Im quite comfortable with that.
[Elise and David both laugh]
David Norris: Well, too late.
Elise说:我和他没结成婚就是因为你。我并不是什么不可救药的浪漫主义者,我也从来不允许自己不切实际。但是自从认识了你,和你有过哪怕片刻的那种感觉,我就回不了头了。你毁了我,因为我总拿你作比较。找不到你当初让我心跳那种感觉的人,我就不愿意稳定下来。settle for less是常见短语,表示差一点儿的也就将就了,对应settle for more,找到更好的才稳定下来。各举一例如下:
I know what you are capable of. You just lack a little confidence right now. Trust me, one day you are going to be the world No. 1. You really have it in you. Dont settle for less.(我知道你的能力有多强。你只是现阶段缺乏一些信心而已。相信我,有朝一日,你会成为世界第一。你真的有这个潜力。不达到这个目标,千万别放弃。)
You may not be the most beautiful girl in school, but you have a big heart and undeniable talent. You deserve someone who truly loves you for who you are. So, never sell yourself short. Always settle for more. (你也许不是学校里最漂亮的女孩,但你有一颗善良的心和无可否认的才华。你值得拥有一位真正爱你的人。所以,别随随便便就把自己给卖了。一定要找到值得托付的人才安定下来。)
David说他懂,因为Elise也给他这样的感觉,所以三年来他才一直苦苦打探她的下落,不肯放弃。Elise说这种强烈的感觉让她非常害怕,因为太爱一个人,或者说太依恋一个人,最后往往不会有好结果。David马上给她吃定心丸:我一定不会伤害你的。这也是25年来,我第一次感到自己不再是孤单一人。Elise用了scare the shit out of me来描述她的恐惧,非常直白。在不能用shit这个脏字的场合,也可以说scare the crap/hell/bejesus out of me。比如:Why did you sneak up on me like that? It scared the shit/crap/hell/bejesus/fuck out of me! Its not funny, I tell you!(你为什么突然冒出来整我一下啊?吓得我魂飞魄散!我告诉你,这一点儿都不好笑!)
听到David说25年来第一次有了真正恋爱的感觉,Elise心里肯定很高兴,不过还是半开玩笑地接了一句:哎哟,这责任也太重大了。我可不知道我承不承受得起。awful和lot连用,其实就是lot的升级版,跟awful的糟糕本义没有关系。无论好事还是坏事,都可以用awful lot来形容。比如:Carson used to smoke an awful lot of cigarettes every day. Not anymore. He quit the habit when his wife got pregnant.(Carson以前每天抽不计其数的烟,现在不了。他在老婆怀孕时戒的。)Whoa, thats an awful lot of chocolate! Not that Im complaining.(哎哟,这么多的巧克力啊!我可不是抱怨哦。)一句玩笑话,两人都乐了。David回应道:太晚了(这责任你是摆脱不了了)。幸福的神色溢于言表。
David Norris: Tell me why I cant be with Elise. Because the last guy didnt know.
Thompson: Meeting Elise at The Waldorf three years ago wasnt chance. That was us. We knew shed inspire you to give that speech. That speech that brought you back from the edge of oblivion and overnight made you the frontrunner in this coming election.
David Norris: What are you saying? You want me to win the election?
Thompson: This one. And four more after it. And Im not just talking about elections for Senate. You can matter, David. Really matter. What your father wanted when he took you to the Senate Gallery when you were ten. What your brother wanted when he made you promise the day before he overdosed, that you wouldnt be like him. Why do you think you have that yearning to be in front of people? That terrible emptiness when youre not?
David Norris: Dont do that.
Thompson: David, you can change the world. But that doesnt happen if you stay with her.
David Norris: Why do you people care who I love?
Thompson: Its not about her. Its about you. What being with her does to you.
David Norris: What it does to me? Im better when Im with her! Even you said it. The speech.
Thompson: In small doses, Elise was the cure. But in large doses, she rubs off on you.
David Norris: Stop.
Thompson: David, the president cant be a loose cannon.
David Norris: Stop talking. Its not working.
David依旧不解:为什么你们要在意我爱谁呢?Thompson说:这其实跟她没有关系。问题的关键在于你。她跟你相处,会对你产生什么样的影响。David更加理直气壮了:对我的影响?跟她在一起,会让我变得更好啊!你不自己也说了,她激发我做出那个演讲。Thompson继续解释:如果是偶尔接触,她的确会起到好的作用。但如果成天在一起,她就会阻碍你发展了。这里的原话把Elise比喻成了药,小剂量(in small doses)使用,可以治病;大剂量使用(in large doses),则会产生不良影响。
rub off on someone是常见短语,表示因为经常接触而受到影响,正面、负面都可以。换言之,根据不同的语境,它既可以是近朱者赤,也可以是近墨者黑。比如:Priscillas musical taste seems to have rubbed off on me, as I cant stop listening to Il Divo these days.(Priscilla的音乐口味似乎延续到了我身上,我最近不停地听美声组合Il Divo的音乐。)Stay away from Tom. He is a wife beater, for crying out loud! You certainly dont want his violence to rub off on you.(离Tom远点儿。他可是个打老婆的人!千万别让他的暴力影响到你。)
把Elise一个活生生的人比喻成药,还说吃多了有害,这话David听着当然非常不舒服。他要求Thompson立刻闭嘴。Thompson不达目的不罢休,终于把president这个词给甩了出来:David,一个过于我行我素、行为不受约束的危险人物是没法成为总统的。loose cannon的字面意思是松动的大炮。松动的大炮当然很危险,随时可能引发不必要的灾难。所以,如果某人是loose cannon,他/她就是个不受约束的危险人物。比如:Sarah is a loose cannon. When she is in the zone, she exudes brilliance. But when shes not feeling it, she can simply disappear on us. Id rather have someone reliable on my team. This project means too much to me, and I refuse to take any chances.(Sarah是个危险人物。当她状态好的时候,她绝对优秀。可当她没感觉的时候,她干脆就玩失踪。我宁可选一个靠得住的人加入我们团队。这个项目对我来说太重要了,我拒绝冒险。)
让我意外的是,直到影片的结尾,David始终没有改变他的选择,断然为了美人而放弃江山。我虽然也是喜欢happy ending的俗人一名,但我同时也是个现实主义者,所以觉得结尾的处理缺乏说服力到了最后一刻,一直没有露脸的命运规划局主席突然被David和Elise的爱情打动,重新规划了两人的命运,于是他们名正言顺地走到一起。这也太方便了吧?让我瞬间觉得前面那么久的悬疑都是故弄玄虚。而且这么一来,影片里占了很大比例的有关竞选的情节也就失去了意义。我一直猜测Elise会给David的政治生涯带来积极的转变,从而证明人定胜天、规划局的阻挠多此一举。这种想法可能很儿科,但起码这样的剧情安排不会白费前面关于竞选的细节铺垫。
当然,这只是我的个人看法。对这部影片赞誉有加、给出满分的观众大有人在。撇开我对结尾的不满,总体来看,该片确实有很高的娱乐性,构思和立意尤其值得称道。影片在命运规划局特工Harry Mitchell的画外音中结束。这段台词也非常精彩,摘录下来跟大家共勉:
Harry Mitchell: [voiceover] Most people live life on the path we set for them. Too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while, people like you come along, and knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize free will is a gift youll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think thats the Chairmans real plan. And maybe one day, we wont write the plan. You will.(大多数人都在我们为他们设计的生活轨道上前行,没有胆量去探索其他道路。但时不时会有一些像David这样的人出现,扫清我们设置的所有障碍。这样的人会明了,自由意志是个只有靠你自己去争取才知道如何使用的礼物。我想这就是主席真正的计划。也许有一天,我们不用再做规划的工作。你会规划自己的道路。)
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