I remember looking at him as the words came out of my mouth: "I love you, but because I care, I need to let you go." In that moment, I realized there was nothing more I could do. I asked my husband to leave our home that day.
The night we met reads like something out of a cheesy romance novel. Girl lives in the city, flies to the Midwest for the wedding of a dear friend. Boy is a touring musician, back in the Midwest for the wedding of his sound guy. Same wedding. Our friends put two and two together, realizing that although we had all known one another for nearly a decade, he and I had never met because we were both lived in different cities. A scheming introduction led to an evening of conversation, a few cocktails, dancing, and the exchange of numbers. I had an early flight the next morning, so as I saw the clock ticking, I knew it was time for me to go. We joke that I was like Cinderella dashing out of the ball as the clock strikes midnight.
He came to see me two weeks later. That was the start of a romance that would quickly grow into something more and eventually become our future. Marriage doesn't come with Cliffs Notes or a "how to" manual. Nobody enters a partnership with another human having all the answers. We are all flawed and bring those imperfections into what we expect to be a flawless union. Life isn't perfect, and marriage is no exception. It is a choice to walk through the messy together, hoping the tough times will be quickly countered with amazing moments.
Nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to go through in my own marriage.
Several weeks after the birth of our first child, my husband came to me and asked if we could talk. In between sustaining a small human's life with these two mounds that had taken up residence on my previously nonexistent chest and trying to manage to sneak in a nap here or there, I was happy to accommodate the request for some adult conversation.
"I think I have a problem."
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