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发布时间:2013-01-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

In today's Washington, the two parties have a hard time even agreeing to disagree.


That was the grim picture on New Year's Day in a capital still tied in knots over how to find a deficit-reduction deal, despite a full year's advance warning that one was absolutely, positively essential by year's end.


Even when the contours of a potential big deal were possible to see weeks ago, the path to compromise proved too hard for President Barack Obama and Republican House Speaker John Boehner.

即便是早在几周前一个潜在的大规模协议就已初具雏形,但对于美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)和众议院议长、民主党人博纳(John Boehner)来说,妥协之路仍然过于艰难。

When the two sides lowered their sights to seek a more modest deficit-reduction deal, there still was no solution in sight─until time ran out on the year 2012. Then Republicans and Democrats in the Senate decided to put aside the things they couldn't possibly agree on to pass a relatively narrow tax bill that included items each side could at least live with. But within hours, even that minimalist agreement was in peril in the House.


All of which must leave many Americans asking a simple question: Why is this so hard?


There are multiple reasons that even what seems easy is hard in Washington right now. The problems start, of course, with the basic polarization of not just Congress but the country. America is in an unusual political state, in which the two parties are quite evenly divided in power, but far apart ideologically.


That makes governing difficult for Mr. Obama, but also for Mr. Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat. Because of the close division of power, neither side thinks it is required by the political calculus to give in to the other. Because of the wide ideological divide, neither side finds it easy to split the difference with the other.

这不仅增加了奥巴马治理美国的难度,也让博纳和参议院多数党领袖、民主党人雷德(Harry Reid)的工作很难做。因为势均力敌,两党都不认为自己需要向对方妥协。因为意识形态上的巨大分歧,达成折衷方案对双方来说也绝非易事。

Divisions are present in the Senate, to be sure, though the 89-8 vote in the wee hours of New Year's Day showed that it's at least possible to move around them in that chamber.


In the House, there is almost no middle ground. Most members come from such reliably Democratic or Republican districts that they simply feel no pressure back home to compromise with the other side. Indeed, in this fall's election, 125 House members won their districts with 70% or more of the vote. Such margins leave House members thinking they have their own personal mandates to stick to their guns.


That kind of polarization only creates the backdrop for other problems. Even when the differences between the two sides seem relatively small─whether, for example, to raise the top tax rate four percentage points for families earning more than $250,000, or whether to make that income level $450,000─compromise is difficult because both sides think important precedents would be set. Today's decisions will set the backdrop for broader debates on tax reform and spending later in the year.


When Republicans agreed to raise any tax rates at all, for example, they knew that they had opened the door for a new set of arguments about which rates and at what level. The question had shifted from whether to raise rates to how─and that's a significant shift.


Similarly, when Mr. Obama said he could accept the idea of reducing entitlement costs by embracing a formula for lowering cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients, he was setting a precedent as well─a precedent saying that Democrats were willing to consider policies that reduced entitlement spending not just by holding down costs but also by reducing benefits to recipients.


Similarly, both sides have a sense that the current talks are establishing something broader on another front: The debate is going to help set the tone for the entire second Obama term.


Democrats fear that if the president gives too much ground now, he will establish a pattern in which both parties will enter future debates expecting him to give in to Republican intransigence.


By the same token, Republican partisans think the GOP needs to establish now that their party's control of the House, amid Democratic control of the Senate and the White House, is enough to give the party significant leverage for the next couple of years.


Lurking in the background is one other factor that makes compromise increasingly difficult in the capital. As both states and congressional districts become more clearly red or blue─dominated by Republican voters and Democratic voters, respectively─an increasing number of lawmakers worry less about a political challenge from the other party and more about a primary challenge from a ideologically driven conservative or liberal from within the lawmaker's own party.


As a result, the more politically perilous route is to move to the middle in a compromise, thereby inviting that kind of primary challenge, rather than to stand on firm ideological ground and be accused of being too uncompromising.



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