Australia’s resource boom might be cooling, but in the port town of Gladstone on Queensland’s central coast it does not feel that way. On the surface at least it appears to be a boom town, with workers in luminous high-visibility vests clogging streets scattered with billboards recruiting for jobs such as “advanced rigger and “outdoor technician.
The contrast with recent headlines, and government ministers, declaring the end of Australia’s resource boom could not be more stark in this town, where cleaners can earn as much as A$2,000 ($2,080) a week with overtime. “Gladstone was a small town, says Les, a 56-year-old crane driver who has spent most of his working life there. “Now it’s a madhouse. People are making lots of money [and] there’s not enough housing.
Australia’s exposure to the commodity demand of China, India and other rising Asian economies has driven expansion in towns such as Gladstone and given the country an annual growth rate of about 3 per cent and an unemployment rate of just 5.4 per cent. But falls in the prices of key exports, rising labour costs and a high Australian dollar have seen several multibillion-dollar projects axed or postponed.
The Reserve Bank of Australia last month scaled down its forecasts for the peak of the investment boom. It now expects big resource projects to stop contributing to the country’s growth some time next year, after peaking at an unprecedented 8 per cent of gross domestic product, and raised questions about where the economy will find new growth.
澳大利亚央行(Reserve Bank of Australia)上月下调了对于投资热潮顶部的预期。该行目前预计,到明年某个时候,大型资源类项目将不能再为澳大利亚的经济增长贡献力量,在这之前该领域在澳大利亚国内生产总值(GDP)中的比重达到前所未有的8%。该行对澳大利亚能否找到新的经济增长点发出了疑问。
The main source of activity in Gladstone is the construction of three big gas liquefaction plants on an island 3.5km from the mainland. Once completed, these projects will generate billions of dollars of export revenues and royalties for decades to come.
Gladstone, population 32,000 – where a fifth of the working population is employed in resource industries – is one reason why many Australians are not ready to write off the resources boom just yet. But at some stage in the near future other parts of the Australian economy, such as retail and construction, will need to pick up the slack and provide the jobs that will inevitably be lost in mining.
Not everybody is convinced the transition will be a smooth one.
“We are a little sceptical of this idea and we think it will require more stimulus from the RBA, says Saul Eslake, economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, who says annual GDP growth will slow from 3.5 per cent this year, to 2.3 per cent in 2013. “There will be a loss of momentum and we don’t think some of these workers will find new jobs. That’s why we’ve got the unemployment rate rising to 5.9 per cent next year.
美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的经济学家索尔·埃斯雷克(Saul Eslake)表示:“我们对于澳大利亚经济转型持怀疑态度,我们认为澳大利亚央行有必要出台更多的经济刺激措施。埃斯雷克预计,澳大利亚今年GDP增速将放缓至3.5%,并将于2013年进一步放缓至2.3%。他指出:“澳大利亚的经济增长将失去动力,我们认为矿产领域的一部分失业工人将找不到新的工作。这也是我们认为明年澳大利亚的失业率将升至5.9%的原因。
For Australia’s minority Labor government the stakes are high. An election will be held next year and it has staked its reputation on returning the budget to a slim surplus, something that will be difficult to achieve unless commodity prices pick up.
That is not an issue weighing too heavily on local officials in resource-rich areas, however.
Martin Rush scoffs at the idea that demand for commodities is slowing. “Take a look at this, he says, pointing to a local plan showing a one-third increase in presold thermal coal shipments from the Hunter Valley by 2014. As mayor of Muswellbrook, a mining region two hours north of Sydney which feeds the world’s biggest coal export harbour in Newcastle, he is confident that a drop in energy coal prices, from about $120 a tonne at the start of the year to $90 a tonne now, will not stop work at the local pits.
马丁·拉什(Martin Rush)对有关大宗商品需求正在下降的看法不以为然。“看看这个,他指着本地的一项规划书说道。根据这项规划,到2014年猎人谷(Hunter Valley)的热媒预售量将增加三分之一。身为马瑟尔布鲁克(Muswellbrook)市长,马丁非常确信,即使热煤价格从年初的一吨120美元左右下降到现在的一吨90美元,本地矿场也不会停工。马瑟尔布鲁克是个产矿区,位于悉尼以北两个小时车程的地方,出产的煤炭运往位于纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)的世界最大煤炭出口港。
“Most of the mines were set up when the price of thermal coal was $40-$50 a tonne, he says, before rattling off a list of companies that have approached the council with plans to crank up production in local mines to offset weaker prices.
Mr Rush says his optimism is built on strong demand for cheap electricity in China and India. But in Singleton, 50km southeast of Muswellbrook, spending on coal mine expansion projects has been put on hold and the big companies are looking to hold down costs with local union officials reporting job losses in the dozens.
“We had about 130 contractors on our books. It’s now been cut back to about 90, says the founder of a local recruitment company that specialises in the mining sector. “And next year we are going to lose 40 from an open coal pit because they are going underground.
Gladstone’s LNG plants, each owned by a combination of companies including BG, Total, and the Chinese groups Sinopec and Cnooc, are all being built by US contractor Bechtel. Kevin Berg, Bechtel’s Gladstone operations manager, says 8,100 workers are building the plants. Once they are completed – which is expected to be around March 2016 – almost all of those jobs will be gone.
格拉德斯通在建的LNG工厂都由至少两家公司联合所有,这些公司包括英国天然气集团(BG)、道达尔(Total)以及来自的中石化(Sinopec)和中海油(Cnooc)。这些工厂都是由美国承包商柏克德(Bechtel)建造。该公司在格拉德斯通的运营经理凯文·伯格(Kevin Berg)表示,目前总共有8100名工人在建设这些工厂。一旦它们都建成,绝大部分岗位都会消失。预计工程将于2016年3月前后完成。
Gladstone has seen its share of dips but many locals argue that when the town’s LNG developments end there will be enough new projects to pick up the slack. But only some, such as a new coal terminal, are committed to go ahead, which has left some anxious about what might happen next.
“Gladstone doesn’t have a middle, says Colleen Taylor who runs a shoe shop in the centre of town. “You really haven’t got that permanent middle that you can rely on [when the mine workers move on].
市中心一家鞋店的老板科林·泰勒(Colleen Taylor)说:“格拉德斯通缺乏中间产业,(当矿产工人需要转行的时候),我们是没有这种可以起到支撑作用的中间产业的。
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