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大卫•洛克菲勒去世 享年101岁

发布时间:2017-03-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

David Rockefeller

大卫.洛克菲勒(David Rockefeller)


银行家 - 慈善家



David Rockefeller, who has died aged 101, was the last of a breed. An old-style banker-statesman, he ran Chase Manhattan at the height of its power in an era before bond traders came to dominate the world of international finance. A philanthropist with a keen sense of civic duty, he left his mark on a wide range of institutions and the Manhattan skyline.

大卫?洛克菲勒去世,享年101岁,他是家族同辈人中的最后一位。作为一名老派的银行家-政治家,他在大通曼哈顿(Chase Manhattan)处于巅峰的时期执掌该行,当时债券交易员尚未主宰国际金融世界。作为一名具有敏锐公民责任感的慈善家,他在众多机构和曼哈顿天际线上留下了自己的印记。

大卫•洛克菲勒去世 享年101岁1

Born on June 12 1915, he became the most eminent third-generation member of the dynasty founded on John D?Rockefeller's Standard Oil fortune. He was the youngest of the five sons of John D Jr (there was also a daughter). And while Nelson became a celebrated governor of New York state, it was David who left the deepest impression in business and public life.

他出生于1915年6月12日,是家族最知名的第三代成员,这个家族建立在约翰?D?洛克菲勒(John D?Rockefeller)创建的标准石油(Standard Oil)所带来的财富的基础上。他是小约翰(John D Jr)的五个儿子中最小的一个(还有一个女儿)。尽管兄长纳尔逊(Nelson)成为获得赞誉的纽约州州长,但大卫在商业和公共生活中留下了最深的印记。

In the 1960s and 1970s, he came to be seen by many as the leading emissary for western capitalism. In the developing world and behind the iron curtain, he was habitually greeted as though he was a head of state.


As he said of a 1964 meeting with Nikita Khrushchev: “The Soviets would rather deal with what they consider to be a real capitalist than somebody they think is a parlour pink. Furthermore, they believe their own propaganda and think I really run the country.”

正如他在谈到1964年与尼基塔?赫鲁晓夫(Nikita Khrushchev)的会晤时所说的:“苏联人宁愿与他们认为是真正的资本家的人打交道,而不愿与他们认为是空谈社会主义者的人瞎扯。再说他们相信自己的宣传,以为我真的在掌管国家。”

The constant travelling and personal contacts — Rockefeller is said to have met 200 heads of state in 40 years — undoubtedly helped open the world for Chase and other US banks. But his frequent tours were motivated as much by Rockefeller’s desire to promote understanding between nations. As a former colleague at Chase put it: “He was an internationalist first and an international banker second.”


David joined the family bank at the age of 30 and with a doctorate in economics. From his family estate on the banks of the Hudson river, the Chase chairman lived the life of a financial potentate, entertaining visiting heads of state and financiers.


After private meetings with Khrushchev and China’s Zhou Enlai, Chase became the first US bank to open a representative office in Moscow and establish a correspondent relationship with state-controlled Bank of China.

在与赫鲁晓夫和周恩来进行不公开会谈后,大通成为首家在莫斯科开设办事处、并与中国国有的中国银行(Bank of China)建立代理关系的美资银行。

Rockefeller helped the former Shah of Iran find a home in exile after the 1979 revolution and later to enter the US for medical treatment — an event that led to the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran and a long hostage crisis.


The life of an international statesman did not always sit comfortably with the responsibilities of a modern bank executive, and Chase performed poorly in the early 1970s.


After the discovery that a $33m bond trading loss had been covered up, he promoted Willard Butcher to take charge of the bank’s day-to-day affairs.

在发现3300万美元债券交易损失被掩盖后,他提拔了维拉德?布彻(Willard Butcher)接管该行的日常事务。

Rockefeller also left his mark on New York. While his father had created the landmark Rockefeller Center and brother John D?III the Lincoln Center for the performing arts, David produced One Chase Plaza, one of the earliest downtown office towers.

洛克菲勒也在纽约留下了自己的印记。他的父亲创建了标志性的洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center),他的兄长约翰?洛克菲勒三世(John D. Rockefeller III)创建了林肯表演艺术中心(Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts),而大卫开发了大通曼哈顿广场一号(One Chase Manhattan Plaza),那是曼哈顿下城最早的办公楼之一。

He was instrumental, with his governor brother, in forming a coalition of business interests that gave birth to the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

他与他的州长哥哥推动成立了一个商业利益联盟,该联盟后来缔造了世界贸易中心(World Trade Center)这座双塔建筑。

Rockefeller had a mild, soft-spoken manner and exhibited an ability to live sensibly with vast wealth.


He was predeceased by his son Richard and his wife Peggy.



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