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发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(十七) Laughter



  1.The ________(harmonious)of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.

  2.The policeman ask him for proof of________ (identify).

  3.I invited her to dinner but she did not ___(response)yesterday.

  4.To his ________(astonish),he passed the exam fortunately.

  5.It ________(forbid)to marry someone who is not a member of the same faith.

  6.Mary agreed,but she did not sound very ________(convince).

  7.This time tomorrow,we ________(perform)on the stage.

  8.When the police arrived,the drunk actor ________(beat)the reporter.

  9.This plant is ________(resist)to cold weather,so you needn't worry about the cold.

  10.Last year,our headmaster usually went ________(work)on his bike to promote the low­carbon life.

  11.It ________(rain)cats and dogs for over a week,which had caused landslides in many places.

  12.Don't bother your sister.She ________(write)an important report.


  1.harmony 2.identification 3.respond

  4.astonishment 5.is forbidden 6.convinced 7.will be performing 8.was beating 9.resistant 10.to work

  11.had been raining 12.is writing


  1.The wine ________________________(不一种类)as the one we bought last year.

  2.________________________(过马路时),you must be careful.

  3.Homeless people often ______________________(找工作有困难)because they have no home addresses.

  4.They agreed to sell the factory last year after they ________________(遇到)financial problems.

  5.She ________________________(为……做准备)the driving test for years.


  1.is not of the same kind 2.While crossing the street 3.have trouble(in)finding a job 4.ran into

  5.has been preparing for


  (2016·江西南昌市一模)Even if trees cannot walk,they are still on the move.

  In parts of the Arctic,entire forests are moving northward.Across the Arctic,temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world.As that happens,the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra (冻原) starts has been shifting northward.Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind.To do this,plants tend to grow horizontal (水平的)branches low to the ground.The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they don't have enough energy to make seeds.

  But as Earth's climate has been warming,trees no longer have to just grow horizontally.Many can instead grow up toward the sky.This takes less energy.And with all that leftover energy,these trees have started producing more seeds.This happens especially in places where white spruce (白云杉) grows.

  White spruce,which is a North American tree,is quite able to produce a lot of seeds,which can move long distances in the wind.When wind­blown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree line,they eventually can sprout (发芽) new trees.This explains how a forest can move.Of course,the process would work only if the tundra were warm enough.But in recent years,the whole planet has been warming.

  New trees will provide shelters for some snow.Keeping the sun's rays from making the white surface disappear.Instead,the trees absorb the sun's heat.This warms the surrounding air.The extra warmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds.That further boosts a forest's ability to expand.In addition,more trees will trap more snow,preventing much of it from being blown away.Snow can trap heat in the soil below,which encourages trees to grow.The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line.People worry about impacts on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.

  1.What is the main cause of the trees in the Arctic moving northward?

  A.The shrinking of northern tundra.

  B.The rising temperature.

  C.The fierce and cold wind.

  D.The abundant resources in the north.

  2.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A.To produce more seeds.

  B.To move northward.

  C.To respond to the climate change.

  D.To protect themselves from the cold wind.

  3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

  A.New trees can trap the snow,which may make the soil colder.

  B.The trapped snow prevents new trees from producing more seeds.

  C.New trees can make the surrounding air warmer.

  D.New trees can bring more food and shelter for local animals.

  4.The passage is most probably taken from ________.

  A.a science report B.a health report

  C.a fashion magazine

  D.a children's magazine



  1.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“Across the Arctic,temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world.”以及本段的整体内容可知,不断上升的气温是北极圈树木北移的主要原因,即B项正确。

  2.D 解析:代词指代题。根据画线词前的“Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind.”可知,画线词 this指代的是本句中的“protect themselves from the cold wind”,即D项正确。

  3.C 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“New trees will provide shelters for some snow. Keeping the sun's rays from making the white surface disappear. Instead,the trees absorb the sun's heat. This warms the surrounding air.”可推知,新树会让周围的空气更加温暖,即C项正确。

  4.A 解析:文章出处题。根据文章的整体内容可推知,本文主要研究的是气候变暖对北极圈植物的影响,故该文应选自科研报告,即A项正确。


  (2015·河南南阳质检)Almost every woman wants to be a good mother,but there are a lot of unexpected difficulties in the process. You want your children to be educated in all areas of life so that they know __1__ about the world. You never stop worrying if you are doing a good job as a(n) __2__.I always took my daughter to museums and theaters at a(n) __3__ age. I thought she would learn more about the __4__ around her. I wanted to teach her all I could. I __5__ her to be a smart,kind and lovely girl.

  One day I took her to the Natural History Museum. This was her first __6__ to a museum. I hoped she would have __7__ and learn new things. When we walked into the area where the whale hung,my daughter __8__ at me,“Mom,why does that man over there keep __9__?“I __10__ my head and saw a disabled man with problems with his back and legs __11__ to walk. I was so __12__ that I knew I had to answer her __13__ she yelled again. I was hoping he did not __14__ her. I simply replied,“ He loves to dance,because it just makes him feel __15__.“He did hear us and headed toward her. I was lost for words. I was going to __16__ to him for my daughter's words. He approached us and I saw a __17__ on his face. He said happily that that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said about him as people always __18__ him because of his problems. He turned to my daughter and said,“Yes,little angel,I love to dance. It makes me happy.”

  I knew that day I did something __19__ as a mom. My daughter taught me a lesson that day that the best thing you can do for your child is to teach by __20__.If you are good to others,your child learns to be good to others.

  1.A.a lot B.a littleC.a bitD.lots of

  2.A. teacher




  3.A. busy




  4.A. people




  5.A. demanded




  6.A. attention




  7.A. fun




  8.A. greeted




  9.A. running




  10.A. turned




  11.A. requiring




  12.A. frustrated








  14.A. hear




  15.A. important




  16.A. react




  17.A. smile




  18.A. looked after

  B.agreed with

  C.laughed at

  D.cared about

  19.A. honest




  20.A. explanation






  1.A 解析:根据上文中提到母亲想让孩子受到所有领域里的教育可知,此处是要让孩子对世界了解很多。a lot意为“许多”;a little和a bit意为“一点儿”;lots of意为“许多”,但后要接名词。设空处作know的宾语,只能选a lot,故选A项。

  2.C 解析:根据文章第一句“Almost every woman wants to be a good mother...”可知,此处应该是做好作为家长(parent)应做的事情。

  3.D 解析:根据下文孩子认为残疾人是在跳舞可知,作者的女儿年龄应该很小,所以此处是说作者在孩子很小的时候就带孩子到博物馆。故选D 项。

  4.D 解析:根据第1空后的“about the world”可知,作者认为她的女儿会更多地了解她周围的世界。故选D 项。

  5.C 解析:根据上文可知,作者一直想让她的女儿变得更优秀。want sb. to do sth.意为“想让某人做某事”,C 项符合语境。

  6.B 解析:attention意为“注意”;visit意为“参观”;barrier意为“障碍”;admission意为“准许加入”。上一句提到作者带她去了自然历史博物馆,也就是去参观博物馆。故选B 项。

  7.A 解析:带孩子去博物馆应该是希望在玩的同时能学到新的东西。have fun意为“玩得开心”,为固定短语。故选A 项。

  8.D 解析:根据第13 空之后的“she yelled again”可知,女儿的声音很大,和yell应是同义词。greet意为“问候”;cheer意为“欢呼,喝彩”;complain意为“抱怨”;scream意为“尖叫”。故选D 项。

  9.C 解析:根据下文“He loves to dance...”可知,小女孩认为远处的那个人一直在跳舞。故选C项。

  10.A 解析:根据句子结构可知,本空和下文的saw是并列的两个谓语动词,所以应是作者转过头看到一个残疾人。turn one's head意为“某人转过头”。故选A项。

  11.B 解析:该空所填词作saw的宾补,宾语是一个背部和腿都有问题的残疾人,所以他应该是艰难地(struggle)行走,故选B 项。require意为“要求”;devote意为“致力于,献身于”;learn意为“学习”。

  12.D 解析:女儿把残疾人本来的艰难行走说成是在跳舞,作为家长当然是感到尴尬。frustrated意为“懊恼的,沮丧的”;proud意为“骄傲的,自豪的”; confident意为“自信的”;embarrassed意为“尴尬的”。故选D 项。

  13. B 解析:为了避免女儿再犯同样的错误,所以是要在女儿再次叫嚷之前去回答她的问题。before意为“在……之前”,符合语境。

  14.A 解析:作者不希望自己女儿的言语对这位残疾人造成伤害,所以是希望他没有听到(hear)女儿所说的话。recognize意为“认出;承认”;obey意为“服从;遵守”;identify意为“辨认,确认”。

  15.B 解析:通常情况下,跳舞会让人快乐,所以作者就用这个理由来搪塞自己的女儿。根据本段最后一句“It makes me happy.”也可推断该空所填词是happy的同义词。故选joyful,意为“高兴的,快乐的”。

  16.B 解析:根据上文可知,作者认为女儿说的话不合适,所以想要为此向残疾人道歉。react意为“反应”;apologize意为“道歉”;introduce意为“介绍”;appeal意为“吸引;呼吁;上诉”。故选B 项,apologize to sb. for sth.意为“为某事向某人道歉”。

  17.A 解析:根据下文“He said happily...”可知,这位残疾人脸上带着微笑(smile)。

  18.C 解析:残疾人认为小女孩所说的话是他听到的最好的评价,原因是她和别人的观点不一样,可以推断出别人都是嘲笑(laugh at)他。look after意为“照顾”;agree with意为“同意”;care about意为“关心,在乎”。故选C项。

  19.B 解析:根据上文可知,作者对女儿的解释正是残疾人想要的,所以作者认为自己这次是做对(right)了。

  20.D 解析:根据下文“If you are good to others, your child learns to be good to others.(如果你对别人好,你的孩子也会学着对别人好)”可知,作为父母要以身作则去教育孩子。by example意为“以身作则”。



  (2016·兰州高三实战考试)Dear friends,

  Water is essential for life.Yet millions of people around the world face water shortages.Millions of children die every year from waterborne 1.________ (disease).And drought regularly causes suffering in some of the world's poorest countries.The world needs to respond much better.We need to increase water efficiency,2.________ (especial) in agriculture.We need to free women and girls 3.________the daily chores of 4.________(carry) water,often over great distances.We must involve them in decision­making on water management.We need to make sanitation a priority.This is where progress is lagging (落后) most.And we must show that water resources need not be a source of conflict.Instead,they can be a catalyst (催化剂) for cooperation.Significant gains have been made.But still a major effort 5.________ (require).That is why this year 6.________ (mark) the beginning of the“Water for Life Decade”.Our goal is 7.________ (meet) the internationally agreed targets for water and sanitation by 2015,8.________ to build the foundation for further progress in the years beyond.

  This is 9.________urgent matter of human development,and human dignity.Together,we can provide safe,clean water to all the world's people.The world's water resources are our lifeline for 10.________(survive),and for continuous improvement in the 21st century.Together,we must manage them better.



  1.disease(s) 解析:考查名词的数。disease既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词,故此处应填disease或diseases。

  2.especially 解析:考查副词。此处修饰空后的介词短语,因此应该用副词形式。

  3.from 解析:考查介词。根据固定搭配free sb. from...“使某人摆脱……”可知,此处应填介词from。

  4.carrying 解析:考查非谓语动词。介词后面应该用动名词,所以填carrying。

  5.is required 解析:考查时态、语态及主谓一致。根据整篇文章的时态及still的提示可知,此处应用一般现在时;由于句子的主语与require之间在逻辑上是动宾关系,主语为“a major effort”,所以用一般现在时的被动语态is required。

  6.marks 解析:考查时态及主谓一致。根据本句的is可知,此处应用一般现在时;由于主语是this year,为单数,因此应填marks。

  7.to meet 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处与8空后的不定式是并列关系,都作is的表语,因此此处应填不定式to meet。

  8.and 解析:考查连词。此处应用and连接两个并列的非谓语动词。

  9.an 解析:考查冠词。这是人类发展与人类尊严的一件紧迫之事。此处表示泛指“一件”,因此用不定冠词an。

  10.survival 解析:考查名词。世界水资源是我们生存的生命线。介词for后面应用提示词的名词形式作其宾语。




  (2016·海南省高考模拟检测题)Have you ever heard the saying“All roads lead to Rome”? At one time, this was pretty much true.During the Roman Empire, lots of roads were built in order to move armies, send messages by courier (信使), and make trade easier.

  The network of Roman roads was begun in 312 BC.It was demanded that the roads be built strong so that they would not fall down.Roman soldiers, supervised (监督) by engineers, laid down the roads in a special pattern of layers.There were all together 4 layers, which was made of different materials, such as sand, rocks, stones and so on.

  Also, Roman roads were cambered(拱形).This means that they were built higher in the middle than on the edges, allowing rainwater to run off, which prevented flooding.We use the same technique in building roads today.The Romans also laid out roads over hills when necessary, setting them down in a zigzag (之字形的)pattern to make the road rise gradually.

  All Roman roads had milestones , placed every thousand paces (a Roman mile).The milestones told when the road was built, who was emperor at the time, the road's destination, how far the traveler was from the destination, and how many miles had been traveled since the beginning of the road.This information was a great help to travelers.

  Because of their excellence in construction, it really is no surprise that many parts of Roman road still exist today.These roadways are one of the most impressive achievements of the Roman Empire.

  1.The following description about Roman roads is true EXCEPT ________.

  A.Roman roads were built by the Roman soldiers directed by the engineers

  B.Roman roads could prevent flooding using the technique we don't use today

  C.Roman roads had milestones that were placed every Roman mile

  D.Roman roads still exist today as an impressive achievement of Roman Empire

  2.What information can you find on the milestones?

  A.The builders of the road.

  B.The materials used in building roads.

  C.The distance from one city.

  D.The time spent in building roads.

  3.The passage mainly________.

  A.explains the saying “All roads lead to Rome”

  B.praises ancient Romans for their great achievements

  C.shows how great the Roman Empire was

  D.introduces the construction of the Roman roads



  1.B 解析:细节理解题。根据文章的第三段的“This means that they were built higher in the middle than on the edges, allowing rainwater to run off, which prevented flooding.We use the same technique in building roads today.”可知B符合题意,故选B项。

  2.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The milestones told when the road was built, who was emperor at the time, the road's destination, how far the traveler was from the destination, and how many miles had been traveled since the beginning of the road.”判断选C项。

  3.D 解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文由“条条大路通罗马”这句谚语引出了对罗马道路修建的一些介绍,包括修建的时间跨度、道路的形状以及道路上的里程碑等,因此D项符合题意。


  (2015·南昌教学质量检测)Nicolai Calabria has already become one of the best 106­pound wrestlers.He has successfully climbed to the top of the highest mountain in Africa, and most importantly, he's changed the attitude of any normal person who watches him compete.

  The 17­year­old teenager has one leg.He was born that way, but his goal is to show it's not the one thing that defines him.He would also be the first one to tell you that he just wants to prove to others and himself that he's just like other normal ones.

  When Calabria was young, his parents tried different prostheses(假肢) to find out which was most comfortable for their son as he tried to keep up with a family, who has a preference for sports.

  At first, the Calabrias had their middle child in a prosthesis that looked and functioned like a “real” leg, but soon they decided to choose a different path when they found it wasn't beneficial to his movement.Then the family moved him to arm crutches(手杖)and from there a new burst of energy was found.

  Getting others to believe that he could take off on the soccer field took a little bit longer.When the Calabrias moved to Concord, they had a hard time convincing the town soccer program to allow a child like him to compete with able­bodied kids.After months and months of debates and meetings, the family received the answer they were looking for.Since then, witnessing a young man on crutches who competes against those with two legs has become a_fixed_event in the Concord community.

  “At that time I had nothing but discouragement working with the soccer community, however, now I have nothing but admiration for the fact that he's been allowed to play, and people see that he adds value to game,” his father said.“I just think it's a great result.”

  4.This passage shows us a boy with one leg________.

  A.can do what a normal teenager can

  B.is realizing as many dreams as he can

  C.can make a sport event more valuable

  D.can add value to society

  5.We can learn from Paragraph 5 that________.

  A.Calabria proved to be the most excellent player of the team

  B.it was not easy for Calabria to be accepted to the town soccer team

  C.Calabria's parents didn't allow him to play soccer at first

  D.there are some other disabled children in the soccer team

  6.In Paragraph 5, the underlined part probably means________.

  A.a must­seeB.a planned programme

  C.an extra game

  D.a special occasion

  7.It is implied in the last paragraph that Nicolai's father________.

  A.has been discouraged since Nicolai played soccer

  B.thinks that Nicolai is playing a key role in the team

  C.is very delighted that Nicolai can play soccer in the team

  D.hasn't expected that Nicolai can be allowed to play soccer



  4.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“He would also be the first one to tell you that he just wants to prove to others and himself that he's just like other normal ones.”并结合全文的内容可知,本文的主人公Nicolai是一位 17岁的残疾青少年,但他用自己的毅力告诉我们,残疾人也能做正常人能做的事情。故选A项。

  5.B 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段内容可知,该段介绍了Nicolai Calabria是如何进入美国康科德社区的足球队,与肢体健全的孩子们一起踢足球的。从该段中“they had a hard time convincing...”可推知他进入球队颇费周折。故选B项。

  6.A 解析:词义猜测题。根据划线句子的语境:从那以后,目睹这个使用拐杖的年轻人与其他双腿健全的人一起比赛就成了康科德社区的“a fixed event”,显然划线部分的含义不是“计划的节目”、“额外的比赛”、“特殊的时刻”,而是“必看的节目”。故选A项。

  7.C 解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Nicolai的父亲所说的话及最后一句的总结“I just think it's a great result”可推知,Nicolai的父亲对他能够在足球队里参加比赛很开心,故选C项。


  (2016·昆明市质量检测)Are you preparing any gifts for your friends now? __1__, but choosing a proper gift can be a big headache, because it takes a lot of time and effort to think of the right gift for someone.Before you finish your list, keep these dos and don'ts in mind:

  ◆ Do put thought into your gift.

  If you like something, that doesn't mean that your friend is going to like it, too.__2__.Don't get him/her an ordinary gift, and reflect back on your previous conversations to see if he/she talked about a certain gift he/she had been wanting to get.

  ◆ __3__.

  Make sure the gift you're buying is appropriate for the person.For example,if you're buying a friend a gift, remember not to overspend or personalize it too much.Take a moment to think about how your relationship is with the person before getting him/her something.

  ◆ Do get a gift receipt (收据).

  If you're purchasing something for your friend, make sure you ask the salesperson to include a gift receipt.It's just a polite gesture, and you know your money won't go to waste.__4__.

  ◆ Don't leave the price tag (标签) on.

  Make sure you don't leave the price tag on the gift and that you're giving a gift receipt and not the original bill.__5__, and it's not important for him/her to know anyway.

  A.Don't buy an inappropriate gift

  B.Don't be afraid of spending money

  C.Giving gifts has forever been so pleasant

  D.Take some time to really think about what he/she likes

  E.If your friend doesn't like the gift, he/she can just exchange it

  F.Giving someone you care about a very special gift can be tough

  G.It's not proper to let your friend know how much you spent on the gift


  1—5 CDAEG


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