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江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(4)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. —I’m sorry to say this, but the room here is very dirty.

  —______. I will ask someone to clean it right way.

  A. It’s all right

  B.Sorry to hear that

  C.Never mind

  D.Thank you all the same time

  2.It was between 1830 and 1835 ______ the modern newspaper was born.

  A how

  B that

  C which

  D because

  3.— I hear that Mary is ______ to stay with us for a few days.—That’s great.

  A. Maybe

  B. possible

  C. likely

  D. probable

  4.It is not until we know more about the situation ______ we are able to improve it.

  A. that




  5. Scientists have created GM tomatoes which ______ fresh for 45 days, three times as long as normal tomatoes.

  A. are stayed

  B. have been stayedC. stay

  D. stayed

  6. I waited for her at the bus station for two hours, but she never______.

  A. turned on

  B. turned to

  C. turned up

  D. turned down

  7. All visitors to this village______ with kindness.

  A. treat

  B. are treated

  C. are treating

  D. had been treated

  8.—I don’t like shopping.

  — Me______. It makes me tired.



  C. also

  D. neither

  9.Little______ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.

  A. did Rose care

  B. Rose did care

  C. Rose does care

  D. does Rose care

  10.When the farmers were asked to leave their hometown, they said they would rather______ than

  ______ their homes.

  A. die; to abandon

  B. die; abandon

  C. dying; to abandon

  D. dying; abandon

  11. The young writer’s first book ______next month is based on a real person and event.

  A. published

  B. publishing

  C. to be published

  D. to publish

  12. —Julia and Colin ended their relationship last year.

  —what made their marriage______?

  A. stay up

  B. break up

  C. spring up

  D. hang up

  13. At the mountaintop_______, where five ancient statues stand.

  A. does lie a temple

  B. a temple lies

  C. lies a temple

  D. does a temple lie

  14. —I’ve never seen so many people here before!— ______ .

  A. So have I

  B. Neither have I

  C. So I have

  D. Neither I have

  15 —Waiter, what about my coffee? I______ for over 10 minutes.

  —Sorry, sir. It will just be a moment

  A.am waiting

  B.was waitingC.had waited

  D.have been waiting. It is exactly ______he often fails in the exam ______ makes his parents worried about him.

  A. what; that

  B. that; which

  C. that; that

  D. what; what

  17. Very ______ about toys, Tony was not to be pleased, though I tried to show him one by one.

  A. responsible

  B. particular

  C. special

  D. curious

  18. I spent the whole day repairing the car. The work was______ easy.

  A. nothing but

  B. something but

  C. anything but

  D. all but

  19. It has been raining every day so far. I hope tomorrow will ______ fine.

  A. turn to

  B. turn up

  C. turn into

  D. turn out

  20. — I’m afraid I can only make a small contribution this time.

  —______. We really appreciate your assistance.

  A. Every little helps

  B. It’s better to give than to receive

  C. The more, the better

  D. The best things come in small packages

  21. — Some more wine?

  — Thank you. ______. I have to drive home.

  A. With pleasure

  B. That would be nice

  C. I’d rather not

  D. Just what I need 22. Sophie dreams of walking in______ outer space like ______astronaut one day.

  A. /; the

  B. /; an

  C. an; an

  D. a; an

  23. —Will you be able to finish the report before Friday?

  —I can’t ______ anything, but I’ll try my best.

  A. guarantee

  B. transform

  C. prepare

  D. say

  24. The Shanghai Expo has attracted more than 73 million tourists, ______ it the most successful in history.

  A. making

  B. makes

  C. made

  D to make

  25. ______ the bad weather, we enjoyed our holiday very much.

  A. As the result of

  B. In spite of

  C. Because of

  D. According to

  26. —What do you think made Tina so delighted?

  —______ the driving test at her first attempt.

  A. As she passed??

  B. Passed

  C. Because of passing

  D. Passing

  27.You didn’t let me drive. If we ______ in turn, you ______ so tired.

  A. drove…didn’t get

  B. had driven…wouldn’t have got

  C. drove…wouldn’t get

  D. were driving…wouldn’t get

  28.—Can you hit that bird with your gun, Tom?

  —No!It is out of the ______of my gun.





  29. The computer made in the USA is cheaper than______ made in Germany.

  A. the same

  B. any

  C. that

  D. one

  30. — Is it my age ______the boss minds?

  —I’m afraid so. He will consider ______ necessary to have an experienced assistant.

  A. which;it

  B. that;it

  C. which;that

  D. that;that

  31. It was so dark in the theatre that I could hardly ________ my friend.

  A. turn out

  B. bring out

  C. call out

  D. pick out

  32. Maria is fond of all kinds of sports, but she likes swimming ________.

  A. in practice

  B. in general

  C. in fact

  D. in particular

  33.Only when our country has aircraft carriers _______ our distant islands more effectively. A. we can guard

  B. can we guard

  C. we guard

  D. do we guard

  34. At first, they worried about the situation but things ______quite well.

  A. went on

  B. carried on

  C. worked out

  D. tried on

  35. The detective, ________ to read a newspaper, glanced at the man ________ next to a woman.

  A. pretending; seat

  B. pretending; seated C. pretended; seat

  D. pretended; seated


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