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发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  25. I have my own room in my house,

  so I

  do what i want in it.

  a. must

  b. have to

  c. need to

  d. can


  —will you please bring me some orange, lucy?



  a, that's good b. all right

  c. no matter

  d. it doesn't matter

  27. —excuse me. have you got an eraser?

  — sorry, i haven't.


  you ask mary? per¬haps she ' s got one.

  a. do

  b don't

  c. did

  d. didn't

  28. he feels lonely. he has

  friends here except me.

  a. many

  b. some

  c. few

  d. more

  29. — she tried hard to stop her husband from smoking, didn't she? yes. but she


  a. failed

  b. fell

  c. made it

  d. got it

  30. —i'm going to play basketball after school what about you? —


  a. yes, basketball is very popular.

  b. are you? it's so hot!

  c. i like basketball very much.

  d. so am i.

  31. —may I ask you

  , mum?


  what is


  —our class are going to have a picnic tomorrow. can I go?

  a. something

  b. anything

  c. some questions

  d. a problem

  32. mum, this t-shirt is much too small for me.

  would you buy me a


  a. nice

  b. large

  c. nicer

  d. larger

  33. —how many teachers are there in your school?


  , but i'm not sure.

  a. hundreds

  b hundred c. hundreds of

  d. one hundred

  34. mr smith comes form australia, but he has worked in china for five years. so you


  talk with him

  a. either in english or in chinese

  b. not in chinese but in english

  c. just in english, not in chinese

  d. neither in chinese nor in english

  35. —tomorrow is mothers' day.

  what shall we give to mother as a present?


  some flowers?

  a. have you bought

  b. did you buy

  c. will you buy

  d. what about

  36. would you please speak more slowly? I can hardly


  a. talk with b, agree with

  c. follow

  d. hear

  37. —hi, lin tao. i didn't see you at the party.

  oh, I

  ready for the maths exam.

  a. am getting

  b. was getting

  c. got

  d. have got

  38. the smile on the teacher's face showed that she was

  with us.

  a. strict

  b. pleased

  c. angry

  d. sorry

  39. —what a day!

  it's raining again.

  i'm afraid we can't go boating tomorrow.

  —don't worry. it won't


  a. drop

  b. last

  c. rain

  d. go

  40. —have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this afternoon?


  every student

  about it

  a. tells

  b. . told

  c. was told

  d. has told

  41. —who's going to give us a talk at the meeting?


  , I guess.

  a. mr king does b. mr king is

  c. that's mr king

  d. it's mr king

  42. —excuse me.

  what did you say you would like to do, miss white?

  —I said i 'd better go back to the office.I

  someone this afternoon.

  a. would meet

  b. met

  c. am going to meet

  d. was meeting

  43. —do you think it will rain tomorrow?


  . it hasn't rained for a whole month! it's too dry.

  a. I hope so

  b. I hope not

  c. I'm sure it will

  d.It won't.

  44. —where's jack?

  —he's away to "spend his holiday.

  he's gone

  either to hangzhou or to wuhan, but I'm not sure.

  a. that

  b. which

  c. where

  d. there



  everyone needs friends. we all like to 45

  dose(亲近的) to someone. 46

  is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. 47

  , sometimes we need to be alone. we don't always want people 48

  . but we would feel lonely if we 49

  had a friend.

  no two people are 50

  . friends 51

  don't get on well that doesn't mean 52

  they no longer like each other. mose of the time they will make up (言归于好) and become


  again. sometimes friends move away. then we feel very


  . we miss them very much, but we can


  them and write to them. it could be that we woulcheven see them a-gain. and we can 56 new friends. it is surprising to find our 57 we like new people when we get to know them.

  there's more good news for people who have friends. they live longer than people who don't why? it could be that they are


  . being happy helps you stay well or it could be just knowing that someone cares.

  if someone cares about you,you take


  care of yourself.


  ) 45. a. look

  b. watch

  c. feel

  d. see


  ) 46. a. it

  b. he

  c. there

  d. someone


  ) 47. a. hardly

  b. nearly

  c suddenly

  d. certainly


  ) 48. a. alone

  b. away

  c. all over

  d. around


  ) 49. a. ever

  b. never

  c. just

  d. really


  ) 50. a. friendly

  b. kind

  c. just the same

  d. quite different


  ) 51. a. always

  b. sometimes

  c. often

  d. usually


  ) 52. a. that

  b. whether

  c. how

  d. why


  )53. a. friendly

  b. good

  c. pleased

  d. friends


  ) 54. a. angry

  b. sad

  c. happy

  d. alone


  ) 55. a. call


  c tell

  d. talk with


  )56. a. look for

  b. find

  c. make

  d. know


  ) 57. a. how often

  b. how long

  c. how many

  d. how much


  )58. a. happier

  b. stronger

  c. kinder

  d. richer


  ) 59. a. less

  b. better

  c. little

  d. no




  the train I was travelling on was already half an hour late. I had to arrive in vienna at 7:15 in time to catch the 7:25 train to paris, but there was no hope of that now.I told the conductor about it . he advised (建议) me to get off two stops before vienna station and take a taxi (出租车). when the time came, the conductor even helped me with my bags. he wished me good luck as I jumped off. and a few minutes later, I was racing towards the centre of the city in a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped outside the sta¬tion. I paid the driver quickly, took hold of my bags quickly and hurried inside. "paris train" was all I had time to say to the official (铁路职工) I saw. you can guess how I feel when he pointed to a train that was just moving out of the station.


  )60. the writer arrived at vienna station at .

  a. 7:15

  b. 7:25


  d. 7:55


  ) 61. why did the writer get off the train two stops be¬ fore vienna station?

  a. he wanted to have a rest

  b. he wanted to catch the 7:25 paris train.

  c. he wanted to go to paris by taxi

  d. he wanted to meet the official.


  )62. how did the writer feel at vienna station?

  a. he felt lonely.

  b he felt angry.

  c. he felt surprised

  d. he felt sad.


  In the united states, headmasters and teachers disci¬pline (惩罚) students in several ways. the teacher often writes to or calls the students7 parents. sometimes students have to stay at school for one hour. if a student behaves(行为) very badly, the headmaster can stop the student having classes. the student can't come to school for one, two or three days. mr lazares, the headmaster of a middle school in ohio, did not like to do so. when he didn’t let the students come to school, they were happy. "a three-day holiday!" they thought

  one day, a boy was in mr lazares's office. the boy was not behaving well in class. mr lazares telephoned the boy's parents. "if you come to school with your son, i won't stop him having classes, " he said. the boy's father came to school and went with his son to every class. other students looked at the boy and his father. the boy was em¬barrassed (难为情). after that he behaved better. and, of course, other students behaved better, too.

  now headmasters all over the usa are trying mr la¬zares's idea. they, too, think that students behave better when parents come to school.


  )63. what does a headmaster usually do to the student if he behaves very badly?

  a. writes to the student's parents.

  b. lets the student stay at school for an hour.

  c. calls the student's parents.

  d. stops






  several days.


  )64. when a student having classes for several days, he was.

  a. happy

  b. angry

  c. worried

  d. afraid


  ) 65. what' did mr lazares do when his students were not behaving well in class?

  a. tried to talk to them.

  b. sent them home.

  c. telephoned their parents to come to school and go to classes with them.

  d. had them stay in his office.


  )66. why did the other students behave better, too?

  a. they didn't like to have clasfes with the boy's father.

  b. they didn’t want

  their parents

  to come to school.

  c. they were afraid of teachers.

  d. they were afraid of mr lazarfe.


  sport is very popular in england in wther words lots of english people like the idea of sport a lot watch sport on tv. but the number who take part in (参加) sport is quite small. on the whole english people prefer to be fat rather than thin.

  the most popular sport in england is football. football is pasyed on saturday afternoon in most towns and the sup¬porters (球迷) of a certain team will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their teams play. there are four divisions(级别)of the football league. not surprisingly the best teams are in the first division. but the best support¬ers are often in the fourth division. you have to be a good supporter to watch the fourth division football!

  many other sports are also played in england, such as golf, in which you try to knock a ball into a hole; basketball, in which you try to get a ball through a net(篮筐); tennis, in which you try to hit a ball so that your opponent(对手) can not hit it. as you see, if the ball had not been invented, there would have been no sport.

  actually(其实) , that is not quite true. athletics(田径)

  isn't played with a ball; nor horseracing ( 赛马 ). perhaps that is why they are not so popular as football!


  is the most popular sport in england.

  a. basketball

  b. football

  c. golf

  d. tennis

  68. you have to be a good supporter to watch

  division football.

  a. the first

  b. the second c. the third

  d. the fourth

  69. why do many english people not take part in sport?

  a. they are too busy.

  b. they like watching sport on tv.

  c. they would like to be fat.

  d. they prefer to be thin.

  70. why are english people interested in sport?

  a. they have their football team.

  b. the sport games are played on saturday afternoon.

  c. they like the idea of sport.

  d. they like the famous players.


  people are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. this becomes a problem, because most families love home cooking! the food tastes (吃起来) good and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. in some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one another at the same time.

  another reason(原因) people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. a parent who makes some cookies (小甜饼) is not just satisfying (满足 ) a child's sweet tooth. she or he is sending a message. the message says, " i care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if i let you. "

  there is also something about the smell of home cooking. the smell of home cooking pleases people of all ages. it makes most of us feel good and loved—even if we are the ones doing the cooking! next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and pay attention to(关注 ) your mood(心情 ).

  71. why do fewer people cook now?

  a. they have no time. b. many people are too busy.

  c. many people don't like cooking.d. they don't like family meals.

  72. a parent spends an hour making cookies


  a. just to satisfy her or his child's sweet toothb. only to send a message

  c. to let a child eat up in 15 minutesd. often to show her or his love

  73. the writer thinks the smell of home cooking


  a. makes us happyb. makes us be interested in cooking

  c. makes us pay attention to our moodd. makes us love others

  74. what's the main(主要)) idea of this passage?

  a. family meals are important. b. how to make cookies.

  c. people are too busy to cook. d. homemade cookies taste better.


  75. the ice is too

  . it's very dangerous to skate on it.

  76. little tom did quite well in the english exam. he hardly made any


  77. three

  is forty-five minutes.

  78. my headteacher has been to the USA

  . she will go there for a third time this year.

  79. there's no

  over the river. we have to cross it by boat.

  80. this is our new teaching building. it was

  last year.


  81. a:remember to ring-me up as soon as you get to londoa


  to give me a ring as soon as



  82. a;everyone should give back his library books on time.

  b; library books should

  on time.

  83. a;the factory is not far from here. it only take you tern minutes by bike.

  b:the factory is


  it's only ten minutes'


  84. a:Tom had no time for breakfast he went to school in a hurry.


  to school


  85. a;all the students in our class are chinese except peter.


  peter is a

  in our class.



  火    车  汽    车

  始  发 终  点 始  发  终  点  

  南  昌 九  江 南  昌 庐  山

  8:00 9:30 7:00 9:00 

  10:00 11:30 8:00 10:00

  14:00 15:30 9:00 11:00

  17:00 19:00


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