One day, King Tang, the founder1 of the Shang Dynasty, saw a man arranging a net on all sides and praying to the deity2: "Let those that fly down from the sky, those that come out of the ground, and those that come running from all directions all run into my met!"
Tang said: "Well, isn't this catching3 the whole lot in one net?"
Tang went forward and took away the net on three sides, leaving only one side there. Then he said to the man: "Now please pray again! You can say thus: In the past, the spiders have spun4 nets. Now people have learned to make nets too. You birds and animals, those that want to turn left can go to the left; those that want to turn right can go to the right; those that want to fly can soar; those that want to get into holes can get intoholes. I only catch those that are doomed5 to die."
The much-told tale of King Tang's leaving the net open on three sides spread far and wide at once. When the people of the states south of the Han River heard of it, they all said: "King Tang of Shang bestows6 favour even upon birds and animals. He is so lenient7 that he is truly a benevolent8 man."
Thereupon, all the 40 small states of the time had a heartfelt admiration9 for Tang and pledged ther allegiance to the Shang Dynasty.
一天,商朝开国君主汤看见一个人四面布下了天罗地网,正在向神祷告: “从天上飞下来的,从地下钻出来的,从四面八方跑过来的,都撞到我的网里来吧!”
历史上的尼克松 真的是演说家和骗子?
英国二货快递员 包裹扔到屋顶上
来自空中的钻石 捡到就归你
真的猛士 美国9岁男孩徒手斗鳄鱼
世界大学排名出炉 内地32所高校入选500强
一个时代的终结 好莱坞女星劳伦白考尔逝世
英政府神规定 无法驱逐的恐怖分子
赫本孙女登封面 再现祖母经典造型
《死亡诗社》罗宾•威廉姆斯自杀 大事盘点
韩郭电影大比拼 讲述不一样的中国
峡谷天使离开人间 一生守护自杀圣地
拒绝被骗 教你如何分分钟识破谎言
调查:女人25岁最快乐 34岁最郁闷
澳洲小狮子家里蹲 晋升喵科新萌物
英国机长假肢脱落 飞机失控险坠毁
孕动芭蕾 准妈妈们的新选择
属于年轻人的话题 DOTA冠军背后的故事
罗宾·威廉姆斯去世 留存四部遗作
轨道救子 本能令母亲变身超级英雄
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