How would you feel if you sat down to eat dinner and found your mom had put old, molded bread on your plate with meat that was covered with sand and dirtsitting by your plate was a glass full of something yellowish that smelled like gasoline?Would you want to put those things into your body?Why not?Because they would be harmful to your body, right?Paul was warning the church at Corinth about taking care of the body when he wrote our memory verse:I Corinthians 6:19-20, you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you...therefore glorify God in your body...
假如, 你坐下来, 刚要吃晚饭, 突然发现面包上已经长了霉, 肉也脏兮兮的, 都是土和沙子。杯子里的水也变黄了, 臭臭的。那么, 你会把这些东西吃到你的肚子里去吗?为什么不呢?因为他们会伤害你的身体, 对吗?保罗写信给哥林多的教会, 要他们保持身体的纯洁。他在哥林多前书6章19, 20节说:岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿么...所以要在你们的身子上荣耀神。
If you have believed on Jesus as your Savior, you are His child. The Holy Spirit, the invisible part of Jesus, comes to live in your body. Your body becomes a temple for the Holy Spirit, so your temple should be holy. To glorify God in your body means to honor God by the way you dress, by the things you allow into your mind and body.
如果你已经相信耶稣做你的救主, 你就是神的孩子。神的灵就住在你的里面。你的身子就成为圣灵的殿, 这个殿应该是圣洁的。在身子上荣耀神, 就是你穿的衣服, 你的思想和身体所接触的东西都要荣耀神。
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you can be sure that drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are not things you should be using, for they have harmful effects on your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do you think junk food is good for your body?Whatever we eat or drink, we should do it for Gods glory, or honor. Looking at dirty pictures, or violent things, or just junk stuff on tv or Internet are also ways that we defile our body. Girls, even as believers, you can dishonor God by wearing clothes that are too tight or short, or in a style that makes people wonder if you are a Christian. Boys, do you dress to let people know you are a man of God, or do you dress to look like the world?
如果你已经相信耶稣做你的救主, 你知道, 你不应该用毒品, 酒精, 抽烟, 因为他们对你的身体有害, 而你的身体是圣灵所居住的殿。那么那些垃圾食品呢?记住, 不管我们吃什么, 喝什么, 都要为神的名带来荣耀。其它会玷污我们身体的东西还有看黄色图片, 暴力电影, 电视上或网上那些无聊的节目。女孩子们, 穿太紧或太短的衣服, 裙子都会羞辱神 的名。男孩子们, 你的穿著让人觉得你是一个基督徒呢?还是跟世界的人没什么两样。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit cannot live in you. But today Jesus is standing and knocking at the door of your life, wanting to come in and save you from sin. When you open the door of your life, asking the Lord Jesus to come in and save you from sin, His Holy Spirit comes in. He will then give you the power to keep your life pure. Go now to ?How to be a Child of God?and follow the steps!
如果你还没有相信耶稣, 圣灵就不能住在你里面。但此时, 耶稣就在你的心门外敲门。他要进来, 把你从罪中拯救出来。当你把心门打开, 让耶稣进来拯救你, 圣灵就来住在你里面。神就赐给你能力, 来过圣洁的生活。.请你去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 照着那里所说的去做。
Lets say the verse together again:I Corinthians 6:19-20, you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you....therefore glorify God in your body...Why not write this verse on a card and put the card where you will see it every day. This verse can remind you to do whats right by keeping your life pure for God.Now Lets sing about the Holy Spirit living in you!I cannot see the wind, but I know when it is blowing, I cannot see the current, that keeps the river flowing; And I cannot see Gods Spirit, but I know He works within, He gives power to believers, He shows us when we sin.He cheers us on, He helps us see What God wants us to know and be, Although He works invisibly, Hes Jesus Christ, living in me!
让我们再说一遍今天的圣经经节:哥林多前书6章19, 20节:岂不知你们的身子就是圣灵的殿么...所以要在你们的身子上荣耀神。你可以把它写在一张卡片上, 放在你容易看见的地方, 让它来提醒你, 为了神来使我们的生命纯洁。
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