Where do you live?
IN DAYI COUNTY, a couple of hours drive down a motorway from the city of Chengdu, thecapital of Sichuan Province, Chinese tourists stroll through the meandering courtyards of arural mansion. In the 1950s, soon after Mao seized power, the mansion was turned into amuseum, intended as a showcase of evil. It once belonged to Liu Wencai, a landownersupposedly notorious for ill-treating his tenant farmers. Liu embodied a class despised by Mao,who came to power on the back of a promise to give land back to the peasants.
In its Maoist heyday the museum was a place of pilgrimage. Red Guards swarmed there forritual denunciations of Liu and his ilk. A high point of their visit was a trip to the waterdungeon, a room with several inches of water covering the floor where Liu had allegedly keptdisobedient farmers. Another was a series of life-size sculptures of peasants and their viciousoppressors. A politically disfavoured curator from Beijings Forbidden City who happened tolook like Liu was forced to stand next to the sculptures as a living Liu Wencai so that visitorscould shout and spit at him, according to Geremie Barm ofAustralian National University.
在毛泽东思想的全盛期,这个博物馆就是个圣地。红卫兵扫荡了这里,为的就是仪式性的宣示刘文彩和他的同类。他们的串联的一个高潮是参观水龙,即刘文彩非法拘禁不守规矩的长工的地方:一间数尺深的水漫过地面的房间。而另外一个高潮是,一套由长工和他们恶毒的压迫者组成的真人大小的雕塑。据澳洲大学的Geremie Barm讲,一位来自北京紫禁城的,在政治上的失宠的馆长,因碰巧长得像刘文彩而被作为活刘文彩强迫站在这些个雕塑边上,以让参观者能够对着他大声喊叫,大吐口水。
The sculptures are still there, but in recent years awave of revisionism has been sweeping across Dayi.Local officials were already having second thoughtsby the early 1980s. But it was a book reassessingLius life published by an outspoken journalist in1999 that finally convinced many that the man wasreally not that bad. His water dungeon was agovernment fabrication, the museum now pointsout. He spent a lot of money on local schools andpaid for a road to be built from Chengdu to Dayi.Last year a grandson organised a get-together inDayi for the extended Liu clan, whose members would once have been terrified of revealingtheir ties. More than 1,000 turned up.
The slaughter of many thousands of landlords byofficials and vengeful peasants shortly after the communist takeover resulted in profoundchanges in the system of rural land ownership. Peasants got the land Mao promised them,but only briefly. In the late 1950s the party took it back again and forced farmers intocollectively owned peoples communes. The legacy of that disastrous decision, whichcontributed to a famine that left tens of millions dead, still weighs heavily on rural China. Sotoo does a decision to confer hereditary status on peasants, who would be all but barredfrom cities to stop them rushing in to find work.
The curse of the hukou
The hukou system, as this one-time apartheid is commonly known, applied to urban as well asrural dwellers, but peasants got a worse deal because they received hardly any welfare benefits,and job prospects in the countryside were dismal. The system has been much eroded sincethe Mao era because of the need for cheap labour to fuel Chinas manufacturing boom. But itslingering impact, combined with the still collective ownership of rural land, will retard Chinasurbanisation in the years ahead just when the country is most in need of its consumption-boosting benefits. Two researchers from Chinas finance ministry, Chen Xiaoqiang and Liu Ling,wrote in March that it was time to start returning land to the peasants, both to spurconsumption and to help defuse growing rural unrest. Most officials dare not say this sobluntly, but they admit that change is needed.
户口体制,这个为人所共知的一度起着隔离体制,被同样施加于城市和农村居民身上。但农民的被更加恶劣的对待,因为他们几无福利,且在乡下的工作前途简直是凄惨。这一体制自毛泽东时代起就因为对推动制造业繁荣的廉价劳动力的需要而一步步的受到侵蚀。但是其绵延的影响,与农村土地仍在实施的集体所有制相结合,将会在接下来的几年里,在这个国家最为急切需要的消费拉动效益上拖累中国的城镇化。3月,中国财政部的两位研究员Chen Xiaoqiang和Liu Ling撰文指出,是该开始向农民归还土地的时候了,这样既可以刺激消费,又可以帮助消解农村持续增长的动荡。大多数政府官员并不敢在此事上如此直抒胸臆,但是他们承认变革是必需的。
In 2007 Chengdu, and Chongqing to its south-east, were given licence to experiment. Theprinciple of collective ownership could not be changed, but farmers rights could be clarifiedand rural land markets of sorts could be established. In Chengdu, which is responsible for alarge rural area including Dayi county, officials spoke of initiating a new land reform . They began adrive to ensure that farmers at last got long-promised certificates showing the exactboundaries of their fields and housing as well as confirming their rights to use them .
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