Googles takeover of Motorola Mobility
WHEN smartphones were still young and computing tablets not yet born, some analystspredicted that the market for mobile devices would sooner or later look much like that forpersonal computers : there would be a clear division of labour and intellectual propertybetween makers of hardware and software; a dominant operating system would emerge; andApple would again become a niche player.
If proof is still needed, Googles takeover of Motorola Mobility is the strongest sign yet that thiswill not come to pass, at least in the near future. On the contrary, the mobile-device industrywill bear a closer resemblance to its other parent: the market for old-fashioned, voice-onlyhandsets.
Start with intellectual property. In contrast with PC makers, firms in the telecoms industryhave long fought over patents. If such disputes are even more common over todays mobiledevices , it is because they are exceedingly complex and based on intellectualproperty from many different industries.
Gaining control of Motorolas big patent portfolio will provide Google with ammunition in theongoing battle between mobile platforms. Android, Googles operating system for smartphonesand other devices, has taken the world by storm. Its global market share is approaching 50% . Yet Apple and Microsoft have found a way to slow down, and even benefit fromAndroids advance: going after makers of smartphones running Android for patentinfringements.
This tactic has put a price on Android, which Googlegives away free. In early 2010 HTC, a leading vendorof Android devices, agreed to pay royalties toMicrosoft for the use of its patents. And in July Applewon a legal victory against HTC which could lead toeven higher payments.
Googles acquisition also illustrates the seconddifference between the markets for PCs and mobile devices: the latter will be more verticallyintegrated. Apples big advantage is controlling all parts of its products, from the user interfaceto the processor. It is thus able to fine-tune them, for instance to keep power consumption lowor make touch screens react faster. Most devices powered by Android are not as highlyoptimisedwhich helps to explain why Android tablets, for instance, have yet to catch up withApples iPad.
Google的收购还阐明了 PC市场与移动设备市场的第二个不同之处:后者更倾向于垂直整合。苹果的主要优势在于它控制着产品的一切,从用户界面到处理器。因此,苹果可以精细调整其产品,比如保持低耗电量或让触屏反应更迅速。而大部分安卓设备则做不到如此高度的优化,以安卓平板电脑为例,这也许就是它还赶不上苹果iPad的原因。
Owning a handset-maker allows Google to better integrate software and hardware. At thesame time, the firm cannot copy Apples model completely. If it is seen to favour Motorolasproducts, other device makers might abandon Android. This would defeat the operatingsystems purpose: making sure that Googles servicesand thus its lucrative advertisementsmake it onto as many mobile displays as possible. When Googles bosses announced themerger, they took great care to explain that they would run Motorola as a separate businessand not change the way in which Android was managed.
拥有一家手机制造企业可以让Google更好地整合软件和硬件,同时,也不能完全照搬苹果的模式。如果其他设备制造商认为安卓偏向于摩托罗拉的产品,也许就会弃安卓而去。这有违该操作系统的初衷:务必让 Google的服务尽可能多地出现在移动设备上,从而为其带来利润丰厚的广告业务。Google的老板在宣布这次收购时,就极力澄清说摩托罗拉会单独运作,他们不会改变安卓的管理模式。
Carolina Milanesi of Gartner, a market-research firm, expects Google to use Motorola to buildbenchmark models for Android devices to help others improve their products. The industry ismoving towards a similar set-up. As part of a co-operation agreement with Nokia, Microsoft isusing the Finnish company as its hardware-maker of reference.
市场研究公司Gartner的卡罗琳娜 米拉内西Carolina Milanesi估计,Google会用摩托罗拉打造一个安卓设备的标准模板,以帮助其他制造商改进各自的产品。移动行业正逐步走向标准化,微软已与诺基亚达成合作协议,所有硬件制造商的产品都以这家芬兰公司的硬件为准。
Third, it is unlikely that one firm will ever dominatethe mobile industry as much as Microsoft did in PCsbecause the most powerful companies will doalmost anything to keep this from happening, saysBen Wood of CCS Insight, another research firm.Just like Google, they will spend billions to stay in therace. And wireless operators have let it be knownthat they are already unhappy with the currentduopoly of Android and Apple. They will certainlypush Nokias new Windows phones once they hit themarket later this year or early next.
第三个不同,用另一家市场研究公司CCS Insight本 伍德Ben Wood的话来说,就是在移动行业中,不大可能有公司像微软在PC市场那样长期独家垄断,因为各大公司会竭力阻止发生这种情况。比如Google就将花费数十亿美元来保持竞争力。而无线运营商已经公开表示,他们对目前安卓和苹果两家争霸的局面感到不满,一旦诺基亚的Windows phones手机在今年或明年年初上市,他们肯定会助其一臂之力。
All of which means Googles acquisition is unlikely to be the last deal of its kind. OtherAmerican technology giants have plenty of cashand a need to strengthen their mobilestature, says Mr Wood. Even Amazon, an online shopping giant, may feel the urge to splashout and buy, perhaps, Sony-Ericsson, which like Motorola seems too small to make it on itsown. The battle for supremacy in the mobile industry has only just begun.
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