Time for a double dip?
A lousy debt deal, rising fears of a recession, thedanger of longer-term stagnation: Americasoutlook is grim
THIS ought to have been a good week for theAmerican economy. The countrys leaders at last ended a ludicrously irresponsible bout offiscal brinkmanship, removing the threat of global financial Armageddon by agreeing to raisethe federal debt ceiling. Yet far from heaving a sigh of relief, investors are nervous.Stockmarkets around the world have tumbled . On August 2nd, the day the debtdeal was signed, the S P 500 index saw its biggest one-day fall in over a year, and yieldson ten-year Treasury bonds dropped to 2.6%, their lowest level in nine months, as investorssought safety.
It is not all to do with America: the euro zone is a mess and manufacturingeverywhere seems to be slowing. But Americas prospects have suddenly darkened. Statisticalrevisions and some grim new figures have revealed a weaker-than-assumed recovery that hasall but ground to a halt. Once stalled, an economy can easily tip back into recession, particularlyif it is hit by a new shockas Americas is about to be, thanks to a hefty dose of fiscaltightening made worse by the debt deal. The odds of a double dip over the coming year areuncomfortably high, perhaps as high as 50%.
Americas recovery from a balance-sheet recessionwas always bound to be sluggish and fragile. Andits woes need not fell the world economy, thanks tothe strength of emerging markets . But the thoughtlessness of the debt dealnotably its failure to tackle any of the real sourcesof Americas fiscal problems, such as entitlementspendingraises a bigger worry. Can the countryspoliticians, so starkly polarised and so willing togamble with the economy, be trusted not to turnwhat was always an inevitable period of hardshipinto longer-term stagnation?
The fin rising to the surface
Begin with the state of the recovery. On July 29th Americas government statisticianspublished revisions to the past few years of GDP statistics. They showed that the 2008recession was deeper than first thought, and the subsequent recovery flatter. Output has notyet regained its pre-recession peak. And the feeble recovery is petering out. Over the pastyear output has grown by a mere 1.6%, well below what most economists consider to be theeconomys underlying growth rate, and a pace that has in the past almost always beenfollowed by recession. Over the past six months the United States has eked out annualisedgrowth of merely 0.8%. Even observers who, like us, had expected America to bounce alongnear the bottom for a while had not expected growth to be this low.
Temporary factors have played some role in this. Soaring oil prices crimped consumer spending.The Japanese earthquake disturbed supply chains. In some industries, notably carproduction, a rebound is plainly under way. But the overall economy is now so weak that itwould take a lot to get growth up to a reasonable rate. And there are some signs that thetemporary shocks may have left a more lasting dent on the psyche of firms and shoppers.That is why the newest figures are so disconcerting. Consumer spending fell in June; consumerconfidence slumped in July, as did manufacturers orders. Of course, these are early,incomplete, snapshots, but the chances of a double dip over the coming year, which seemedrelatively small only a month ago, have risen alarmingly.
If that happens, then Americas politicians will bearmuch of the blame . Their prescriptionfor a weak economy is a large slug of austerity.Thanks to the expiry of a payroll-tax credit andextended jobless benefits in December, the UnitedStates is on course for a fiscal contraction of some2% of GDP next year, the biggest of any largeeconomyand enough to drag a weak economy intorecession.
The debt deal, which implies only modest new spending cuts in the short term, is not directlyresponsible for this. But Congress could, and should, have stopped this potentially ruinoustrajectory. There was a deal to be had: keep up spending in the short term, with a stress onmuch-needed infrastructure investment, as well as extending the temporary tax cuts, inexchange for a big medium-term reduction in the deficit, centred on entitlements and taxreform. Congress did precisely the opposite, failing to support the economy now and failing tofind enough cuts over the next decade to stabilise Americas debt. Any hard decisions havebeen given to a commissiona cop-out that condemns workers and firms to more cripplinguncertainty about how the countrys fiscal mess will be tackled. Would you build a factorytoday if you knew that taxes had to rise eventually, but had no idea which ones?
Worse, the poisonous politics of the past few weeks have created new sorts of uncertainty.Now that the tea-partiers have used default successfully as a political weapon, it will surely beused again. The refusal to compromise, rapidly becoming a point of honour for both parties, iswreaking damage elsewhere, partially shutting down the Federal Aviation Administration and postponing trade bills. At best, the politicians will have slowed a sputteringexpansion; at worst they will have killed off the recovery and inflicted lasting harm on theworlds most impressive prosperity machine.
In the land of the blind the one-eyed Fed is king
Does it have to be this way? Not necessarily. Barack Obama or one of his Republican challengers may yet discover the courage to tell the truth about the American economy in next years presidential election. But given the politicians current uselessness, the only institution with the power to avert danger is the Federal Reserve. With interest rates so low, that means more quantitative easing. Printing more money is justifiable in the circumstances, but still a tool offering diminishing returns. Fiscal help would have been much better.
If America does manage to avoid recession and slowly begins to pull out of this mire, it will be testimony to its underlying strengths. It still has huge advantages over other rich countries: a younger, less-taxed population, a more innovative economy and, for now at least, the dollar as the global reserve currency. If only it had the political leaders to match, its chance of avoiding recession would be far better than one in two.
牛津实用英语语法:314 间接引语中的不定式和动名词结构
牛津实用英语语法:334 不定式表示目的
牛津实用英语语法:336 目的从句
牛津实用英语语法:291 虚拟现在时的用法
牛津实用英语语法:302 被动语态形式
牛津实用英语语法:325 must和needn’t
牛津实用英语语法:260 to
牛津实用英语语法:338 原因从句和结果/原因从句
牛津实用英语语法:299 wish,want和would like
牛津实用英语语法:340 让步从句
牛津实用英语语法:333 as,when,while意为although(尽管)
牛津实用英语语法:322 let’s,let us,let him/them用于间接引
牛津实用英语语法:346 名词从句作动词宾语
牛津实用英语语法:335 用于go和come之后的目的不定式
牛津实用英语语法:347 so和not可替代that从句
牛津实用英语语法:326 并列连词
牛津实用英语语法:330 for 和 because
牛津实用英语语法:351 序数词的几点注意事项
牛津实用英语语法:312 could用于间接引语
牛津实用英语语法:348 基数词(形容词及代词)
牛津实用英语语法:344 位于某些形容词/分词之后的that从句
牛津实用英语语法:309 过去时态有时保持不变
牛津实用英语语法:332 as意为when/while(当……时)
牛津实用英语语法:342 时间从句
牛津实用英语语法:337 in case和lest
牛津实用英语语法:292 as if/as though+ 虚拟过去时
牛津实用英语语法:311 间接陈述中的might,ought to,should,wo
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