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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  HOSTILE takeovers are never polite. One fight in America, however, has become particularlyugly. In December a huge stockmarket-traded hospital company, Community Health Systems,announced that it wanted to buy another, Tenet Healthcare, for $3.3 billion. The bid soonbecame a brawl. In the sagas most recent chapter, Tenet filed a lawsuit accusing Communityof overbilling government and private health-insurance schemes. Community denies this and,as The Economist went to press, was due to present a more detailed rebuttal.


  Although this bid battle has become unusually rancorous, it is in line with a broader trend ofconsolidation in the huge but fragmented business of providing hospital care. In 2009Americas hospitals soaked up one-third of all national health-care spending, or $759 billion,roughly equal to the entire GDP of the Netherlands. In the long term an ageing population willproduce more invalids and thus more business. In 2014 the Obamacare health reforms willbring 32m newly insured patients. The less good news is that the health reforms also bringnew regulations and intense pressure to contain costs. This is strengthening the argumentfor consolidation among hospital operators.


  Mergers are nothing new in the industry. In 1979 only 31% of Americas hospitals were part ofa larger hospital system. By 2001 more than half were. The rationale for joining a larger chainis simple. It means better access to capital for renovation and expansion, better managementandmost importantmore clout when negotiating treatment prices with health insurers.


  Now, the health reforms are piling on the pressure to merge. Obamacare requires hospitals toinvest heavily in technology, even as the government cuts payments for treatments. Hospitalswill increasingly have to demonstrate the quality of their services. Small hospitals may struggleto meet such demands; bigger groups will be better equipped. Besides, now is a good time tobe doing deals, says Gary Lieberman of Wells Fargo. Credit markets have offered favourableterms to hospital groups raising money. And thanks to the downturn there has been amplesupply of not-for-profit hospitals for sale. Communitys bid for Tenet is the biggest deal now inthe works. The combined companies would have annual revenues of $22 billion, second only toHCA, which last month raised $3.79 billion in an initial public offering . But plenty ofsmaller deals are going on. Vanguard Health Systems, which this month filed for an IPO, hasbought hospitals in Detroit, Chicago and Arizona in the past year. HCA seems likely to use atleast some of its IPO cash to make more acquisitions.


  Big hospital operators must still grapple with Obamacares new requirements. And in somecases, growing larger brings its own challenges. Vicki Bryan of Gimme Credit, a bond-researchfirm, worries that Vanguards shopping spree have left itwith excessive borrowings. Another worry is that although there are many benefits to beingbig, realising them takes time. HCAs recently improved earnings, Ms Bryan contends, are largelydue to changes in accounting and billing models. Tenet says Community has boosted revenueby keeping patients in hospital unnecessarily; Community denies this vehemently.


  Nonetheless, the hospital-merger wave still has far to go. HCA, despite being the industrysleader, controls less than 5% of the market. There are many more deals to come, the onlyquestion is how quickly.




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