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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Paul Volcker


  Tall tale


  The most influential central banker of the modernera


  Volcker: The Triumph of Persistence. By William Silber. Bloomsbury;


  ALAN GREENSPAN may be the most famous central banker of the modern era, but PaulVolcker has been the most influential. He played a crucial diplomatic role during thedeath of the Bretton Woods financial system in the early 1970s, which severed the linkbetween money and gold and ushered in floating exchange rates. As head of the FederalReserve from 1979, Mr Volcker then tamed the inflation that ensued, bringing monetarystability in the face of political opposition to the very high interest rates required. In doingso, he set the template for modern economic management, built around an independentcentral bank with an implicit, or explicit, inflation target.


  After serving at the Treasury under Richard Nixon, the towering Mr Volcker wasappointed to the Fed by both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. More recently he has been anadviser to Barack Obama, who traded on the former Fed chief s credibility by dubbing hisplan to end banks proprietary trading the Volcker rule.


  This long record of public service earns the admiration of William Silber, his newbiographer. Mr Volcker could have earned much more on Wall Street. Upon becoming headof the Fed, his salary was halved. To balance their domestic budget, his wife, , took a part-time job as a book-keeper and let a room in their flat. He smoked cheap cigarsbecause he could not imagine spending as much as $2 on a stogie. In later life, when hechaired investigations into the UN oil-for-food programme or Arthur Andersen, anaccountancy firm, he charged only a token $1 fee.

  沃尔克的新自传撰写人威廉 希尔伯对其在公共服务的长期贡献深表敬佩。沃尔克本可在华尔街赚得更多。他的薪水在其出任美联储主席时缩减了一半。为了平衡家庭收支,妻子芭芭拉当时从事着一份记账员的兼职工作,并对外出租了他们公寓里的一个房间。沃尔克则抽着廉价的雪茄,原因是他最多肯为每支廉价雪茄支付2美元。后来,不论是在他负责联合国有关 石油换食品计划受贿案的调查项目时、还是出任安达信独立监察委员会主席时,沃尔克都仅象征性地收取1美元作为薪酬。

  Yet Mr Volcker still lacked the consolation of popularity, unlike Mr Greenspan, who waspraised by the press and politicians for much of his term. Democrats blamed Mr Volcker forlosing them the 1980 election because of his tight monetary policy. Milton Friedman sawhim as insufficiently monetarist, and many in the Reagan White House regarded him withsuspicion as a Democrat. Mr Volcker barely made it though his eight years at the Fed. Henearly failed to be reappointed in 1983 and almost resigned in 1986, when defeated on akey vote. It was only in retrospect that his reputation grew; Mr Silber s well-written bookshould help cement it.


  While Mr Volcker s record at the Fed is well-known, what might be more surprising is thecrucial role he played in the exchange-rate crises of the early 1970s. Like an economicHenry Kissinger, Mr Volcker shuttled around the world to placate foreign allies in the face ofNixon s marked indifference to international economics. I don t give a shit about the lira,was one of Tricky Dick s choice phrases.


  For decades politicians had mouthed their support for a strong currency, but Nixon cutthrough the claptrap. Volcker thinks we ought to sacrifice the domestic economy to savethe dollar, he said. I m not in favour of that. The dollar duly fell sharply in the 1970s,although it rebounded under Mr Volcker s tenure at the Fed. Mr Silber praises his subject forstabilising the currency and also for opposing Reagan s budget deficits. Whether he is rightto say that it was those deficits that pushed up real interest rates in the 1980s is harder totell; after all, deficits are even higher now and real rates are negative:


  Perhaps the most remarkable fact about Mr Volcker is that he has spent much of his careerdealing with Wall Street without being captured by its influence. Mr Silber highlights hissubject s commitment to financial reform, but fails to mention one of his more pointed bonmotsthat the only useful modern financial innovation has been the automated tellermachine. Such robust cynicism about Wall Street, along with his links to the currentpresident, may explain why Mr Volcker is not a hero of the conservative movement,despite his anti-inflationary credentials.

  沃尔克未受到华尔街影响,毕其大半精力与之斡旋, 这或许是他最杰出的功绩。希尔伯强调了沃尔克对金融改革所做的贡献,却未提及他更为尖锐的箴言即当代唯一有用的金融创新就是自动提款机。对华尔街如此口出恶言,加之其与现任总统的关系,沃尔克即便有过多么光荣的反通胀传奇也无法成为保守主义运动中的伟人了吧。



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