By any measure the outgoing 112th Congress is the most polarised in modern US history. Yet Republican and Democratic leaders are doing a surprisingly good job of seeming as though they might turn away from the fiscal cliff. Last week’s Oval Office meeting brought signs that Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, is prepared to get along with Barack Obama. Even the diehards see a downside in being blamed for a self-inflicted recession.
美国第112届国会即将任满。无论从哪个角度来看,这届国会都是美国现代史上两党分化最严重的一届。不过,就眼下来说,共和党和民主党的领袖们居然干得有模有样——看上去,他们似乎有可能将美国从财政悬崖上拉回来。上周在总统办公室举行了会议,会上有迹象显示,参议院共和党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)已准备与巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)合作。看来,就连死硬派也明白,假如因为导致美国陷入一场“自找的衰退而受到众人指责,情况就不妙了。
There are two reasons to remain vigilant as Washington inches towards a possible compromise.
First, the US recovery remains tepid. Any action to avoid the cliff will involve some spending cuts and some tax increases – although far lower than the roughly $500bn that would result from the current policy course. Any tax increase would be confined to the top 2 per cent, which would not be sharply contractionary. However, it is vital that Congress extend the temporary payroll cut and unemployment insurance, which also expire at the end of year. Both have a big impact on demand.
Second, Mr Obama believes he now has a mandate to restore the Clinton-era tax rates on the highest brackets – families that earn more than $250,000. Whether he does so by raising the headline rate or limiting deductions – there is a case for both – is likely to be part of a last-minute compromise.
The goal is chiefly political. But in terms of policy it leaves a lot to be desired. If the Democrats are serious about ensuring that America’s wealthiest bear a reasonable share of austerity, they should focus on capital gains as well as income taxes. Most of the country’s seriously rich live off capital gains, which are levied at less than half the top rate of income tax. That is why Mitt Romney never paid more than 14 per cent in taxes over the past decade.
奥巴马的目标主要是着眼于政治层面。但就政策而言,这个目标给了人们很多期待。如果民主党真的打算让美国最富有的人群合理地承担紧缩的一部分后果,那么,除了所得税以外,他们也应着眼于资本所得税。美国真正的有钱人大多靠资本收益过日子,可是资本所得税的税率不到最高档所得税税率的一半。米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)过去十年从未缴纳超过14%的税率,原因就在这里。
Equalising the rates is unlikely to be part of any deal to avert the fiscal cliff before January. But the parties would most likely include a deadline to hammer out a medium-term fiscal package before the end of 2013. This would probably – and necessarily – cover entitlement programmes, especially Medicare, which need to be curbed to solve the long-term deficit. Yet these are also the safety nets for the most vulnerable.
Equity and efficiency require any deal to include capital gains – a good start would be to end the undertaxing of carried interest in private equity. It would be a supreme irony if any coming austerity demanded sacrifices of everyone except the very rich.
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