2017高三英语一轮复习学案:Module 4(外研版必修1)-查字典英语网
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2017高三英语一轮复习学案:Module 4(外研版必修1)

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  总课时数 9-10 科目 高三英语 使用时间 9.14-9.15

  主备人 付晓玲 使用人

  课题名称 Review of Module 4 of Book 1

  Module 4

  Ⅰ. Words

  1. 家乡

  2.. 吸引人的

  3. 幸运的

  4. 组织

  5. 旅游者

  6. 打扰

  7. 接近.

  8. 饿死

  9. 停车

  10. 交通

  11. 交换

  12. 买得起

  13. 死里逃生

  14. 联络

  15. 调查

  16. rent

  17. harbour

  18. architecture

  19. committee

  20. unemployed

  21. professional


  1. Please ____________ (联络) us if you want further information.

  2. National Day is _____________ (近了)

  3. I am s__________ . Get me something to eat please.

  4. He has been u___________ for several months. So he is anxious to find a new job.

  5. It was lucky that the little girl s___________ the 5.12 earthquake.

  6. Don’t e___________ seats with others.

  7. The little boy likes playing football. He wants to be a p____________ player when he grow up.

  8. Please state your name, age and o_____________.

  9. They walk because they couldn’t a_________ a taxi.

  10. WTO is short for the World Trade O___________.


  1. be made of

  2. on the coast

  3. put up

  4. 到目前为止

  5. 摆脱

  6. 许多,大量

  7. 上升


  8. 偿还


  9. 做……不费力/很费力

  10. 与……取得联系


  10. 和……交换

  Ⅲ Sentences

  It’s been six years since we last saw each.


  This is the first time I’ve visited your hometown.


  This is one of the most attractive places I’ve been to.


  I feel very fortunate living here.


  The price of homes goes up and people from the area can not afford to buy a house there.


  All there things mean that many villages in the western Europe are fighting to survive.

  Missing the last bus _________________________ (意味着再等一天)


  There are times when I need to get out into the countryside and get away from the noise, the dirt and the people.


  Ⅳ Grammar

  My brother is an actor. He ____________ (appear)in several films so far.

  There_______ a lot of changes in our city recently.

  A. are

  B. have been

  C. has been

  D. wee

  3. In the last few years, a few more buildings __________ in our city.

  A. put up

  B. were put up

  C. have been put up

  D. have put up

  4.--- The window is dirty.

  --- I know. It _________ for weeks.

  A. hasn’t cleaned

  B. wasn’t cleaned

  C. hasn’t been cleaned

  D. didn’t clean

  5.--- How long __________ at the job?

  --- Since 1990

  A. were you employed

  B. have you been employed

  C. had you been employed

  D. will you been employed

  6. The country life he was used to _________ greatly since 1992.

  A. change

  B. has changed

  C. changing

  D. have changed

  7. Till now we _________ any plans for the holiday.

  A. did not make

  B. have not made

  C. don’t make

  D. would not make

  8. This is the second time you _________ late this week.

  A. had arrived

  B. arrived

  C. have arrived

  D. arrive

  Ⅴ practice

  1. At the meeting they discussed three different _______ to the study of mathematics.

  A. approaches

  B. means

  C. methods

  D. ways

  2. I have offered to paint the house _______ a week’s accommodation.

  A. in exchange for

  B. with regard to

  C. by means of

  D. in pace of

  3. He was told that it would be at least three months ________ he could recover and return to work.

  A. when

  B. before

  C. since

  D. that

  4. we _________ contact with each other for years. And last week we ________ contact again.

  A. lost; made

  B. have been out of; got into

  C. had been out of; made

  D. came; kept

  5. The prices keep ________ and nobody can get them _______.

  A. going up; brought down

  B. gone up; going down

  C. going up; going down

  D. gone up; brought down

  6. I don’t want _________ like I’m speaking ill of somebody but the manager’s plan is unfair.

  A. to sound

  B. to be sounded

  C. sounding

  D. to have sound

  7. ___________ I saw the West Lake, I was deeply impressed by the beauty of it.

  A. For the first time

  B. At first

  C. It was the first time

  D. The first time

  8. 很多同学学英语和数学费力


  10. 许多人为摆脱城市的噪音而想在乡村生活。


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