Louise and Neil had been dating for three years. She was 40, and he was 50. They wanted to get married and have two kids as soon as possible, but there was a problem. They disagreed on how they would raise their kids.
Because Louise had a high-paying job, Neil could stay home and raise the kids. He looked forward to that, because he felt that he would be a great dad. First, he would teach them how to read. Then he would teach them about life. His kids were not going to waste their time reading fairy tales and watching Sesame Street. They were going to learn practical stuff, like how to use Microsoft Office and how to get a four-year scholarship to Harvard. He wanted them to become business majors, because business is where the money is.
Louise had other plans. She wanted her kids to relax and enjoy life. She didnt want them to grow up too fast. She was the oldest child in a poor family, and her father had put her to work in the fields as soon as she turned six. Life had been hard for her. She didnt want it to be hard for her children.
Neil said not to worry. There was still plenty of time for him to figure out a way for the kids to have fun and still become happy millionaires.
US 'patriotic millionaires': 'tax us more'
Power still out for many in New York city
Words and their stories: state nicknames, part 2
Improving 'feed efficiency' in cattle
California voters reject food labeling requirement
Thanksgiving, but US turkey farmers aren't celebrating
The State of Vermont: fertile farmland, green mountains
Blake Shelton wins big at CMA Awards
New medical tape reduces pain for newborns, older adults
Is eating like our ancestors good for us?
United States Senate's process of confirming the president's nominees
World Prematurity Day aims to lower rates of premature births
Oxfam: Power, water shortages in Goma
A declaration seeking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
US Congress demands inquiry into Petraeus resignation
His imagination redefined children’s literature
Over a billion women lack safe sanitation
President Obama wins second term
Words and their stories: state nicknames, part 1
Defense Department investigates top American Commander in Afghanistan
How an allowance helps children learn about money
American history: The shot heard around the world
Medical students help the homeless
Words and their stories: top brass
Gold seekers once rushed to Canada’s northwest
Relations between Britain and its American colonies
On the bubble?
Kyoto Protocol winds down as delegates head to Doha
Experts work to develop better tools to predict severe weather
Home TB treatment is helping patients in Swaziland