The Parking Ticket-查字典英语网

The Parking Ticket

发布时间:2020-05-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  One day, Mom found a parking ticket on our car. The ticket said it was against the law to park where we had parked. The ticket said Mom had to pay to the city. Mom pointed across the street.

  “See how that curb is painted red?” she asked me.

  “See those signs that tell you not to park there?” she added.

  Our parking spot had no signs. The red paint in our curb was very faded.

  Mom took some photos with her phone.

  “We are going to fight this ticket,” she said.

  “These photos will help,” she added.

  So, we went to court. Mom told the judge our story. She showed him our photos.The judge looked at the photos. The judge looked at Mom.

  “I agree with you,” the judge said.

  We did not have to pay! Mom thanked him, and we left. Mom took me out for ice cream. We were very careful where we parked!


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