S1: 租房问题,表格题。新题
3.Home welcome
8. transportation
9. one deposit
10. two references
S2 V09148 博物馆 8个选择+2个填空
11 . B 这个exhibition是由 local resident 举办的
12 Professional model
14是为了board game
16 是被做成different shape
18.taste ?
19 Information Desk
20 lockers
S3 V30090 课程报名咨询
21 Classical History
22 cinoyksirt
23 ibhecxt Matters
24 classification
25 coursework
26 towns and cities
27 origins and development
28 oral
29 seminars
30 field trip location
S4 V09106 , 电脑科技对人的改变。3选择+7配对
31 A changing their thinking pattern n
32 B they are less efficient than the young
33 B they often do things in an old fashioned way
34 -40 A Allen B James C Vander
34 b
35 b
36 c
37 b
38 a
39 b
40 c
内容有wind,rock heat,wave,solar energy 新能源电力公司
T/F/NG 很好定位
第三篇是主要讲大陆板块漂移说Continental drift hypothesis开篇提到达尔文survival of the fittest适者生存,华莱士和其他科学家以及学术理论的起源。
里面还提到了其他的人名加理论配对,华莱士对应适者生存,一个M开头的写了关于动物的地域性分布,S开头的说了一个地壳运动理论,两个名字的对应说服达尔文发表科学发现,一一对应,很容易找。然后是contains,也很容易,因为很少,最后一个填空题,好像有withering skin, migrated,
Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, it can encourage a higher level of violence. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
table,比较澳洲,新西兰,英国,美国 四个国家2003年和2006年移民临时工人数的变化。难度较低,注意对比和排序描写。
Part One
Your Work/Your Studies与future goal/ future study联系起来考的比较多
Your Hometown
Daily Routine
1. What do you do mainly do with your time?
2. What is the best part of the day for you?
3. When do you do most of your study?
4. How do you think your daily routine could be improved?
1. What foods do you usually eat?
2. Did you like to eat the same food when you were a child?
3. What food did you like to eat when you were a child?
4. Do you still like that food now?
5. Would you want your children to eat the same food now?
6. If your children asked for that food now, would you make it for them?
7. If you had children, what foods would you recommend they eat?
1. Are you interested in sport?
2. What sports do you like?
3. Do most people in your country like sport?
4. Do men and women feel the same about sport?
5. What benefits do you think sport can bring us?
Leisure Time
1. How much free time do you have ?
2. How do you relax?
3. What do you do in your spare time ?
4. What do you do on weekends?
5.How do you spend time with your family?
1. Whats your favorite color?
2. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
4. What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?
5. Do you think different types of people like different colors?
Colors/ Number/Name这几类话题的问题形式基本类似。
Sounds and Noise
1. Do you prefer a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?
2. Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
3. What natural sound do you like ?
4. What sounds do you dislike?
5. Are there any sounds that you dislike?
6. What sounds remind you of your childhood?
1. Did you collect anything when you were a child?
2. Do you still collect them now?
3. Do you collect anything as a hobby now?
4. Why do you like collecting things?
5. Do people in your country like to collect things?
6. Why do you think people like collecting things?
7. What are some examples of things that some people collect ?
8. Do you think you will collect anything in the future?
9. If you had a lot of money, what would you like to collect?
Clothes and Fashion
1. Do you like shopping for clothes?
2. Where do you buy your clothes?
3. Where do you think you can buy the most fashionable clothes?
4. Where do you usually buy your clothes?
5. When was the last time you went shopping for clothes?
6. Do you think men and women think the same about clothes?
7. Do you like to try on clothes before you buy them?
8. What are the benefits of following fashion?
9. Do you think your tastes in fashion will be the same when you are old?
1. Do you like shopping?
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. When do you think is the best time to go shopping?
4. Which day of the week do you usually go shopping?
5. Is there anything you dislike about shopping?
6. Do you like window shopping?
1. How do you usually get your news?
2. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news? NC
3. What news topics are you most interested in watching/reading about? N
4. Do you ever get your news from the internet? N
5. How important do you think the news is?
1. Do you like travelling?
2. Where do you like to go when you go traveling?
3. Have you ever traveled for a long time? = Have you been on any long trips?
4. Do you like long trips?
5. Why do you think traveling is so popular nowadays?
6. Do you think finding out about other peoples culture is important?
1. Do you like reading books?
2. What books do you like to read?
3. Did you read much when you were a child?
4. What books did you like reading when you were a child?
5. Do children like reading books?
6. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?
7. What do you think are the benefits of reading to children?
Film话题和Reading话题注意types of/kind of的答题技巧
Part Two Part Three
Describe a useful piece of equipment that you use at home.
You should say
how you got it
what you use it for
how often you use it
and explain why you think this thing is useful.
1. How do you think modern equipment has changed the way we work, ?
2. Do you think equipment at work improves the efficiency of employees?
3. Is it possible that modern equipment in the office could sometimes increase the work we do, instead of decreasing it?
4. Does any modern equipment at work help to improve the work environment?
5. Do you think that operating equipment at work can ever have some bad effects on the body?
6. Do elderly people use advanced equipment?
7. Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using modern equipment?
8. How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?
Describe a long journey that you have been on.
You should say:
where you went
how you went there
who was with you
and explain why you made this journey.
1. What do you think you would lean from that trip?
2. Why do you think most people prefer to go to another country to see the culture rather than see examples of the culture at home?
3. If you wanted to take a holiday trip to a distant location, how would you choose where to go?
4. When people go to another city, how do they choose what hotel to stay in?
5. What are some differences between travel for old people and for young people?
6. What do children enjoy most when they go on a long trip?
Describe a trip that took longer than expected.
You should say:
when it happened
who you traveled with
where you went
and explain why it took longer than you had expected.
Describe an interesting job you have heard about or read about. /Describe an ideal job/ Describe a job you want to do in the future.
You should say:
what job it is
what people do in that job
where you heard or read about it
and explain why you think it would be interesting work to do.
1 What are the effects on a person of having a good job?
2 What do you think of the working conditions in your country at the moment?
3 Do you think most peoples working conditions in your country today are better than in the past?
4 Do you think working conditions will improve in the future?
5 In what ways do you think working conditions still need to be improved?
6 Besides a salary, how do you think employers could reward employees for doing a good job?
7 As well as a salary, what other benefits do you think all employees should receive?
8 Do you think companies should provide rest and recreational facilities for the employees at work?
9 In addition to what the boss tells an employee to do, do you think employees have certain other responsibilities that they should fulfill?
Describe a person you met who spoke a foreign language.
You should say:
where you met this person
what this person is like
what this person does
and explain what you learned from this person.
1 Do you like communicating with new people?
2 How do you communicate with them?
3 Where do you think is the best place to communicate with new people .
4 What benefits do people get from going abroad to live?
5 Do you think people have problems with the different culture when they go overseas?
6 How do immigrants to a new country learn the new language?
7 What are some ways that different two countries could engage in cultural exchange?
8 What changes do you think globalization has brought to your hometown?
Describe a useful practical skill that you learned.
You should say:
why you learned this skill
how you learned it
how difficult it was to learn
and explain how this skill is useful to you.
1 What are some differences between the skills people learn today and the skills people learned in the past?
2 Do you think its better to learn things in real life or from textbooks?
3 Children and Skills
4 What skills do you think children should learn?
5 What are the earliest skills that children learn?
6 Do you think children learn skills faster than adults?
Describe a place you have been to that had a lot of noise.
You should say:
what place it was
why you went there
why it had a lot of noise
and explain how you felt about this noise.
1 What noises can we hear in a city?
2 What are the sources of noise?
3 Do you think noise ever has any benefits?
4 Does noise ever cause a problem for you?
5 Do you think noise can be considered to be a form of pollution?
6 What harm can noise do to peoples health?
Describe an item of clothing that was bought for you.
You should say:
what it is
what it looks like
why it was bought for you
and explain how you feel about this item of clothing.
1. Where do people in your country usually buy their clothes?
2. What are the differences between buying clothes in big shops and buying clothes in small shops?
3. Are there any differences between men and women when they go shopping for clothes?
4. Is there much difference between young people and old people when it comes to shopping for clothes?
5. Do people in your country ever buy second-hand clothes?
6. What do you think of the idea of buying second-hand clothes?
7. What kinds of people do you think buy second-hand clothes?
8. Do you think there are any advantages to buying second-hand clothes?
9. Would you ever buy any second-hand clothing?
10. What are the advantages of having your clothes made for you by a tailor ?
Describe a person who you think is successful.
You should say:
who he or she is
what they did
why he or she became so successful
why you choose to talk about this person
and explain how his/her success has contributed to society.
1. What do think the word, success means?
2. How do you think success can be measured ?
3. Do you think its only associated with material success ?
4. Do you think career success can ever cause problems in ones personal life?
5. Do you think its important for children to have role models?
6. Do you think the criteria for success might change in the future?
7. Which do you think is more important, success in ones career or a happy family life?
8. How do you think one could achieve a balance between success in ones career and a happy family life?
Describe a film you have recently seen.
Describe a new story that made you feel happy.
Describe a character in a fairy tale.
Describe a handicraft.
Describe a childrens song.
Describe an oil painting.
Describe a piece of music.
Describe a piece of interesting news.
Describe a book you have read recently.
Describe a photo.
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布局在线视频 威瑞森44亿美元收购美国在线
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