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发布时间:2015-10-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


SEVENTY years ago, the United Nations was formed as the expression of a simple choice:cooperation instead of war. Humanity would stand as one against conflict, poverty anddisease. All the world’s voices would be heard.


At least, that was the plan.


We’ve come a long way. We’ve halted and reversed the spread of killer diseases, extendedlife expectancy and raised incomes. We’ve even walked ourselves back from the edge of someglobal conflicts and catastrophes. But progress has not been evenly distributed. Too manypeople have been left outside of a mostly urban, mostly Northern success story.


Seeing that, world leaders put forth a new set of global goals in New York last week. If we wantto build a world where not just some but all get to live in security and prosperity, there’s a lotstill to do, as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development signed off on by United Nationsmember states shows.


It lists 17 goals and 169 targets, and one of these, 9(c), is a target that we believe is crucial toaccelerate realization of all the others: a commitment to provide Internet connectivity for allby 2020.


Today over half the people on this planet don’t have access. That is not good for anyone —not for the disempowered and disconnected, and not for the other half, whose commerceand security depend on having stable societies.


An unprecedented array of technologists and activists — from Mo Ibrahim to Bill and MelindaGates, action/2015, Ushahidi and Sahara Reporters have come together to support a globalConnectivity Declaration, pledging their support for the new global goals and connecting theworld to opportunity. This needs to become a global movement.

从穆·易卜拉欣(Mo Ibrahim)到比尔和梅琳达·盖茨(Bill and Melinda Gates),从“行动/2015(action/2015)到“见证者(Ushahidi),再到“撒哈拉记者(Sahara Reporters),一系列科技界人士和活动人士史无前例地联合起来,支持一项全球“互连宣言。他们承诺会支持新的全球目标,让全世界与机遇相连。这需要成为一项全球性的运动。

In this century, global development and global connectivity are closely linked. If you want tohelp people feed, heal, educate and employ themselves around the world, we need to connectthe world as well. The Internet should not belong to only three billion people, as it does today.It should be seen as a necessity for development, and a tool that makes larger things possible.


In Ethiopia and Tanzania, for example, farmers connect to get better prices, track inventoryand make mobile insurance payments in case of bad weather. In Nigeria, citizens use BudgIT, amobile app, to assess whether governments keep their spending promises. The opportunity isespecially great for women. Men have significantly more access to the web, but when women getconnected, they use technology as a pathway to better education, health, economic status andsecurity. In Guatemala, cellphones inform mothers how to have healthy pregnancies. In Kenya,women receive financial services via their cellphones thanks to the brilliant M-Pesa microfinancescheme.


In the last few weeks, we’ve watched desperate refugees seek shelter on the frontiers ofEurope. Smartphones have made it possible for those left behind to communicate with lovedones across checkpoints and razor wire. The Internet connected our world in shared grief as aSyrian child’s death on a beach in Turkey came to symbolize every refugee. Social media carriedthe message and changed not just popular opinion but public policy.


It’s one thing to say we should connect the world. The real trick is how.


There’s no simple solution or silicon bullet.


In many places, increasing connectivity will have to start with extending access to energy. Nineout of 10 rural Africans don’t have electricity. Governments can make the difference. This iswhy we support initiatives like President Obama’s Power Africa plan and the bipartisan ElectrifyAfrica Act in Congress, as well as the African Development Bank’s investments in renewableenergy.

在许多地方,想普及网络连接,得先从普及能源供应开始着手。非洲农村地区的民众十分之九没有电力可用,政府当局可以在这个方面带来改变。这就是我们为什么要支持奥巴马总统提出的“电力非洲计划(PowerAfrica)、两党在国会共同提出的《非洲电气化法案》(Electrify Africa Act),以及非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopment Bank)对可再生能源的投资。

Where governments lay the foundation, the private sector can build. Promising efforts areunderway to bridge the digital divide. But we know the global community can, and must, domore — and urgently. The Intel Foundation’s work in STEM education, Microsoft’s use oftechnology to advance the Millennium Development Goals and Google’s Project Loon to connectremote locations illustrate how technology leaders are prioritizing this effort, as isInternet.org, Facebook’s contribution to meeting the challenge.

政府打下基础之后,私营部门就能继续建设。我们为缩小数字鸿沟所付出的努力前景可期。不过我们也很清楚,世界各国可以也应该作出更多贡献,而这是刻不容缓的。英特尔基金会(Intel Foundation)为理工和数学教育所做的工作,微软利用科技推进千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)的努力,以及谷歌为偏远地区提供网络接入的热气球计划(Project Loon),都显示出科技巨头将此视为当务之急。Facebook旗下的Internet.org也为应对挑战做出了贡献。

More technology companies and entrepreneurs must take more responsibility. Silicon Valleyshould look beyond itself and act more on issues like education, health care and the refugeecrisis. We challenge the tech industry to do far more for those most marginalized, thosetrapped in poverty, and those beyond or on the edge of the network.


All the global goals must be scored — but the goal of connectivity for everyone everywhere willsurely hurry this game-that’s-not-a-game to its successful conclusion. Hurry being theoperative word here.



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