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iPhone 6s首周末销量破纪录 中国贡献大

发布时间:2015-10-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Apple’s iPhone juggernaut is showing no signs ofslowing down — at least where first-weekend sales are concerned.


On Monday, Apple said it had sold more than 13 million new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus devices sincethey became available for sale on Friday, a record for first-weekend sales. That was up fromthe 10 million iPhones sold last year during the first weekend that the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus weresold.

本周一,苹果公司表示,新的iPhone 6s和6s Plus从上周五开始发售以来共卖出了逾1300万部,创下了首个周末的销售记录。去年iPhone 6和6 Plus的首个周末销量为1000万部。

Any increase in sales was most likely helped by the geography of the markets where the newiPhones became available. This year, the iPhones went on sale in a dozen countries andterritories, including China, which is one of Apple’s biggest markets. Last year, China was notamong the countries that sold the iPhone on the first weekend, apparently because the deviceshad not received approval from Chinese regulators.


Adding China to the product introduction more than doubled the initial market size, accordingto Walter Piecyk, an analyst at BTIG Research. Jan Dawson, the chief analyst at JackdawResearch, said he also expected first-weekend sales to be higher than last year because theperiod for ordering the new iPhones before their sale date was longer than that for theprevious generation of the device.

BTIG研究公司(BTIG Research)分析师沃尔特·皮西科(Walter Piecyk)表示,将中国加入首发地区名单使得初始市场规模增加了一倍多。穴鸟研究公司(Jackdaw Research)的首席分析师简·道森(Jan Dawson)表示,他也认为首个周末的销量会超过去年,因为与前一代产品相比,新iPhone从预定到销售相隔的时间要长一些。

The sales numbers slightly outpaced some Wall Street estimates. Daniel Ives, an analyst atFBR Capital, projected that Apple would sell 13 million phones on the opening weekend, and hesaid that Wall Street had expected that Apple would sell about 12 million. Gene Munster of PiperJaffray had predicted sales of 12 million to 13 million.

这一销售数据略微超过了华尔街的一些预测。FBR资本市场公司(FBR Capital Markets)分析师丹尼尔·艾夫斯(Daniel Ives)预计苹果在开售周末会卖出1300万部手机,他表示,华尔街认为苹果会售出大约1200万部。派杰投资研究公司(Piper Jaffray)分析师基尼·蒙斯特(Gene Munster)预计销量在1200万至1300万之间。

First-weekend sales help indicate overall iPhone demand, an important measure given thatthe device accounts for the majority of Apple’s revenue. The initial sales also are a marker forhow well the new smartphones may do during the end-of-year holiday season, which is typicallythe most significant sales period for consumer product companies.


This year, UBS estimates that Apple will sell 78.4 million iPhones in the December quarter, upfour million from last year, while FBR predicts the sale of 77 million iPhones.


Over the weekend, people camped out in front of some Apple stores to buy the new iPhones, atrend that has become something of a tradition. To cut down on long wait times in line, Applelet people sign up online for time slots during which to pick up their phones in stores.


Mr. Ives said he was at the Apple store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on Friday, where he sawabout 1,100 customers in line for the 8 a.m. appointment slot and 500 more people walking inwithout appointments, which is more than he saw last year.


At the Apple store in the Grove mall in Los Angeles, customers stood in the 90-degree heat tocollect their new phones. Store employees handed out free bottled water, packs of Capri Sun,fruit and granola bars and provided large umbrellas for shade.

在位于洛杉矶格鲁夫购物中心的苹果商店,顾客们在华氏90度(约合32摄氏度)的高温下排队等候获取自己的新手机。商店员工分发了免费的瓶装水、可沛利(Capri Sun)饮料、水果燕麦棒,并提供大型遮阳伞。

Late in the afternoon, the “Glee TV star Lea Michele stopped by the Grove to pick up herphone: the iPhone 6s Plus in Apple’s new rose-gold color.

接近傍晚时分,主演《欢乐合唱团》(Glee)的电视明星莱亚·米歇尔(Lea Michele)来到格鲁夫取走自己的手机:苹果新推出的玫瑰金iPhone 6s Plus。


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