大家都有自己的绰号吧?我们班的同学也不例外,很多人都有绰号,什么“母老虎”、“肥仔”啊等等,有的是同学们互相取的,有的绰号却是老师给同学取的, 数学老师就给同学们起过绰号呢!
数学老师很幽默,讲的课常使我们哄堂大笑。但有时她会给学习不好的学生起 绰号,并且 每个绰号都有一段来历。(班上)最有趣的外号要数肖徐炎的“肥仔”和“土豆精”了。因为他在家爱吃土豆,一个星期至少吃五顿,所以长得肥极了,白白胖胖的非常逗人喜爱。数学老师得知后,在活动课上(当着大家的面)对大家说:“有位小先生在家里非常喜欢吃土豆,大家快请这位肥仔站起来给大家见识见识吧!”同学们个个笑得前仰后合。老师见肖徐炎没站起来,开了个玩笑:“这个土豆精有点害羞了!”大家更是捧腹大笑。特别有意思的是张志远的绰号,他的绰号叫“远志张”,是因为他背数学面积公式时不小心把里面的几个字颠倒了,老师说:“数学面积公式很重要,你把它颠倒读可不好!我给你起个外号提醒你一下吧。”便把他的名字也倒过来作为绰号。
Of course, it's no bad habit for teachers to nickname their classmates. It's just to remind them to correct their shortcomings in the future and stop doing so. But for the nicknames of "fat boy" and "potato essence", it's not good. It looks funny. People who are named may suffer a great blow and damage their self-esteem. Therefore, I suggest that the teacher do not (again) casually nickname the students!
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