If we increase one person, the world will increase one person's water consumption. With more and more people on the earth, the amount of water available for us to eat will be reduced from 263.9 million cubic meters of fresh water to 0 cubic meters, and the last drop of water will be our tears. If we don't save water, such results will be shown in front of us! Let's save water. There are 1.3 billion people in China and 6.3 billion people in the world. If each person saves one liter of water every day, one person can save 365 liters of water every 365 days, and the world can save 2299500000000 (2.2995 trillion) liters of water every year. I don't know. I'm scared.
除了缺水,水土流失严重,这是因为人们乱砍滥伐造成的。如果没有了树木就会有洪水来袭:比如2007年淮河王家坝水位涨到了29.3米,不得不放开闸门;还有南京特大暴雨,都把火车的轮子淹没了;重庆的特大暴雨更凶猛,把一辆108路公共汽车都淹没了,还把一条路冲了一个大坑,损失了26.35亿人民币(RMB);再说济南7. 18特大暴雨,天桥区的生产路水位达到2.5米以上,泉城广场的地下商城(银座商场)水位达到了门顶,许多在路上的小轿车淹过了车的门窗,整个济南损失近12亿人民币。多一个人,每天就会增加1.2吨的二氧化碳,而一平方千米的亚热带落叶阔叶林能释放出9吨的氧气,让我们都来植树造林吧,这样一来,不仅让地球增添了绿色,人们所需的氧气也有了保障。
People do not protect the environment, especially the automobile exhaust and industrial exhaust, which also cause the destruction of the ozone layer and global warming. In summer, most people turn on the air conditioner, so that the indoor temperature has decreased a lot, but the outdoor temperature has increased a lot. Global warming has degraded glaciers in the Antarctic and Arctic, and some polar animals will face death.
Let's protect our homes and the earth together!
美国习惯用语-第122讲:the last straw/to sow&nb
美国习惯用语-第151讲:Easy street/Out on the&n
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美国习惯用语-第153讲:To knock off
美国习惯用语-第131讲:couch potato/mall rats
美国习惯用语-第164讲:Over one´s head/Over 
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