Our school, Chaozhou experimental school, is a brand-new school, with advanced teaching equipment: computer room, language laboratory, multi-functional audio-visual education classroom, electronic piano classroom, dance classroom; physics, chemistry, biology laboratory, etc., which provides a good hardware environment for our teaching and learning.
In addition, a number of sports venues and facilities have been built in the campus, including a 200m6 Ring Road plastic track and field stadium, a plastic basketball court, a single and double pole sports area and an indoor swimming coach pool.
我们的学校是一所环境幽雅的学校。它坐落在福安路西段南侧。学校右面是池湖村,左面是汇景园住宅区。学校大门的上方是书法家苏华题写的我们学校的校名。 一进校门,迎面而来的是一条笔直的校道,校道两侧是两排小树,微风吹来,小树轻轻摆动,好像在跟同学们招手。校道的左边是宽大的操场,操场北面的正中矗立着三根旗杆,每当星期一升旗时,我们戴着鲜艳的红领巾,在这里向国旗敬礼。走过校道,穿过小学部教学楼底层,可以看到漂亮的黑板报,通过黑板报,我们可以了解学校的情况。透过教室明亮的玻璃窗往里看,是一张张幸福的小脸,像娇艳的鲜花在开放。朗朗的读书声从各个教室里传出来,像动人的童声大合唱,把美妙的音符撒向天空。
铃铃铃。。。。。。下课铃响了,走廊上立刻沸腾起来。同学们有的跳皮筋,有的踢毽子,有的在操场上做其他活动。 啊,我们在这样的学校里学习真幸福!
Through and through
On the ropes?
Loose cannon
Time to get reel
Pedestrian effort
Cater one thing to another
Who should be screened and discharged?
Lean but mean的意思
Genie out of the bottle
Tilt the profit balance in farmers' favor
Clean slate
Take no prisoners的意思
Just in jest
My pen pal Han Han
At different times, China and US both buoyant and refined
Original pirate material[1]
Looking for heritage in the ordinary
Youngsters lord it over not in China but in the West
The cold hard facts about Internet dating
Reader beware ...
Learn the ropes的意思
The fourth dimension
Cannot have too many?
Kid gloves
Commentators, please pardon the universities
Britain punching above its weight
Spare the rod and spoil the child?
Ali pulling his punches的意思
Saintly sinner of Shaolin temple
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