所在位置: 查字典英语网 > 高中英语 > 高一高中英语 > 高一高中英语试卷 > 浙江省宁海县知恩中学2017-2017学年第一学期第一次阶段性考试高一英语试卷


发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  时间120分钟第Ⅰ卷(共105分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1. Where does the conversation most probably take pace?

  A. In a kitchen.

  B. In a garden.

  C. In a market.

  2. What are the speakers probably doing at the moment?

  A. Making a TV program.

  B. Seeing a foreign film on TV.

  C. Watching a TV weather report.

  3. How many people were there in the car?

  A. One.

  B. Two.

  C. Three.

  4. What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. A plant.

  B. A book.

  C. A painting.

  5. What is it usually called when a cyclone is formed along the Atlantic coast?

  A. Typhoon.

  B. Hurricane.

  C. Typhoon or hurricane.

  第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6. Why did the woman feel sleepy?

  A. She stayed up late to watch a basketball match.

  B. She wrote a report on a basketball match last night.

  C. She played basketball last night.

  7. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Colleagues.

  B. Classmates.

  C. Couples.


  8. How do the speakers get the weather information?

  A. From the TV weather report.

  B. By the cell phone message.

  C. Through the Internet.

  9. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

  A. A sunny day except for a thunderstorm.

  B. A week long lasting high temperature.

  C. Fine with several showers.


  10. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A. In the kindergarten.

  B. In the circus. (马戏团)

  C. In the zoo.

  11. What kind of picture does the man urge the woman to take?

  A. A monkey playing with a kid.

  B. A monkey saving a kid.

  C. A monkey posing alone.

  12. Why does the man remind the woman to cut that out?

  A. The monkey can’t understand the instruction in English.

  B. The monkey is smiling too ugly.

  C. The monkey is too aggressive.


  13. How many pets do the man’s family have?

  A. One.

  B. Two.

  C. Three.

  14. What do we know about their pet dog?

  A. It was trained when it was young.

  B. It is used to lead their blind family member.

  C. It often has a reunion with them in the street.

  15. What is the main purpose for people to keep pets?

  A. To protect all kinds of animals.

  B. To be companions to people.

  C. To help those who are blind.

  16. What is the biggest cost to keep pets?

  A. Medicine.

  B. Food.

  C. Clothing


  17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

  A. His ways of making friends.

  B. The weather in his hometown.

  C. His small talk about the weather.

  18. What does the speaker dislike most about the weather?

  A. The humidity.

  B. The coldness.

  C. The hotness.

  19. What do we know about the people in the speaker’s hometown?

  A. They have a good judgment of the weather.

  B. They can predict the weather 5 days ahead.

  C. They care very much about the weather.

  20. Who said the quote?

  A. Einstein.

  B. Mark Twain.

  C. Newton.



  21.——Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear?

  ——_________ one ?

  A. Other

  B. Every

  C. Another

  D. More

  22. Children can get close to _______ nature by taking part in _____ series of outdoor activities.

  A. the; /

  B. the; a

  C. /;the

  D. /;a

  23.Complete the map of each site _______what you drew last time.

  A. to base on

  B. bases on

  C. basing on

  D. based on

  24. I would agree with you, though not ____________.

  A. widely

  B. narrowly

  C. entirely

  D. exactly

  25.________make sure the rescue reached the trapped area

  in time, the team set out early in the morning.

  A.So as to

  B.In order toC.So that

  D.In order that

  26. Have you seen John recently ? I wonder _______with his classmates.

  A. that he is getting along well

  B. if he is getting along well

  C. how is he getting along

  D. whether is he getting along well

  27 . They had a heated discussion _______a glass of beer in a newly opened bar.

  A. with

  B. for

  C. over

  D. during

  28.——Excuse me ,look at the sign No Parking!

  ——Sorry ,I ______it.

  A. don’t see

  B. haven’t seen

  C. didn’t see

  D. won’t see

  29. The money collected should be made good use of_____ the people who suffered a lot in the terrible

  flood in YuYao.

  A. helping

  B. helped

  C. help

  D. to help 30. Though ________to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.

  A. surprising

  B. was surprised

  C. surprised

  D. being


  31. ---I’m _________grateful to you for what you have done.

  ___It’s my pleasure.

  A. more than

  B. rather than

  C. no more than

  D. other than

  32 .David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature ______he chose the course .

  A. that

  B. what

  C. why

  D. how

  33. He commanded that the students ______ the classroom before he returned.

  A. not leave

  B. didn’t leave

  C. wouldn’t leave

  D. doesn’t leave

  34. ——Lucy ,you mop the floor ,_______?

  ——Mom, can’t Lily do it ? It’s her turn to do it.

  A. don’t you

  B. can you

  C. shall you

  D. will you

  35. As we all know ,parents are concerned ______their children’s study ,because it is concerned _____ their future .

  A. about ; with

  B. about ; for

  C. for ; about

  D. with ; about

  36. Although she was very nervous in face of the headmaster, she answered with a _______voice .

  A . quite

  B. still

  C. upset

  D. calm

  37. As soon as the couple ________themselves in their seats in the theatre ,the curtain went up.

  A. sat

  B. settled

  C. took

  D . put

  38. Several hours later, with the aid of the police, the tourists managed to escape from the dangerous place,_____.

  A. hungry and frightened

  B. hungrily and frightening

  C. hungry and frightening

  D. hungrily and frightened

  39 .——Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?

  ——Thanks you, ______.

  A. if you like

  B. of course you can

  C. it couldn’t be better

  D. it’s up to you

  第二节:完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1分;满分20分)

  , 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

  At midnight, Peter was awakened by heavy knocks on the door. He rolled over and looked at his


  , and it was half past one. “I’m not getting


  at this time,” he


  to himself, and rolled over.

  Then, a


  knock followed. “Aren’t you going to


  it?” said his wife.

  So he dragged himself out of bed and went downstairs. He opened the door and there was a man


  at the door. It didn’t take long to


  the man was drunk.

  “Hi, there, ” slurred (嘟囔) the stranger, “Can you give me a push?”



  . It’s half past one. I was


  ,” Peter said and slammed(猛关) the door. He went back


  to bed and told his wife what had happened.

  She said, “That wasn’t very


  of you. Remember that night we had a


  in the pouring rain on the way to

  52 the kids and you had to knock on a man’s door to get our car


  again? What would have happened if he’d told


  to go away? ”

  “But the guy was


  ,” said Peter.

  “It doesn’t matter,” said the wife. “He needs help


  it would be the Christian thing to help him.”

  So Peter went out of bed again, got dressed, and went downstairs. He opened the door, and not being able to see the stranger anywhere, he shouted, “Hey, do you still want a 57


  And he heard a


  , “Yeah, please.”

  So still being unable to see the stranger, he shouted, “


  are you?”

  The drunk replied, “Over here, on the swing(秋千).”

  40. A. door

  B. wife

  C. clock

  D. window

  41. A. into trouble

  B. out of the house

  C. down to work D. out of bed

  42. A. complained

  B. explained

  C. thought

  D. replied

  43. A. louder

  B. weaker

  C. longer

  D. angrier

  44. A. stand

  B. stop

  C. refuse

  D. answer

  45. A. knocking

  B. lying

  C. standing

  D. looking

  46. A. remember

  B. realize

  C. show

  D. doubt

  47. A. go out

  B. go away

  C. go ahead

  D. go up

  48. A. in bed

  B. in surprise

  C. at home

  D. at work

  49. A. down

  B. in

  C. inside

  D. up

  50. A. foolish

  B. nice

  C. typical

  D. generous

  51. A. look

  B. quarrel

  C. fight

  D. breakdown

  52. A. put up

  B. pick down

  C. pick up

  D. put down

  53. A. united

  B. refreshed

  C. started

  D. delighted

  54. A. us

  B. them

  C. the man

  D. others

  55.A. mad

  B. drunk

  C. different

  D. dangerous

  56. A. but

  B. though

  C. and

  D. because

  57. A. push

  B. rest

  C. room

  D. lift

  58. A. lady

  B. gentleman

  C. sound

  D. voice

  59. A. where

  B. how

  C. who

  D. what



  If you get into the forest with your friends, stay with them always. If you don’t, you may get lost. If you really get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friends—let them find you by staying in one place.

  There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling (吹口哨) three times. Any signal given three times is a call for help.

  Keep up shouting or whistling always three times together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They give you two shouts, two whistles, or two gun-shots (枪声). When someone gives you a signal, it is an answer to a call for help.

  If you don’t think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house---cover up to the holes with branches (树枝) with lots of leaves. Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass.

  What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water? You would have to leave your little house to look for a river. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back. The most important thing to do when you are lost is—stay in one place.

  60. If you are lost in the forest, you should _______.

    A. stay where you are and give signals three times

    B. walk around the forest and shout so that your friends could hear you

    C. try to find your friends as soon as possible

    D. try to get out of the forest and shout for help

  61. If you want to let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun, you should


   A. tell people that you are lost

  B. keep up shouting or whistling

    C. shout at the top of your voice

  D. shout or whistle three times

  62. When you hear two shouts, or whistles, or gunshots, __________.

    A. you should shout more loudly

  B. you can whistle three times

    C. it is an answer to your call for help

  D. you should try to run to them

  63. When you want to leave your place to get drinking water, you should ________.

    A. just go to the river

    B. find some glasses or bottles before you go

    C. make a fire so that you can have some tea

    D. leave marks so that you can find your way back

  64. This passage mainly tells you __________.

    A. when you hear a signal always three times, it is a call for help

    B. What you should do if you get lost in a forest

    C. any signal given twice means an answer to a call for help

    D. how you can live longer in a forestB

  Visitors to Budapest can't help feeling that the ancient city has something of a split personality, but that just makes it twice as interesting.

  The city is divided by the Danube River into hilly Buda and flat Pest. Traces of each era(时代) remain, giving it a unique(独特的) East­West feel among the capitals of central and eastern Europe.

  Start with the numerous(众多的) public baths, a legacy(遗产) of the Ottoman Turks who ruled the city for 150 years, travelers have been drawn to the heating waters from more than 100 natural hot springs since the Middle Ages.In fact, visitors who may want to save the baths for the end of a day of sightseeing, start off instead by riding the electric mountain railway to the top of Castle Hill. The 19th century Royal Palace was damaged by fire during World War Ⅱ but rebuilt and now houses art collections are historic artifacts(人工制品).

  The cobblestone(鹅卵石) streets and squares in the “Bourgeois district” are lined with attracting houses. Some date back to the 18th century and include remnants(残余) of medieval (belonging to the Middle Ages) walls and foundations.

  At the banks of the Danube is the city's first river crossing, the Chain Bridge.

  Originally opened in 1849, the bridge was a wonder of its day, a narrow roadway flanked(位于……侧面的) by footpaths all dangling(悬挂)from heavy metal chains.

  Destroyed by the Nazis as they retreated(撤退)from the advancing Red Army, the bridge was rebuilt after the war. Yet, it retains(保持) its fairy tale quality, especially when hundreds of lights twinkle at night.

  65.The underlined expression “a split personality” means ________.

  A.Budapest is a city of a mix of west and east

  B.Budapest is a city famous for its natural hot springs

  C.Budapest is an ancient city with a lot of historic artifacts

  D.Budapest is a city once ruled by the Nazis

  66.The numerous public baths ________.

  A.were all made up of more than 100 natural hot springs

  B.were built by the Ottoman Turks

  C.are the attractions most welcomed by the visitors

  D.are the last places for visitors to visit

  67.It's implied that ________.

  A.visitors would like to start their trip with a comfortable bath

  B.visitors usually end their trip by riding the electric mountain railway to the foot of the mountain

  C.visitors would prefer to end a day of sightseeing by taking a hot spring bath

  D.the 19th century Royal Palace remains the same as it used to be

  68. Which of the following can be best title of the passage?

  A.The Past and the Present of Budapest

  B.The Building Feature of Budapest

  C.The Combination of the East and the West

  D.A Guide to the Tour of Budapest


  Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)

  A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel .They could all travel together.

  Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.

  Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.

  69. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.

  A. a motor car B. a motor home C. a motorbike D. a big truck

  70. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.

  A. sold their old house B. moved to their grandparents’ house

  C. built a new place for a vanD. sold their second car

  71. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.

  A. a babyB. much moneyC. more than two childrenD. interest in vans

  72. Americans usually use motor home____________.

  A. to travel with all the family members of holiday

  B. to do some shopping with all the family members

  C. to visit their grandparents at weekends

  D. to drive their children to school every day

  73. Motor homes have become popular because___________.

  A. they can take people to another city when people are free

  B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays

  C. some people think motor homes are cheap

  D. big families can put more things in motor homes  


  There are always times when your children get bored with studying. There are also moments when you are looking for something educational (教育的), yet funny and easy to do with your family. With few things and even less preparation, you can easily entertain (娱乐) and educate your children.

    Do you read any magazines with pictures? Keep them. They can make a funny family game.   

  Sit with your children and look at the pictures. You can cut out interesting pictures and ask your children to lay (放置) them out. Use as many pictures or words as possible. For example, if it is a picture of a book, cut it out. Even if it is an action, such as washing clothes, cut it out. Try to get as many different pictures as possible.   

  In this game, you are going to use the pictures to let your children make up their own stories. Then take any kind of table, even the kitchen table, and let your children lay out the pictures any way they wish. They don’t need to use all of them, just as many as they want.     

  After they have laid out the pictures, have them tell a story. If some pictures don’t match their stories, don’t use them. If they find a different picture to put another part to their story, let them do it. The more pictures you have, the more creativity (创造力) will come from your children.

  74. What’s the passage mainly about?      A. How to educate children to look at pictures at home.

  B. How to entertain your children by collecting pictures.

  C. How to educate children in an interesting and easy way at home.   

  D. How to tell stories for your children at home.

  75. If parents want to play this game with their children, they have to ______.

  A. collect magazines with pictures

  B. prepare a lot of things for the game

  C. tell as many stories as possible

  D. lay out the pictures for their children

  76. After the pictures are cut out, children should ______.   

  A. ask their parents questions

  B. make up the story

  C. lay out the pictures

  D. change the pictures

  77. When children play this game with their parents, they should ______.

  A. cut pictures out of magazines or books

  B. read books, magazines or wash clothes

  C. make up stories about the pictures

  D. make up stories with the help of their parents



  第一节: 单词拼写(10分)


  The boy s_____________ terribly from a high fever in the summer.


  After a heart operation, he began to r_______________.

  3. Today a large number of Chinese can speak English f_______________.

  4. He has two sisters. The former is a lawyer and the l___________is a doctor.

  5. I r____________ him in the crowd because of his strange hair style.

  6.. Her partner made a suggestion but she i___________ it .

  7 . He r_______ the boy write the text three times.

  8 .F____________ traveling enriches his knowledge and open his eyes.

  9 . The president of the U.S.A made an o________ visit to China in March.

  10 .He is surprised to see that our hometown develops so r_________.


  下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在下面加上该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Peter,

  I was so pleased to accept your letter and knew that you would pay visit to Beijing on September. I would like to meet you at the airport on your arrive and show you around during your visiting. Beijing is a wonderful city with a history more than 2000 years. There are a lot of place of interest for visitors. A week is not enough to tour in Beijing, I would say. As you have only three days in Beijing, I suggest that you visited

  the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace on the first day, climb the Great Wall on the second day and on the last day, go to Tian An Men Square but do some shopping in the downtown.

  Looking forward to meet you in Beijing.

  Sincere yours,

  Li Hua 第三节 书面表达(满分25分) 为了了解目前我高中阶段师生关系的现状,宁海在线 网站互动专区推出“高中师生关系大家谈”英文栏目。假如你叫李芳,一名高一的学生,想给该栏目发帖。内容包括以下要点:1.你校师生关系和睦;2.你与老师的关系如何(如常向老师请教,互相交流等);3.师生关系如何建立提出自己的看法。

  注意:1.   可根据要求加以必要发挥,但不要逐字翻译;2.   词数100左右。知恩中学第一次性考试第一部分 听力 (共二节,满分30分;每题1.5分)


  6-10 ABCAC

  11-15 BACAB

  16-20 BCACB

  第二部分 英语知识运用 (共二节,满分39分)

  单项选择 ( 19分,每题1分)


  26-30 BCCDC

  31-35 AAADA

  36-39 DBAC

  第二节 完形填空 (20分,每题1分)

  40-44 CDCAD

  45-49 CBBAD

  50-54 BDCCA

  55-59 BCADA


  第一节 阅读理解 ( 30分,每题2分)

  60-64 ADCDB




  第四部分 写作(共三节,满分45分)



  2. recover

  3. fluently







  9. official

  10. rapidly




  I was so pleased to accept your letter and knew that you would pay

  /visit to Beijing on



  in September. I would like to meet you at the airport on your arrive and show you around during


  arrival / arriving visiting. Beijing is a wonderful city with a history / more than 2000 years. There are a lot of place


  places interest for visitors. A week is not enough to tour in Beijing, I would say. As you have only three days in Beijing, I suggest that you


  the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace on the first day,


  climb the Great Wall on the second day but on the last day, go to Tian An Men Square and do some shopping in the downtown.


  Looking forward to meet you in Beijing.


  Sincere yours,


  Li Hua

  第三节 书面表达(25分)


  speaking , the teachers and students are in good relationship in which we respect each other in our school. As for me, I’m quite willing to share my thoughts with my teachers. Whenever I have any difficulty, I’d like to turn to my teachers , and they always show love and concern for me and give me strong support and good advice.

  In my opinion , teachers and students should enjoy an equal relationship. To build a relationship of this kind, teachers should become friends of students while students ought to place more trust in their teachers. Thus we could exchange ideas freely and both teachers and students would benefit from such a warm relationship.


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