高分靓句 例句:生活在一个节奏越来越快的世界,我们面临更大的竞争。 Living in an ever increasingly fast-paced world,we are facing greater compe- tition. 仿写:100多名学生报名参加了这次比赛,得分最高的人将会成为获胜 者。 答案 More than 100 students have entered for the competition and who- ever gains the most points will be the winner. 3 advantage Li Ning’s designs were attractive,and they had a major advantage over their better-known rivals—they were cheaper.李宁运动服的设计很吸引人, 而且它们比更出名的竞争对手有一个重要优势——它们更便宜。(教材 原句P42) 考点释义 Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Western philosophy.(2017 辽宁 阅读理解 C) 一些社会学家建议西方人应该利用一下中国古代的智慧来弥补一下西 方哲学的缺点。 How could he turn the situation to his advantage? 他如何才能把局面扭转 以对自己有利呢? 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)As he already knew French,he gained advantage over rest of the class. (2)You should this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them. 你应该利用这次机会,努力给他们留下一个好印象。 答案 (1)an;the 句意:由于他已经会法语了,所以他就比班上其余的 学生有了优势。 (2)take advantage of/make use of 完成句子: 4 guarantee Success for Li Ning was guaranteed,and it came quickly.李宁的成功是注定 的,而且来得还很快。 (教材原句P42) 考点释义 Consistent,hard work won’t guarantee you the level of success you may want.(2017 广东 阅读理解 B) 始终如一的艰苦工作并不会确保你能达到你想要的那种成功的程度。 Principal Wen demanded school bus safety(should)be guaranteed. 温校长要求一定要确保校车安全。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)Working hard is not only a guarantee of great success,but it is among the essential requirements.
(2)The train will arrive at 7:30,but we can’t guarantee the punctual arrival in such foggy weather. (3)Hard work is no guarantee of an excellent school record.You have to adopt a flexible approach to your learning. 答案 (1)努力工作不仅是取得巨大成功的保证,也是最基本的要求之 一。 (2)火车将于7:30到达,但是在这样的雾天里我们不能保证能准时到达。 (3)努力学习并不能保证你学习成绩优异,你得采取灵活的学习方法。 5 score Yao Ming scored before the first minute had passed.在第一分钟过去之前 姚明得分。 (教材原句P44) 考点释义 Both choices scored high in the poll,suggesting that our values and how we express them are closely linked.(2017 陕西 阅读理解 A) 在这项民意测验中两种选择都得分很高,这表明我们的价值观和我们如 何表达它们是紧密相关的。 You’d better add up your scores and see if you have passed the exam.你最 好把你的分数加起来,看看是否你已通过考试。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he would have (进球). (2)Though it was explained (许多)times,Mary still couldn’t
understand how to use the model verb “shall” in a proper way. (3)Having been well prepared,Tom (得满分)in the maths ex- am. 答案 (1)scored a goal 句意:在踢球前他犹豫了一下,否则的话他就会 进一个球了。 (2)scores of 句意:尽管已经讲解了很多次,玛丽仍然不明白情态动词 shall的准确用法。 (3)scored full marks 句意:由于做了充分准备,汤姆在数学考试中得了满 分。 6 declare The Americans protested and in the end the American runner was declared the winner.美国人提出抗议,最后美国选手被宣布为胜利者。 (教材原句 P49) 考点释义 I stand on the shoulders of my ancestors’ tragedies and declare victory,and know that they are cheering me on. 我站在我祖先们的悲剧的肩膀上宣布我胜利了,我知道他们是在鼓励我 勇往直前。 At this point,no one had called to claim the dog,so Ann decided to keep it.(2 014 山东 阅读理解 A) 到这个时候还没有人打电话认领这条小狗,于是Ann决定收留它。 发散思维 活学巧用 用declare,announce,claim的适当形式填空: (1)What has not yet been is where the English contest will be held.I guess it may be held in the hall. (2)Much as he he has a good taste for China’s Football Matches,he can’t avoid being influenced by the side effects of the football gambling. (3)It was July 24th when he arrived in London,where the 30th Olympic Games would be open 3 days later. (4)Believing his solid evidence,the judge him innocent in court and released immediately afterwards. 答案 (1)announced 句意:至今还没有通知的事就是英语竞赛将在哪 儿举办,我猜可能要在大厅举行。 (2)claims 句意:尽管他说自己非常喜欢中国足球联赛,但他还是免不了 受到赌球的负面影响。 (3)declared 句意:他于7月24日到达伦敦,三天后第30届奥运会将在这儿 宣布开幕。 (4)declared 句意:法官相信证据确凿,在法庭上宣布他无罪,立即释放。 7 on the increase The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase...有 钱消费的年轻人的数量越来越多…… (教材原句P42) 发散思维 I was on duty yesterday so I got to the classroom earlier than usual. 昨天我值日,所以我比往常早到了教室。 He is in charge of the office when I am on leave. 在我休假的时候,由他来负责办公室的工作。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The technical cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two coun- tries are on . (2)The new iPhone goes on on Friday with a bigger screen and 4G wireless technology. (3)Both the parents are away on .Who do you advise to attend the child at home?
(4)Some of his paintings are on in the local art gallery. 答案 (1)the increase 句意:两国之间的技术合作和文化交流正在增 加。 (2)sale 句意:周五具有更大屏幕和4G无线技术的新iPhone将上市销 售。 (3)business/leave 句意:爸妈都出差/去休假了,那么你建议由谁来在家照 看孩子呢? (4)show 句意:他的一些画正在当地的一些艺术馆展出。 8 rise to one’s feet As the leader comes into the stadium to run the last few metres of the 42- kilometre race,the crowd rises to its feet to shout and cheer.当跑在最前面 的选手进入体育场跑完这42千米比赛的最后路程时,观众都站起来欢呼 鼓掌。 (教材原句P49) 考点释义 The moment he heard his name called,he rose to his feet. 一听到叫他的名字,他就站了起来。 She swore that she would never set foot in his house again. 她发誓再也不踏进他家半步。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)After graduation from college,I tried to (靠自己)and no longer turn to my parents. (2)Beaten down on the ground,he (挣扎站起 来)and held up his head,glaring at his enemy. (3)I saw two boys (站起来)at the same time to answer the question. 答案 (1)stand on my own feet 句意:大学毕业后我努力靠自己不再求 助于父母了。 (2)struggled to his feet 句意:在被对手打倒后他挣扎着站了起来,抬起 头,怒视着对手。 (3)rising to their feet 句意:我看见两个男孩同时站了起来回答这个问题。 9 the chances are If you go into a school or university anywhere,the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.如果你走进任何一个 地方的中学或大学校园,你很可能看见穿着带有那熟悉标志的李宁牌运 动装的学生们。 (教材原句P42) 考点释义 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The player is under good treatment and (很 可能)he will recover from his injury in time for the next game. (2)I’d like to (冒险)even if I will be in danger.
(3)You never know where happiness will turn up,so (抓住每个机会)around you. (4)Although we have only met (意外),I can see you are a very remarkable girl with a clear purpose in life. 答案 (1)the chances are that 句意:这位运动员正在接受良好的治疗, 他很可能从伤病中恢复过来参加下一次比赛。 (2)take a chance 句意:即使我会遇到危险,我也想去冒险。 (3)seize/grasp every chance 句意:你永远不会知道幸福会出现在哪儿,所 以要抓住你身边的每一个机会。 (4)by chance 句意:虽然我们萍水相逢,可是我觉得你是个了不起的有志气的姑娘。 高分靓句 例句:即使你吃得很饱,天晚了的时候你也很可能想伸手拿东西吃。 Even if you have had a big dinner,chances are that you will still want to reach for food when it gets late. 仿写:如果你在申请这份工作方面努力的话,你很有可能被录用。 答案 If you make an effort in applying for the job,the chances are that
you will be employed. 10 So what? So what?那又怎么样? (教材原句P48) 考点释义 发散思维 —We are going to hold a sports meeting tomorrow. ——我们明天要举办一场运动会。 —What if it rains? ——如果下雨的话怎么办呢? —Tom,your room is in a mess. —So what?I am not particular about where I live. ——汤姆,你的房间太乱了。 ——那又怎么样?我不讲究住在哪儿。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)—She might complain to your manager about you. — ? I know I am in the right. (2)—Tom,you lazy bone! You left the dishes unwashed again! — ? Mom isn’t at home and she can’t hear you. (3)—I’ll go to Brazil next month. — ? (4)— a simple meal like this costs so much? —We have included in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now. (5)The result is not very important to us,but if we do win,then so much . 答案 (1)So what 句意:——她可能会向你的经理投诉你的。——那 又怎么样呢?我知道我是对的。 (2)So what 句意:——汤姆,你这个懒骨头!你又没有洗碗!——那又怎 样?妈妈不在,她听不到你的话。 (3)What for 句意:——下个月我要去巴西。——去干什么呀? (4)How come 句意:——像这样简单的一顿饭怎么会花这么多钱呢?— —我们把你刚才打破的那个杯子的费用也算在你的账单里了。 (5)the better 句意:结果对我们来说不很重要,但是如果能赢的话就更好 了。 被动语态 1.Every possible means (use)to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear. 2.“It isn’t the first time I (spoil)at home,” he said frankly. 3.—Do you know if he has recovered from the illness? —Recovered? I am afraid that he (cure)now in the hospital. 4.There are lots of problems in your hometown,but we’re happy to see many of them (solve). 5.Had I known about this computer program,a huge amount of time and en- ergy (save). 6.Mo Yan grew up listening to folk tales that (tell)for centuries in his hometown. 单元语法答案 1.has been used 句意:已经尝试了用各种可能的办法来防止空气污染, 但是天空仍然不晴朗。 2.have been spoiled 句意:他坦白地说:“这已经不是我在家里第一次受 溺爱了”。 3.is being cured 句意:——你知道他是否已从病中康复啦?——康复?恐 怕现在他正在医院接受治疗呢。 4.are being solved 句意:你们家乡有很多难题,但是我们很高兴看到很 多问题正在解决之中。 5.would have been saved 句意:如果我早知道这个电脑程序的话,就会节 省大量的时间和精力了。 6.had been told 句意:莫言是听着在老家已经流传了几个世纪的民间故 事长大的。
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单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality Ⅰ.重点单词 1. vi.退休 2. n.品牌;牌子 3. v.保证,担保 4. adj.明确的;具体的;特定的 5. n.分数;v.得分 6. n.胜利 n.胜利者
单元课前检测 7. n.抗议 8. vt.声明;断言 n.声明;宣布 9. n.(露天)体育场 10. v.& n.购买;采购 11. n.口号;标语 12. adj.困难的;坚强的;棘手的
13. vi.比赛;竞赛 n.比赛;竞赛 n.竞赛者;比赛者 14. n.运动员 n.田径运动 15. n.冠军,优胜者 16. n.(政府的)部 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 正在增加 2. 比某人有优势 3. 由你自己决定 4. 投票赞成;投票选举 5. 站起身 6. 只要;如果 7. 复习;查看 8. 和……一道/一起 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.But it was this that made him succeed in his new life. 但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。 2....and they had a major their better-known rivals—they were cheaper. ……而且它们比更有名的竞争对手有一个重要优势——它们更便宜。 3.If you go into a school or university anywhere, are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. 如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,都有可能看到身穿印有那 个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。 1.Having (retire)from his business,he now occupies himself with the welfare of the disabled. 2.Tickets may be (purchase)in advance from the ticket office. 3.Peter is one of the famous software (designer)in the company. 4.No matter how frequently (perform),the works of Beethoven are still popular. 5.One of the (advantage)of this method is that it saves a lot of fuel. 6.The country had no other choice but (declare)war on their enemy. 7.Use a (tough)table cloth;this one tears too easily. 8.Do you know when Britain (declare)war on Germany during the Second World War? 9.There are (score)of modern art styles. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.retire 2.brand 3.guarantee 4.specific 5.score 6.victory;victor 7. protest 8.declare;declaration 9.stadium 10.purchase 11.slogan 12.tough 13.compete;competition;competitor 14.athlete;ath- letics 15.champion 16.ministry Ⅱ.重点短语 1.on the increase 2.have advantages over sb. 3.up to you 4.vote for 5. rise to one’s feet 6.as/so long as 7.go over 8.together/along with
Ⅲ.重点句型 1.sense of failure;determined to 2.advantage over 3.the chances 单句填空题组答案 1.retired 句意:从自己的事业上退下来后,现在他忙于残疾人的福利事 业。 2.purchased 句意:票可以在售票处提前买到。 3.designers 句意:Peter是这个公司里出名的软件设计师之一。 4.performed 句意:贝多芬的作品无论多么频繁地被演奏,它们仍然受欢 迎。 5.advantages 句意:这种方法的一个优势就是它节省很多燃料。 6.to declare 句意:这个国家没有其他选择,不得不向他们的敌人宣战。 7.tougher 句意:用块结实的桌布,这块易破。 8.declared 句意:你知道二战期间英国是什么时候向德国宣战的吗? 9.scores 句意:现代艺术风格有好多种。 语言点用法过关 1 track
Athletes run along this—track.运动员在跑道上奔跑。 (教材原句P41) 考点释义
形象记忆 After all,spotting tigers merely confirms their beauty;tracking them can make you aware of something more.(2017 重庆 阅读理解 D) 毕竟,发现老虎只是确认了它们的美,而追踪它们会让你认识到更多的东 西。 Liu Xiang earned the respect from the whole world as he hopped down the track to the finishing line. 当刘翔单腿跳到终点线时,他赢得了全世界的尊敬。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Banks are required to send us bank statements regularly so that we can where our money is going. 我们要求银行定期给我们寄来银行对账单,以便我们了解我们的钱的动 向。 (2)What you just said is completely . 你刚才说的话彻底离题了。 (3)The police are the criminal and they hope to arrest him sooner. 警察正在追捕那个罪犯,他们希望尽快逮捕他。 答案 (1)keep track of (2)off the track (3)tracking down 2 compete He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear,competing with global gi- ants like Nike and Adidas.他决定推出一个新牌子的运动衫,与像耐克、 阿迪达斯这样的世界品牌竞争。 (教材原句P42) 考点释义 Kite-fighting competitions are also held,in which competitors use their kites to attack and bring down their opponents’ kites or cut their strings.(2017 安徽 阅读理解 D) 我们还举行风筝争斗比赛,在比赛中参赛选手用他们的风筝去攻击对手, 把对手的风筝击落或者弄断对手的风筝线。 发散思维 活学巧用 用合适的介词填空: (1)It’s difficult for a small grocery store to compete a supermarket. (2)Firms from all over the country may compete the contract. (3)Athletes from many countries competed the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 答案 (1)with/against 句意:一家小零售店很难与超市竞争。 (2)for 句意:全国各地的公司都有可能为这项合同而竞争。 (3)in 句意:来自很多国家的运动员参加了2008年北京奥运会。
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