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发布时间:2017-04-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.When I went to watch the 16th Asian Games last month,I was greatly touched by the fact that ______people from all walks of life are working hard for ______ new Guang Zhou.






  2.The tsunami caused by the strong earthquake in Japan in 2011 and the damage______did to the people are far more than imagined.





  解析:考查代词。本句主语是两个并列的名词tsunami和damage;______did to the people是the damage的定语从句。定语从句缺少主语,从意义上看定语从句的主语应为“海啸”,故用it代替。定语从句省略了在从句中作did的宾语的关系代词which或that。句意:2011年日本的大地震引起的海啸以及海啸给人们带来的损失远远超出了我们的想象。


  3.If it had been possible,I would have saved the drowning boy yesterday,but I______.

  A.can’t swim

  B.couldn’t swim

  C.didn’t swim

  D.wasn’t swim

  解析:前面是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,but引导的从句表示的是真实情况,“我不会游泳”是目前的事实,因此用can’t swim。句意:如果可能的话,昨天我就救那个溺水的小男孩了,但是我不会游泳。


  4.______Mid­autumn Day,rather than______in the room,I preferred______to see the moon in the blue sky.

  A.Having been;stay;go out

  B.Being;to stay;to go out

  C.It being;stay;to go out

  D.It was;to stay;go out

  解析:考查独立主格和固定搭配。It being Mid­autumn Day是独立主格结构,相当于Because it was Mid­autumn Day作原因状语;后两空考查prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.结构。另外,此处独立主格结构中的it作逻辑主语不可以省略。句意:由于是中秋节,与其待在房间内不如出去看蓝天上的月亮。


  5.Is this the computer you wish to ______?

  A.have it repaired

  B.repair it

  C.have repaired it

  D.have repaired

  解析:have sth.done表示“找人干某事”,结构中的宾语和主语都不是动作的发出者。you wish to have repaired是省略了that的定语从句,修饰先行词computer,其中that作了have的宾语。句意:这就是你想找人修的那台计算机吗?


  6.Jack was so talky as to have told them ______ we had planned to do privately the next week.

  A.what that

  B.that all

  C.all which

  D.all what

  解析:all作them 的同位语“他们都”,what引导的从句作told的直接宾语从句。


  9.Hardly ______ when the flood peak arrived.

  A.they had left their village

  B.they left their village

  C.did they leave their village

  D.had they left their village

  解析:否定副词hardly放于句首构成倒装句。Hardly+had+主语+done when...did...是固定的句式。句意:他们刚离开他们的村庄,洪峰就来到了。


  10.I am studying in ______ university ______ my father once studied.

  A.the same;that

  B.the same;where

  C.the same;as

  D.as the same;as

  解析:university是先行词,后面部分是定语从句,因为定语从句中不缺少主语或宾语,因此用where而不用as。此题是陷阱题,易被错看成the same...as结构而错选C项。


  11.______,I believe,and you will find Tom is very outgoing.

  A.Having a talk with the student

  B.One talk with the student

  C.Given a talk with the student

  D.If you have a talk with the student



  12.—What do you think caused the traffic accident?

  —It was probably the car driver’s speeding.The witness said that the car______at more than 80 kmph when it crashed.


  B.was going

  C.would go

  D.had gone



  13.The boy spent a whole day ______ in his own room to escape being punished by his parents.


  B.to lock


  D.being locked

  解析:考查非谓语动词。动词lock与主语the boy之间是被动关系,因此选用过去分词表示被锁着的状态。


  14.As time went by,Heliocentric Theory Nicolaus Copernicus had stuck ______ correct.

  A.to proving


  C.to proved

  D.to be proved

  解析:stick to 是固定搭配“坚持”,Nicolaus Copernicus had stuck to是省略了that或which的定语从句,修饰Heliocentric Theory,proved作主句的谓语动词。


  15.Tens of people ______in the Zhouqu mudrock flow by now.

  A.are still missing

  B.were still missing

  C.are still missed

  D.have still missed

  解析:missing表示“失踪,丢失”,are still missing表示直到现在存在的状态;missed表示“错过”。此题不要受by now干扰而错选D项。




  Do you know it takes 110 gallons of water to grow one pound of corn?Watering your garden from a hose(水管)can use 3 to 10 gallons of water per minute.If you’re planning to start a garden or green lawn(草坪),you could easily end up increasing your water bill and water consumption.Rain barrels(圆桶)are a great choice to help you save money.

  In addition to catching rain water that would otherwise go to waste,rain barrels reduce water run off that carries pollution to our lakes and streams;it controls the level of humidity around the foundation of houses and reduces water bills.The water collected by rain barrels is not good for human consumption,but it can be used to water plants,fill pools and wash your cars and gardening tools.It can be also used for bird bath and fountains.

  Rain barrels can be found at most home improvement stores;some come ready­made and some require assembly (组装).You can also make your own with ease using the guides or directions found on do­it­yourself sites such as tylertork.com and diyrainbarrels.com.

  Mosquitoes may use your rain barrel as a breeding(繁殖)ground.To deter it,cover the top of your rain barrel with a screen and seal all other openings.If you plan to use your rain barrel for lawn and garden uses,it’s a good idea to include a tap at the bottom of the barrel for hose connection.

  Rain barrels are a more environmentally­friendly way to maintain your lawn and gardens.They can potentially save you money on your water bill.An investment in rain barrels is a“drop in the bucket”compared to the money you can save with time,not to mention the part you’ll play in ensuring a clean water supply for future generations.


  1.The author lists the figures in Para.1 in order to______.

  A.advise us to think again before we start a garden

  B.provide the reason for the necessity of rain barrels

  C.show the importance of water to crops and gardens

  D.show off his knowledge about farming and gardening

  4.Which is the best title for this passage?

  A.Reduce your water bill with a rain barrel.

  B.Try to save more water for future generations.

  C.How to maintain a garden of your own economically.

  D.Rain barrels for good environments—do it yourself!




  The olive is one of the oldest planted crops known to man and is still widely grown in the Mediterranean.An olive tree can have a life of 500 years and is strong enough to continue to grow if ever chopped to the ground.It takes up four years before the olive tree is ripe enough to bear fruit.

  Olive trees originated in the Mediterranean region where there is the perfect climate for the olive tree planting.It is characterized by abundant sunshine year­round and hot,dry summers with an average temperature of 80°F.In winter,it rarely drops below 50°F.Olive trees were first planted by humans around 4000 BC in an area known as the Fertile Crescent.Before the areas became desert,countries such as modern­day Turkey and Iraq had a lush environment with soil that plants grow well.Archaeological findings suggest that farming began in the Fertile Crescent before 7000 BC.Instead of living as hunter­gatherers,these early humans settled down and harvested native plants.They selected olive trees that produced larger and oilier olives than the wild trees.

  Olives and olive oil became valuable trade items between societies and civilizations.People who moved from one place to another and traders from the Fertile Crescent introduced olive oil to Syria and Crete,which spread to Egypt,Greece,and Rome.It continued to migrate westward until olive trees were first introduced to California between 1769 and 1785.

  The olive tree and olive oil have important symbolism in each religion.In Christianity,a dove(鸽子)brought an olive branch to Noah as a symbol of peace and new life after God flooded the Earth.The Prophet Muhammad suggested the use of olive oil for medicinal(药用的)purposes and massage(按摩).

  Olive oil has medicinal benefits.Olive oil has been used for health benefits.Regular eating olive oil can reduce the risk of cancers. It was used during the Spanish Civil War from 1808 to 1813 to treat cases of fever.In 1960,oleuropein(橄榄多酚)was removed from olive leaves,which helps with food poisoning.


  5.If an olive tree is chopped to the ground,______.

  A.it can’t grow any more

  B.it can produce more new ones

  C.there is no doubt that it will die

  D.it is able to grow back strongly

  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段An olive tree can have a life of 500 years and is strong enough to continue to grow if ever chopped to the ground可知,橄榄树能活500年,而且很顽强。即使被砍,只留下根部,也会活过来。


  6.What does the underlined word“lush”in Para.2 probably mean?

  A.Of bad climate.

  B.Changeable or unstable.

  C.Extremely disadvantaged.

  D.Growing thickly and strongly.

  解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段Before the areas became desert及with soil that plants grow well可知,土壤沙漠化之前,那儿有肥沃的土壤环境。由此可猜出lush意为“茂盛的”。



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