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发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1. opinion

  A. ocean

  B. possible

  C. purpose

  D. stomach

  2. break

  A. reality

  B. really

  C. greatly

  D. bread

  3. desire

  A. disadvantage

  B. suspect

  C. pleasure

  D. surprise

  4. warmth

  A. worthy

  B. smooth

  C. together

  D. theft

  5. washed

  A. offended

  B. jumped

  C. adopted

  D. called



  6. Here comes


  he was killed in a traffic accident.

  A. a; that

  B. x; that

  C. a; which

  D. x; which

  7. She did it

  it took me.

  A. one - third the time

  B. the one - third time

  C. one - third a time

  D. a one - third time

  8. Because I have a very important meeting to attend, I can' t come to see you this evening,

  I'd like to.

  A. much as

  B. much so

  C. as much

  D. so much

  9. The task required

  did it

  careful and brave enough.

  A. who; is

  B. whom; was

  C. whomever; were

  D. whoever; be

  10.--Will it be a long time

  I come for the pictures?

  --No. It

  be ready by 3:00.

  A. that; can

  B. since; will

  C. before; should

  D. until; must

  11. I just don' t understand

  that leads to so many teenagers becoming addicted to playing computer games.

  A. why it does

  B. what it does

  C. what it is

  D. why it is

  12. Chemical processes

  in the treatment of materials for clothes

  the environment badly in some countries nowadays.

  A. involve; damaging

  B. involved; damaged

  C. involving; damage

  D. involved; damage

  13. --Where did you watch the national flag being raised at 08:08 on August 8?

  --It was on the square

  I made a visit the other day.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. to which

  D. to where

  14. Hearing that most of the members voted against her, she

  a smile.

  A. wore

  B. managed

  C. performed

  D. controlled

  15. Cars do cause us some healthy problems--in fact far more serious

  that mobile phones do.

  A. one

  B. ones

  C. it

  D. those

  16.桵rs. George looks elegant and attractive tonight.

  桾he dark dress

  her hidden beauty.

  A. gives out

  B. takes out

  C. lets out

  D. bring out

  17. Itbe’s reported that the satellite’s task is to fly closer to the moon to get clearer

  of it.

  A. description

  B. images

  C. detail

  D. data


  production up by 50% ,the factory has another wonderful year.

  A. As

  B. For

  C. With

  D. Through

  19. I used to smoke

  but I gave it up three years ago.

  A. seriously

  B. heavily

  C. badly

  D. severely

  20.--Can you spare me a few minutes now.7


  , but I'll be free this afternoon.

  A. No, I won' t

  B. Yes, with pleasure

  C. I' m not sure

  D. I' m afraid not




  Not long ago, I had a hard week at work.


  just kept popping up


  everywhere and I was struggling to keep from


  my cool.

  I felt like I was at the



  One day, I made a trip across town to the store. After I


  , I realized I had left my purse with credit cards at home.


  , I had a small amount of cash in my pocket, so I

  26 it, my coupons (优惠券) and went inside. The store was really

  27 , but I just found what I needed, waiting for the cashier (收银员) to check out my


  . I waited and waited, meanwhile my anger grew. I had a bad day and all I wanted to do was go home, but I was


  in the line.

  Finally, I got to the front, but the cashier didn't


  my coupons.

  I was upset because I had used


  coupons there before.

  It didn't



  I would just pay in cash.

  Then the Cashier said it was 10 dollars. SHOCK! I was a little


  . Now I was mad at myself for forgetting my purse and only taking a small amount of cash. Without a credit card or anything else, I


  my things and started to go back out to my car, wondering to myself why everything had


  for me.

  Just as I was headed out, an employee


  me and said a lady in the


  had paid the difference for me and left.


  the amount she paid was small, the act was huge.

  A stranger, whom I had never met, completely changed my attitude with her


  . Maybe next time I see someone having a


  day, I'll do the same as her. After all, you never know whose day you might change.

  21. A. Problems

  B. Chances

  C. Stories

  D. Suggestions

  22. A. enjoying

  B. gaining

  C. losing

  D. continuing

  23. A. growing

  B. boiling

  C. turning

  D. beginning

  24. A. adjusted

  B. practiced

  C. returned

  D. parked

  25. A. Finally

  B. Thankfully

  C. Generally

  D. Gradually

  26. A. opened

  B. closed

  C. grabbed

  D. found

  27. A. quiet

  B. big

  C. clean

  D. busy

  28. A. purses

  B. goods

  C. cards

  D. pockets

  29. A. stuck

  B. served

  C. followed

  D. defeated

  30. A. pay

  B. use

  C. accept

  D. fill

  31. A. extra

  B. different

  C. ordinary

  D. similar

  32. A. disappoint

  B. change

  C. move

  D. surprise

  33. A. foolish

  B. short

  C. proud

  D. curious

  34. A. made

  B. did

  C. collected

  D. left

  35. A. ended

  B. failed

  C. passed

  D. disappeared

  36. A. stopped

  B. recognized

  C. saw

  D. helped

  37. A. room

  B. comer

  C. line

  D. company

  38. A. Unless

  B. Once

  C. Although

  D. Since

  39. A. intelligence

  B. humor

  C. smile

  D. generosity

  40. A. tough

  B. lonely

  C. lucky

  D. simple




  High school graduation -- the bittersweet feelings are as much a part of me now as they were twenty-one years ago.

  As graduation day came near, excitement increased. Being out of high school meant I finally grew up. Soon I would be on my own, making my own decisions, doing what I was interested in without someone looking over my shoulder (惴惴不安).

  There was never any question in my mind that I would go to college. But which college I would attend seemed like a never-ending list of unknowns: What would college be like?

  Would I make friends easily? Would I miss my family so much that I wouldn't be able to stand it? What if the college I selected turned out to be a terrible mistake?

  Then panic set in.

  My feelings took a 180-degree mm. I really didn't want to leave high school at all. It had been nice being respected as a Senior by the underclass students for the past year; I didn't enjoy the idea of being on the bottom of the ladder again.

  Despite months of expectation, nothing Could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. As the familiar tune of "Pomp and Circumstance" echoed (回响) in the background, tears welled up uncontrollably in my eyes, and I was consumed by a rush of sadness. I rose from my seat when I heard my name called and slowly crossed the stage to receive my diploma. As I reached out my hand, I knew that I was reaching not just for a piece of paper but for a new life. Exciting as the future of a new life seemed, it wasn't easy to say goodbye to the old one -- the familiar faces, the' familiar routine. I would even miss that chemistry class I wasn't particularly fond of.

  That September, I was lucky to attend a wonderful university. I needn't have worried about liking it. My years there turned out to be some of the best years of my life. And as for friends, some of the friendships I formed there I still value today.

  41. The author writes the passage mainly to tell us


  A. his high school life

  B. his university life

  C. his bittersweet memories

  D. his graduation ceremony

  42. The author felt excited about graduation because


  A. he could go to college

  B. he could be independent

  C. he was tired of high school life

  D. he won a scholarship to university

  43. The underlined word "one" (in Paragraph 5) most probably refers to


  A. school

  B. diploma

  C. class

  D. life

  44. We know from the last paragraph that at university the author


  A. got on quite well

  B. made few friends

  C. majored in chemistry

  D. missed his family much


  In some urban centers, workaholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual. They accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C, for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don't do this because they have to; they do it because they want to.

  Workaholicm can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics would rather work than do anything else, they probably don't know how to relax.

  Is workaholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work well under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment keep them busy and creative.

  Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several advantages to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers more than financial security. It provides people with self confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction when they're finishing a challenging piece of work and are able to say, “I made that.” Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity through participation in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. In addition, most jobs provide people with a socially acceptable way to meet others. Perhaps some people are compulsive about their work, but their addiction seems to be a safe--even an advantageous-one.

  45. The passage indicates that workaholics


  A. just know work but nothing else

  B. are willing to work hard for long hours without pay

  C. find their work provide them more satisfaction and self confidence than how much they

  are paid

  D. has the work with more responsibility than others

  46. One of the reasons that some people are not willing to quit their jobs even in their eighties and nineties is that


  A. they are in the need of financial security

  B. they would rather work than be disturbed by domestic affairs

  C. they long for a sense of identity and being accomplished

  D. they may have health problems from sheer boredom

  47. This passage is mainly about


  A. workaholics are usually successful people, but their lives are in a mess

  B. workaholism can lead to serious problems but it can also create a joyful life

  C. people who are absorbed in their work may enjoy movies, sports and other kinds of


  D. those who work even under difficult conditions may be very happy

  48. It can be inferred from the passage that

  A. in the eyes of all the common people workaholics are peculiar

  B. to workaholics, work is the sole source of happiness

  C. a piece of challenging work may provide the workaholics a sense of satisfaction

  D. workaholics are as addicted to their job as other people are to drugs or alcohol


  WASHINGTON--More people than ever are driving under the influence of their cell phones, according to a survey published Tuesday by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

  The survey showed 8 percent of drivers, or 1.2 million people, were using hand-held or hands-free cell phones, during daylight hours last year, a 50 percent increase since 2002 and a 100 percent rise in four years.

  All that talking is a potential safety problem, said NHTSA spokesman Pale Tyson. "While we don' t have hard proof that there' s been an increase in the number of accidents, we know that talking on the phone can affect drivers' performance," he said.

  The District of Columbia and New Hampshire no longer allow talking on hand-held cell phones while driving, according to the Governors of the Highway Safety Association.

  Some communities, such as Brookline, Mass, and Santa Fe, require handsfree cell phones, but about a half-dozen states prevent local governments from limiting cell phones use in cars. Young drivers, between 16 and 24, increased their talking on cell phones by 60 percent between 2002 and 2004.

  The National Transportation Safety Board said it wants all 50 states to ban those with learners' permits from using cell phones or other wireless devices while driving. New Jersey and Maine are the only two states that have passed such laws.

  The survey was carried out between June 7 and July 11, 2005, at 1, 200 road sites across the country and, in some cases, done by telephone.

  49. Which of the following shows the right number of drivers who use cell phones while driving?

  50. The underlined word" potential" in Paragraph 3 probably means


  A. serious

  B. possible

  C. common

  D. obvious

  51. It can be inferred that


  A. there isn't hard proof that using cell phones while driving will cause more accidents

  B. some districts will no longer allow drivers to talk on hand-held cell phones

  C. people hold different opinions as to whether cell phones use in cars should be limited

  D. only two states have passed laws to ban drivers using cell phones while driving

  52. The main purpose of this text is to


  A. encourage drivers to use handsfree cell phones

  B. inform people about cell phones use while driving

  C. state some information about cell phones

  D. tell people about the driving laws


  Throughout our childhood our parents taught us to say "thank you" and it has become a habit -- something we say automatically, along with "please". And because of this we have forgotten just how important gratitude is and how essential it is in leading fuelled (感到满足的) lives.

  Just for a minute,

  think of all the things you are grateful for, such as loving friends, good health, great holidays as well as everyday items such as a comfortable home, TV, and clean water. The list, in fact, could go on and on.

  Now focus on events that have made you resentful -- it's raining, the car won't start,

  and a colleague irritates (使烦躁)you. You start to feel unhappy, and that is something that certainly does not make you feel good!

  It's a simple choice and we have the ability to choose how we feel. But for most of us, it just doesn't seem as easy as that -- isn't the world out to get us? Well, no, it isn't actually, and it's just our perception (认识) of how things are.

  Let me give you an example: it's a rainy day, and immediately most people will start to complain, telling everyone who will listen what a miserable day it is, with the result that they end up feeling miserable themselves. But look at it another way and despite wet clothes and hair, both will dry perfectly well and no lasting harm has been done. And in addition to this, because of rain, we not only live in a green and beautiful landscape, we are also able to grow a lot of fruit and vegetables.

  There really is no obvious reason for feeling miserable -- in fact there is a great deal to be grateful for. It's all to do with how we perceive things.

  Realize what a difference having gratitude can make to your life. That's why gratitude is so special --use it to feel good!

  53. What do we usually do without thinking according to the author?

  A. Focus on bad things.

  B. Prefer to feel good.

  C. Express thanks orally.

  D. Take many things for granted.

  54. By the example in the fifth paragraph, the author advises us to


  A. see things in a different way

  B. accept the unchangeable things

  C. ignore the harm bad weather does

  D. listen to others' complaints patiently

  55. By writing the passage, the author mainly wants to tell us


  A. to think twice before we act

  B. to be grateful for what we have

  C. it is no use making complaints

  D. saying "thank you" has many advantages

  56. The tone of the author in this passage is


  A. humorous

  B. disapproving

  C. persuasive

  D. ironic


  Rob Kalin learned the secret to success while he was still in his baby bed. At age one, the Boston-bom teacher's son dragged around a stuffed rabbit that had been lovingly sewn by one of his mother's students. True, one of the ears was sewn on backward, but that just added to its magic. "It was always special to me," Kalin remembers of his first handmade craft (手工艺品).

  Kalin's appreciation for the simple and the simply eccentric (古怪的) inspired him to create etsy. com, an online craft fair, probably the largest market for handmade goods in the world. Last year, 350,000 woodworkers and other craftsmen sold their one-of-a-kind crafts on the four-year-old site.

  They sell everything from hand-knit sleeves for Macbooks ($32) to myrtle-wood electric guitars ($3,200). And in an age of chain stores, it seems there's still a big market. More than three million consumers in 150 countries purchased about $87.5 million worth of crafts on Etsy last year.

  Emily Worden, founder of Elemental Threads, a custom handbag and jewelry company,

  signed up with Etsy when she started her company two years ago. She pays Etsy a 20-cent standard fee for each item she lists on the site, plus a 3.5 percent commission (回扣) on everything sold. Etsy allows her to track the number of times customers click on a particular item to view it. "We can see that our necklaces are a popularly viewed item and which colors and sizes get the most views," she says. "That is a guide to evolving our product lines."

  Today, Etsy's staff has ballooned to 70 employees, and the company reportedly earns more than $12 million a year.

  Kalin's father was a carpenter and taught him early on how to use his hands. Indeed, in high school, he put his skills to work -- developing the photos of his classmates and handcrafting a graduate ID to attend design classes.

  Eventually, he was admitted to New York University, studying classics and working as a carpenter.

  Kalin has also started sewing some of his own clothes. "I have to make something physical at least once a month," says Kalin, "or I go crazy."

  57. In the first paragraph, the author mainly wants to tell us


  A. Kalin was interested in magic as a child

  B. Kalin's mother helped him to choose his career

  C. Kalin was taught to sew funny animals as a baby

  D. Kalin's childhood influenced his

  choice of career

  58. What do we know about the crafts sold on etsy.com?

  A. They are cheap.

  B. They are unique.

  C. They are made by famous craftsmen.

  D. They are designed for young artists.

  59. By looking at the click rate of her products, Emily Worden can


  A. figure out how much she should pay Etsy

  B. know how many ladies like her items

  C. learn whether her company is well run

  D. predict what products will sell well

  60. By saying "I have to make something physical at least once a month,

  or I go crazy",

  Kalin means that


  A. he enjoys making products

  B. he ought to take exercise

  C. he should care about his mental health

  D. he wants to start a clothing company


  --Excuse me. madam. I'm looking for a place to eat. Can you tell me if there are any restaurants in the shopping center?



  What kind of food are you thinking about?

  --l'm not sure, anything but fast food.



  It's a little expensive, but the food is good.

  --Oh, sounds good. But I ate Japanese food last night. I'd rather try something new.



  --Italian sounds good, but so does Chinese. I just can't decide. Are there any American places here?



  From Texas, I think.

  --I'm sorry to be such a bother, but nothing interests me in particular.


  --Well, I'm afraid that's all we have here.

  A. Do you like Italian food?

  B. Yes, there is a very good one downstairs.

  C. Thanks, anyway.

  D. Sure, there are several.

  E. How about Italian or Chinese?

  F. I do believe I'll have a good time here.

  G. There is a nice Japanese restaurant upstairs.






  66. As China’s

  (经济) develops rapidly, natural resources are consumed at high speed.

  67. The book is

  (翻译) from Russian.

  68. I consider it

  (不可能) to believe a single word you say.

  69. A feeling of

  (羞愧) came over Philip.

  70. Though I tried many ways, I couldn’t stop


  71. All countries, big or small, should be treated


  72. France, England and Belgium are all

  (欧洲) countries.

  73. He carried out many experiments but none


  74. The tractor was loaded with a lot of live

  (鹅) and chickens.

  75. The city is not a bit

  (熟悉的) to me because this is my first visit to it.








  During the summer holiday, I think I should do something


  meaningful instead touring. So I got a job at a fast food


  restaurant and worked there as cleaner. I worked 7 hours a day


  for three weeks. The job was hard and bored and seemed endless,


  it made me so tired that I nearly stopped it halfway.


  After all, I stuck to it with' determinations. Every day I started


  off for work early in the morning and went to home late in the


  evening. Finally, I finished a job before the new school term


  began. Now, I understand that labor means. I think it is really


  a successful experience, which is worth remembering for ever.




  假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Chris给你发来e-mail,询问你校正在开展的“低碳生活”(1ow-carbon lifestyle)活动情况。请就以下几个方面的活动内容用英语写一封回信。






  Dear Chris,

  I’m happy to receive your e-mail asking about厖



  Li Hua



  1-5 CCDDB



  11-15 CDCAB

  16-20 DBCBD


  21-25 ACBDB

  26-30 CDBAC

  31-35 DABDB

  36-40 ACCDA















  66. economy


  68. impossible

  69. shame

  70. coughing

  71. equally

  72. European

  73. succeed

  74. geese

  75. familiar


  76. think改为thought

  77. instead后加of

  78. cleaner前加a

  79. bored改为boring

  80. 第一个it改为which

  81. determinations改为determination

  82. 去掉to

  83. a改为the

  84. that改为what

  85. √


  Dear Chris,

  I'm happy to receive your e-mail asking about what we are doing to promote a low-carbon lifestyle. Now let me tell you something about it.

  All of us are taking an active part in it. We choose to go to school by bike or on foot rather than by bus or car. Before we leave our classroom, we make sure the lights and the computers are switched off. We turn off the tap after we wash our hands. In order to make full use of paper, we write on both sides. Besides, while shopping, we no longer use plastic bags but carry environmentally friendly shopping bags that can be used repeatedly.

  I think what we are doing is meaningful, which can help us form good habits. I hope more people around us will choose a low -- carbon lifestyle. Only in this way will the earth remain a good place to live on.

  What about you? Looking

  forward to your reply.


  Li Hua


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